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Posts posted by NaokiP

  1. W3D Hub went about it in such an ethically disgusting way, however. The database for BHP was literally stolen from BHP for this new website, and I advise that if anyone on this website has an account on BHP, you should reset your password.


    Apologies if this seems to be a spam post or an attack, but I feel like everyone deserves to know that their information has been compromised.


    Passwords use the exact same encryption on W3D Hub and Bluehell Productions Forums. Both sites are equally trustworthy and run on licensed IPB software. Everyone's passwords are just as safe as they were on BHP, but as a precautionary measure they have all been reset.


    The database was not stolen. It was legitimately copied by one of the owners. Only parts of the database pertaining to Apocalypse Rising and Reborn were copied. User accounts were copied to make a seamless transition and to keep all members on familiar ground. Whoever requests it can have their account removed, no questions asked.

  2. What does this mean for Bluehell Productions ad APB?


    There shouldn't be much of a change in the goings-on over at Bluehell productions and APB. Some staffers will continue to contribute to BHP, while also joining this new community to help out on projects like Tiberian Sun Reborn or Apocalypse Rising.


    APB servers will remain on the launcher, and there should be no impact on gameplay for regular players (if there is, be sure to report it so it can be fixed immediately!)


    W3D Hub's doors will always be open in case Bluehell wants to join.
