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About irfanati

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  • Birthday 04/12/1993

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  1. Hello everyone, I would like to share KANES WRATH world-builder Tutorials. Whoever interested to make a map for KANES WRATH this might be helpful. Credit goes to author who created these videos. I am sharing the links: 1.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXmchOkCGog&list=PLOeHIpoCDeGQYKt9jcNhzrAos5wgynhUa 2.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPV_1tJ6vkk&list=PLOeHIpoCDeGQYKt9jcNhzrAos5wgynhUa&index=2 3.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmDPWfaXncU&index=3&list=PLOeHIpoCDeGQYKt9jcNhzrAos5wgynhUa 4.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3p7SdDvlAs&index=4&list=PLOeHIpoCDeGQYKt9jcNhzrAos5wgynhUa 5.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrHHyxaGwkI&list=PLOeHIpoCDeGQYKt9jcNhzrAos5wgynhUa&index=5 6.https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_1331335523&feature=iv&list=PLh0aBlq_BKZWTwMN-vyZfK6RdfMNWBX6F&src_vid=SrHHyxaGwkI&v=3Q6vXkQlVqU 7.https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_2188125047&feature=iv&list=PLh0aBlq_BKZWTwMN-vyZfK6RdfMNWBX6F&src_vid=3Q6vXkQlVqU&v=0IEZYsyu6gA 8.https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3318659051&feature=iv&list=PLh0aBlq_BKZWTwMN-vyZfK6RdfMNWBX6F&src_vid=0IEZYsyu6gA&v=3Q6vXkQlVqU 9.https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3708451095&feature=iv&list=PLh0aBlq_BKZWTwMN-vyZfK6RdfMNWBX6F&src_vid=0IEZYsyu6gA&v=4N9I5xmJsgA
  2. yeah...........this is really interesting.
  3. irfanati

    C&C Rivals

    simple.this one.........does not know about FANDOM OF fans. ......He knows..........his own interest. yeah.......he has no regret.....
  4. irfanati

    C&C Rivals

    Listen this game got very rough reaction from everywhere. I just expressed my displeasure. Why i should lowering my standard? ha ha ha. Simple....Mr.GREG BLACK need to understand that very few people like this game. I do understand that its a very tough way to tell him directly.
  5. irfanati

    C&C Rivals

    So this guy came back from "BLIZZARD"..........to destroy our C&C again ? You let us down Greg Black.
  6. really really.....shame.............! EA guys really don't know how to make games ..............
  7. You are right..........the problem is EA guys DOES NOT HAVE THAT MUCH ."...............".................to make new CNC. So thats why. they are focusing on only mobile platform.
  8. irfanati

    w3x viewer

    ok so what i need to do ? I mean to see the proper colors display ?
  9. irfanati

    Forged Battalion

    yeah yeah...........we dont mind.............you can always join.
  10. Guys, i need some help on w3x viewer. I was trying see vertigo bomber in w3x viewer. Unfortunately , it does not show any color. Did i miss something ? I attatched a pic. So you guys can help me.
  11. So what happened ? you guys shut it down ?
  12. guys its no longer working. i mean i can not access.
  13. oh yeah..................thats what i am talking about.