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Everything posted by dvs1

  1. I use keyboard shortcuts for a lot of things. It's possible to hit the F2 fast enough to jump from 1-5. I tap it out in about 10-12 seconds to hit 99. Try it in a skirmish to see what I mean, if you haven't already.
  2. I've played that white house mission a couple times.. or five. Never had a problem either way by needing to force fire on them. I don't have the steam version either, sooo ... The NOD campaign where you had to capture at least 1 nuke, I managed to score all 3 on Hard. I moved my team to where the outpost will set up, moved the stealth tanks to blow the tiberium column, sent the the engineers down near the lower base, took the stealth tanks to blow the watch towers away, then captured the whatever building it was, a research lab?, and the barracks right behind it. Built 1 more engineer, sent the stealth tanks north to dispose of the watch towers and was careful to not let them harm the refinery or harvester, then I captured it too. I wiped out all the sonic cannons on the map, again with just the stealth tanks, and then sent them to the future outpost area. Whole thing takes a few minutes to set up. Now here comes the hard part. Waiting. Select the barracks, and press F2 until you're at 99 for Missile Squads. You can move your team to in between the bases, just watch your Venom's keep clear distance of the AA's. Leave for about 10 minutes, set the harvester on the next tiberium patch, put Missile Squad build que back up to 99, leave for 10 minutes. You could get by with 150, but 210 is better. Set them in groups of 30 around the perimeter of the map, spread them out a little bit. Keep 1 near the barracks, 1 at the refinery, 2 in the first space at the top, 3 in the second space at the top, and that's all you need. Go capture all 3 nukes. The missile squads will blast all the Scrin so you won't have to worry about them. Send all 3 nukes to sit at the outpost and now wait for the carryall to show up. But thats how I handle the campaign stuff.
  3. I'm only asking because I never had to do that with warcraft, and I've read about the export problems people have had. I'm gonna give it a shot either way, since I have the 2 models. I modded warcraft games for years. But Kane's Wrath... this is a beastly beast, and I've been writing code since 99. The only thing more touchy imo is c++, which I walked away from back in '05.
  4. Also, I want to know if its possible to add a 3rd upgrade pic. I've had a few times where I crashed the mod because I missed something and I'm asking before trying to save myself a few hours of unnecessary work. See picture for better explanation
  5. Interesting. I only play on hard. I'd have to go back to the campaign to refresh myself on which map you're talking about. I'd set up Obelisks, set a Beam Cannon on each one, stagger the turrents in 2 layers and place the OL about every third one. If I ever lose, its because my funding ran out. I'd also keep a stash of Saboteur's too. Only 2-3 at a time because I'll try to capture any husk I can. I beat a few of the campaigns, particularly the Sarajevo ones by capturing 20-30 Avatars, or more, and then steamrolling over the place with all set on Aggressive with an Attack Move on the far end of the place. If you want to see something impressive, build 100+ rocket squads and have them target the same thing at the same time. You'll lose some, but most will level up to heroic status. A sonic emitter is gone in less than a second. Alien ships of any kind don't last either. They might get 2 seconds with 30-40 rocket squads. I don't normally go for zerg rushes, but those things are lethal en masse. I never build silos either. IMO, you don't need silos. "insufficient funds" has become my unofficial motto.
  6. I got a junk mb and need a new one... your head would spin if I explained to you what happened to it. In my dealing with, a strange event happened. My cat tried to rub on it a couple weeks back and knocked it off my nightstand, much to his cussing, which bsod it immediately but since then I've only had 2 mb failures. Before that there'd be a mb failure anywhere from boot til it happened. 5 minutes, 5 hours, who knows, which made is nearly impossible to do anything. well, long and short of tonight is +2 thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I hadn't looked at the skudef in over a week and forgot there was more info in there. I was looking for a manifest file with the audio listed in it and you helped me connect the two. Naturally, I feel pretty stupid, but these are rookie mistakes for a rookie on this version of this game. I've managed to fill in all the missing info. Not only are the sounds all back, but I fixed all the id="#####" ones too. Tedious... sooo tedious, but theoretically worth it.
  7. the only link I can find from google that'd answer this question I keep getting a 401 on so I'm asking here I copied the warfactory, st harvester, z harvester, changed a few values.. nothing major, just the health, build radius, costs, then compiled mod 1) no sound from the war factory, at all. Not during the rise animation, nothing. 2) all 3 harvesters are buildable from the war factory, only the gdi harvester has any sound. The ST and Z are completely silent. No "let's get to that tib zone".. nothing. Everything else I've copied and modified has worked. So what happens to the audio? I've seen [asset not found] in the coding, but its like that in the core files where I got it from. A side note: build.bat from WE 1.07 gamma, it would delete the libmpg123.dll file after a few uses, which would give an error. i'd get the lib file from the zip and put it back. Eventually it quit working altogether--crashing right at the start--and I would have to get the 3 .bat files and the Tools folder , delete the current ones then drag n drop from the zip back to the mod sdk folder. It would work, but after every few times, it would begin crashing right at the start if it didnt delete the .dll file. I hunted down WE 1.08 gamma, replaced all of the files, and it works more than it fails, but when it fails I just get the same files (batch and Tools folder), copy it all over, and then it works again like it should. I've also noted that not all builds are the same. I cannibalized the sample mod because I really like the mirage tank, but sometimes when I build the mod, the sound is included. The mirage tank can talk. But..... Sometimes it does. Sometimes it doesn't.
