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Everything posted by Nowaru

  1. Sure PM's is fine, sorry about the delay. x3 I've been considering adding CABAL Eva for Marked of Kane, pretty sure I'm going insane here, but every time I play Tiberian Sun I want to implement more of the game in Kane's Wrath. lol I've written some basic stuff with the AI thing, using the old animalAI update or whatever it is for the Visceroid, but I didn't know it was used for lua. :3
  2. Nowaru

    Kanes Wrath Skirmish AI Schemas

    Yeah. I've kinda messed around with how GDI works, they don't have any stealth detection vehicles anymore and the surveyor does the same job as the Mobile Sensor Array as in Tiberian Sun, making GDI's attacks on Stealthed Nod more difficult. I've been trying to achieve the weird unbalance that Tiberian Sun had, with Nod being weak but trolly and GDI having powerful units, but I want Nod to be able to fight back; (unlike how Tibsun was rushed) the changes should make Nod's support powers more deadly. But the Rig now serves as GDI's expansion vehicle, essentially being like an assault expansion, but I had to call it the Surveyor and change the deployment stuff just so the AI would build and deploy it.
  3. Nowaru

    Kanes Wrath Skirmish AI Schemas

    This is awesome dude, I've been wanting to see the AI XML for a long time; mainly because I made a crappy workaround to get the AI to build a different kind of expansion unit, (rather than the surveyor) by doing a name change and spoofing the command to deploy it. With this I should be able to implement it properly, once I wrap my head around how it works. Thanks.
  4. Don't worry about it. I keep getting distracted with War Thunder lol. I end up working on mod one minute, procrastinating because of a damn event the next. xD But yeah, I could do with some help, if you don't mind; Lua just looks alien to me atm.
  5. Yeah, I still don't understand Lua though, whether you write it inline with the XML or what you do with it lol. Is it that stuff that's written with: "<script> </script>" Because I've written some of that myself for a particular model to display its subobjects, but I wasn't sure how you'd use it in regards to the XML otherwise. I'd like to have visceroids spawn around 50% of the time and I figured I could just do a simple random number check, and it looks kinda similar to Javascript imo, but I have no idea how to write it in lol. And I kinda see what you mean, with spawning at fields, not sure how you'd give them spawn parameters, if that's even possible lol.
  6. Hi everyone. From my original post earlier this year (trying to WrathEd working) I've managed to make quite a bit of progress, mainly adding true hover vehicles (all terrain), various new artwork, music etc, a recoloured MoK Obelisk (Obelisk of Darkness) and some big changes to the gameplay style; but I've been having 2 relatively big problems with regards to a death animation on a model; specifically, this: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-end-of-all-things/addons/mastadon and this; the Kane's Wrath XML provided along with it: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-end-of-all-things/addons/mastadon-addon Basically, when the Mastadon dies, it instantly disappears, whilst spawning the debris, I've looked in w3x viewer and it seems like there's no problem with the model, but no changes I've made so far to the XML has made any difference to the death animation. Below is the code used for the model / animation states. <ModelConditionState ParseCondStateType="PARSE_NORMAL" ConditionsYes="DYING USER_6"> <Model Name="W3DContainer:GUVEHICLEL_DIEA" /> <Texture Original="GUVehicleL" New="GUVehicleL_D" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="chassis" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallFire" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="Chassis" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallFireDistortion" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="chassis" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallSmoke" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="b_turret01" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallFire" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="b_turret01" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallFireDistortion" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="b_turret01" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallSmoke" FollowBone="true" /> </ModelConditionState> <ModelConditionState ParseCondStateType="PARSE_NORMAL" ConditionsYes="DYING"> <Model