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Everything posted by matthy

  1. do you have this too i mean worldbuilder is out so i wanna make a map play it online and.. it wont transfer i am loading but my buddy it is still transfering same problem here?? Cheers Matthy
  2. matthy

    map editor

    is there an map editor for cnc 3 because the maps of this game sux cheers Matthy
  3. matthy

    map editor

    thx guys
  4. matthy

    Online Nicks

    poepbuddy poep is ducht for sh*t
  5. matthy

    how to own mamoth tanks

    nice guys thx ill try the fanatics and the buggy's good tactics
  6. matthy

    how to own mamoth tanks

    hmm i thougth :? i already found some tactics 1. build scorpions and use Rocket infantry behind (Nod) 2. use MANY vertigo bombers they wont get hurt but it will take time then 3. Meaby somthing with stealt tanks could word Scrin 1. make an buzzer army soooow big (and also with those laser rocket guys) people would freak out tried it with comp and it totaly worked. i think it would also word online scrin infatry owns because you cant squese it. what it think is that the mammot should be way more expensive and should have almost no effect @ infantry at all i hope EA reads these posts because i could use an balance patch :? cheers Matthy
  7. i thougth i saw one on the screenshots but still cant find it in the demo... :?
  8. there is 1 thing i cant stand You Cant Put SW OUT also not in full version... damn i yust hate sw...
  9. matthy

    Play as Nod from the Start!

    Yeah Damn make it sticky!!!!!!
  10. ITS OUT!!! i am already downloading using ea link! it goes really fast if i where u i should download EA Link now en start downloading
  11. matthy

    AI working together

    hahahahahaahahahaahaa yes they attack with 3 kirovs but cant win of them yes XD
  12. matthy


    i always stick with allies revege that mod rocks 8)
  13. it can bit i think not with tibed and the airstike doesnt work then any more..
  14. matthy

    XWIS or...?

    Generals and Zero Hour are hosted on Gamespy, and it ain't bad... But yah, I don't like Gamespy much... it cant get badder i olmost always have unable to connect to other players i dont know what gamespy does but it sucks an you dont have touble with it at xwis
  15. matthy


    i hope they will stay away with those dump supplies :lol: that was the stupidis idea ever xD
  16. is the really gonna be c&c 3 or tiberian twilight or something else i think c&c 3 sounds an bit bad
  17. yes i would want to do that but with wich editor can you do that :?: Thnx Matthy
  18. for an long time ago ive posted an anouncement of the tiberian sun mod new dominating sun 2.0 well and findaly its on an oficial web site (cncden) here are some screnies http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/pictures/1.JPG http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/pictures/2.JPG http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/pictures/3.JPG sorry for the verry big size admin if its not ok delete them plz and i wil make an link instead of these imgs This is a mod for Tiberian Sun. It comes with its own installer. Mod includes a new side called 'New Dominion'. Includes a new interface, many new units, new music, AI improvements, and much more. the read me file is included. also includes an mission for it but in testing mode its aboud that holland is starting to rebel and they are taking over the world they attack amerika and are going to steal an conyard and then... download it at the cncden site and spread it around here => http://www.cncden.com/tsmods.shtml does anyone still renember this mod :wink:
  19. whats your record killing an brutal enemey mine less then 7 min you must be yuri then an buy an cloaning vats make 1000000000000000000nds of initiates and kill then the findaly destroy there conyard with something else
  20. matthy

    RA2, how do i get a rank?

    no an other map is only in tib sun in ra2 they disablet it for modfided maps
  21. cant get on ra2 or yuris revenge any more! is the server down again! a friend of mine has the same prob!
  22. matthy

    is the server down Agian!?!

    DAMM! Alwais somthing wrong with those ra2 servers
  23. matthy

    Eagle Red: Yuri's Revenge?

    what it doesnt suck
  24. matthy

    Eagle Red: Yuri's Revenge?

    lately there was an newer version of it is has china and japan in stead of yuri verry cool those kmikazi planes and all those buiilding he made still dont know where i downloaded it :? to bad yust look at eagle red 2.0 on google it think he wil find something :wink: