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Everything posted by matthy

  1. matthy

    YR online guide. Any interest?

    lol dumb **** you are playing yuris revege then online and then they say no yuri! ehh i thougt the game was called yuris revenge
  2. well by me on XP pro it works fine to dont know what his problem is :? on his pc meaby he has an ilegal version
  3. i heard something about tib sun getting open sourse is that true if yes that would be cool because then the real modding begins
  4. i cant connect to the lobby but the srange thing is i can connect to the coos your account and server menu butnot to the lobby is this problem ecrywere or is is it yust mine comp can somoe check for me please
  5. nahh because then you get still such an generals story nahhhhhh f*ck generals
  6. GDI is Gay but good carryal and an dizzi (disruper) and then attack verry handy but also a bit mean tactic you cant realy do anything vs it
  7. thats an hard job i think because there are probarly much online player that odes not look on these sites :?
  8. he look it works with me again yeeee http://xwis.net/ download the tool and press on set then you will have an special xwis server:D
  9. SO you can't play online anymore with tib sun??????? for ever or temp. and thefirestorm server still works so wats goiing on is it also now with ra2??? :?
  10. hey all my first mission is out here is the story and stuff al what the readme file in culdes cooprative mission pack part 1 of total domination mission 1 yuri's contoll a time ago there where soldier of yuri that joined us they know now that it is al bull**** what he sais but yuri has them under his controll agian thanx to the psychic beacon and the amplifier so we must destoy them destroy the beacon and an base will be yours and then we will aso send you an mcv then desrtoy the amplifier so sodies will join us and then we will get units from whole over the place good luck, renember failure is deaht tho all of us objecitve1: destroy the beacon so we will control an yuri base and that we get an mcv objecitve2: destroy the amplifier so we will get leads of reenforgements objecitve3: kill all what is against us ************************* inpotant ******************************** this is how you have to start house player start team team1= you1 amercia 1 a team2= you2 amercia 2 a team3= enemy1 YURI ??? d team4= enemy2 YURI ??? d team5= enemy3 YURI ??? d team6= enemy4 YURI ??? d super weapons off ;or else you will be leaded with dominators short game off ;or else you lose in the beginning needs to be fixed note1: you can also play this in your one yust chance player 2 with an enemey note2: acualy you play versus 3 enemys one player is for debugging tip : play it versus 4 brutals mision made by matthy it also includes objecitve shots :wink: download now this 2 player mission here is the download link http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/yurimission.zip have fun
  11. corperative maps and where can i download them or maker them it would be cool 8) i am verry much in lan gaming of ra2 yr now so it would be cool if i can make my own corperative maps/mission can somone help me
  12. oh this topic http://forums.cncnz.com/viewtopic.php?t=3701 but it was kinda obvibios
  13. yeah that richt PPM Site i an good site
  14. matthy

    Only War Mod Progress

    sounds good ill have an look at it when i gon ADSL i can't download 100MB with my ISDN :wink:
  15. hey i don't know if that is only in yuri bet there seems to bee an trigger teleport all to meaby you can do it with that and actualy why does it have to be without yuri :?:
  16. well as somone know i have made an mod new dominating sun 2.0 and i was asking if omone wants to put it on his site so i can be spread becuase its now only on my stupid site that sucks oh here is an review on this forum http://forums.cncnz.com/viewtopic.php?t=3341 thanx
  17. matthy

    who wants to but my mod online ????

    well i am not that good inshp or vxl editing so i don't know how is there then an easy program for for srinking and growing shp's
  18. actualy no but it sound cool
  19. wait in skirmisch it works but in multiplayer it gets reconection error in my house cab somene chack this if this happens with them too at multi player
  20. matthy

    who wants to but my mod online ????

    well i used the units of ra2 because they dont give **** but the weapons of theunits and stuff are whole diferent
  21. matthy

    gdi and nod Poll

    nod rules gdi sucks
  22. it is done yust look at the topic
  23. matthy

    who wants to but my mod online ????

    here are some screens boat attack mission 1 http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/pictures/1.JPG boat force in mission 2 not ready http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/pictures/2.JPG an base build in mission 1 more comming up Post Edited by Admin - Don't post large images causing the page layout to get messed up. Create a link to them instead. This is covered in the forum rules.
  24. matthy

    who wants to but my mod online ????

    sreenes will come soon i it a bit an mess now after vaction and soon i have to go to school :x so i will do it as soon as i can by the whay i already have an place where you can download it (http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/%20" target="_blank"> http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/ but i need an place whre i can spread it like the cncnz site
  25. yeah i am beack but the computer are unplged accept this one i will do it veerry sooonly