Name="W3DContainer:GUVehicleL_DIEA" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="chassis" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallFire" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="chassis" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallFireDistortion" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="chassis" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallSmoke" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="b_turret01" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallFire" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="b_turret01" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallFireDistortion" FollowBone="true" /> <ParticleSysBone BoneName="b_turret01" FXParticleSystemTemplate="GDIDebrisSmallSmoke" FollowBone="true" /> </ModelConditionState> <AnimationState ParseCondStateType="PARSE_NORMAL" ConditionsYes="DYING" EnteringStateFX="" FrameForPristineBonePositions="0" ShareAnimation="False" AllowRepeatInRandomPick="False" SimilarRestart="False"> <Animation AnimationName="GUVEHICLEL_DIEA" AnimationMode="ONCE" Distance="0" AnimationBlendTime="5" AnimationSpeedFactorMin="1" AnimationSpeedFactorMax="1" WeaponTimingOrdering="PRIMARY_WEAPON" WeaponTimingSlotID="1" AnimationPriority="1" FadeBeginFrame="-1" FadeEndFrame="-1" AnimationMustCompleteBlend="False" UseWeaponTiming="False" FadingIn="False" /> <Script> CurDrawableHideSubObject("GUN_UPGRADE") </Script> </AnimationState> The model works fine in gameplay, but destroying the vehicle and having it end with a tiny explosion is a bit anti-climatic 😋 The other issue I have is trying to change or fix the "DamageAndSpawnNugget", mainly because I want the Tiberium Troopers to use Visceroid spawning as an effect. I combed through the old posts on the forum and setup my mod directory with "Mods\returntotiberia\Assets\Static" with a file called "WeaponTemplate.xml" that looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <AssetDefinition xmlns="uri:thundermods.net:SAGE:WrathEdXML:AssetDefinition"> <Asset id="DamageAndSpawnNuggetType"> <EntryInheritance id="base" AssetType="DamageNuggetType" /> <Entry id="SpawnProbability" AssetType="SageReal" IsAttribute="true" Default="1.0" /> <Entry id="SpawnedModelConditionFlags" AssetType="ModelConditionBitFlags" IsAttribute="true" /> <EntryReference id="SpawnTemplate" AssetType="GameObjectWeakRef"/> </Asset> </AssetDefinition> But the asset compiler doesn't recognise it, nor do I know if it will actually work lol, but if anyone has worked around this any help would be useful. A final problem that I do have is trying to create a Spectre Artillery with a permanent deployment function, so that it doesn't have to deploy to shoot every time and stays static in-place, but the states of deployment are confusing me atm lol; currently I have it so that there's 2 artillery objects, like the Rig, one deploys into another and replaces the original object, and vice versa for the artillery to move again; but all the animations are screwed up when it comes to firing lol; I'll probably make another thread at some point about it. 😀
  7. Hi guys, new to the forum but I have a strange issue with WrathEd at the moment. I've been developing quite a large mod that was based off a personal mod for Tiberium Wars and I've managed to carry over quite a bit of stuff fairly successfully so far, mainly music and some basic XML, and I've been able to compile and run it correctly too until yesterday; of which then the WrathEd executable stopped working. I've tried various compatibility tests and also re-downloaded the .net framework but I've got nothing, it opens and closes so fast that it doesn't even have any time to record logs when I try and build the mod. I've tried different versions of WrathEd and they're all the same. I'm wondering could it be a registry issue? If so, has anyone seen anything like this before? ps. I've tried the same WrathEd on my older Windows 7 laptop and it works fine there, so I think it might be a registry problem. I I'm fine with building it on the other laptop, but its kinda a pain in the backside; especially when the mod launcher and everything else works fine on my Windows 10 computer.
  8. Omg, Thank you so much for the help, I tried to build WrathEd in CMD and it still didn't respond to anything; so I decided to delete all reg keys related to WrathEd and kinda dumbly... I noticed I'd literally put all my SDK's in a folder called Documents\WrathEd before I'd actually ever used the program (its been there for a couple of years)... so I renamed it to WrathEd utilities and bam, it works great now. Its pretty weird though since it worked quite a while until it threw up the error, or lack of, but anyway. Cheers. :3