  8. I unzipped the entire 1.07 mod sdk as it is. Ran the buildmod a few times. Last night it was giving the error that the one .dll was missing. I went back to the zip, got the dll, put it back in the tools folder. I watched it. Window open, eyes locked on it. Third time I ran buildmod, the dll disappeared then it crashed. Since I updated everything to 1.08, it hasn't done it yet. I checked the history for MS Security Essentials and Malwarebytes, it didn't show in either. Its possible one or the other got rid of the dll. I use a third anti-v/m but it hasn't been on in a couple days. The only thing I'm playing with are adding files to the sample mod folder then editing them by copying the xml data out of the core big. This is incredibly tedious too. Simple, but really tedious. I'm rearranging existing things. To me, the orca sensor pods upgrade should be on the GDI Air Tower, not at the Command Post. Things like that. I'd like to add the super sonic jet from the support power as a buildable unit at the air field, and the Ox too with more slots. But that will be after I'm done with my arranging and editing. I haven't played CnC4, is the mirage tank from there? Thanks for the tip about the skudef. I knew I'd seen the references before, but couldn't remember which file it was. I'll revisit the documentation too to see if I can piece this together tonight.
  9. I follow everything to the letter in the tutorial, yet when I run the mod studio, I get a mod.babproj and that's all she wrote. I've checked and rechecked, counted the letters backwards, and hell, I even copy/paste everything *just in case* I did something wrong. I even tried it on the unaltered, unedited SampleMod and got the same thing. I'm using the last/update/patch/stable etc you name it I got it before even trying this. I got several hours over a week's time into this mod.babproj problem and now its getting to where its really aggravating. I was doing this for Kane's Wrath. I made my own mods and skins for WarCraft 3 for years and never had this much grief. So let's first start with why the EALAModStudio will not create a .big file for the SampleMod and go from there. I'm on Win 7 Pro 64-bit with only basic system functions running.
  10. Alright, so cnc3_modsdkexpandsion.rar is only for CnC3 and the expansion part is just for the expansion of the CnC3:TW mod sdk; it is not the KW expansion I have the WrathEd 1.07 gamme download, but I merged all the sdk's together. I deleted all the folders, art packs, everything. I'll give it another whirl and see how it works. Til then, thanks for clarifying the difference.
  11. Yes. I was under the impression that the SimpleMod example could be compiled to a .big and then actually selectable for play via the WrathEd Mod Launcher. However, I get a mod.babproj file. So I looked at other tutorials, just simple how-to's about creating a wall. Or making GDIRifleSquad cheap. I follow exactly everything as written and yet, every time I use the EALAModStudio, I get a mod.babproj file. I did download KWEnhanced, but there was no .big or .skudef with it. Magically, I was able to produce the .big and .skudef I did myself. But when ever I try it for anything that I personally do, the build fails. The code is easy enough to read and modify. Here's an example to work with of something I'd like to do. I get the Mod.xml and mod.str files, both are in the MyMod/data folder, I edit them to reflect the changes I'm going to make to a single file. MyMod/data/GlobalData/LogicCommandSet.xml is the file that I'm altering. I got the xml file from the CnC3xml folder that came with the MOD SDK. <Include type="all" source="DATA:MyMod/data/GlobalData/LogicCommandSet.xml" /> is the line I add to the Mod.xml file. Should the type be "all" or "reference"? There are only 3 files. MyMod/data/Mod.xml & /mod.str & /GlobalData/LogicCommandSet.xml Read through the documentation with the mod studio, a few times now, and I don't know what is missing that would make the build fail without even a single error to clue me as to what's going on. I've googled repeatedly until I don't know what to google anymore. Here's the changes I made the LogicCommandSet.xml file under the GDI faction. --Removed Predator, Mammoth, and Juggernaught from Weapons Factory --Copied and added the Golum, Guardian, AA Battery, and Terraforming lines from the MVC to the Crane Because not being able to build defensive from the crane is really annoying... and I want to split the light and heavy vehicles between the weapons factory (light) and reclamator hub (heavy) to start, but I'm more interested in just working through this one step at a time. But that was all. I have 3 files, a few lines edited to see how it works, and no .big is the problem. I found it to be really curious that it wouldn't even work on the SampleMod. So what am I missing?