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Everything posted by matthy

  1. i will do in a week i am goiing on vacation :wink:
  2. what is open sun is this the sourse :?:
  3. matthy

    who wants to but my mod online ????

    i will post some real screens in about an weak i am going on vacation now see you about an week
  4. matthy

    Generals 2

    if they make an generals 2 in stad of an other game like red alert 3 i will kil my self at least kll them
  5. matthy

    who wants to but my mod online ????

    in game this screeni is of the menu he i will post an sreenshot of my missios D-Day (Dominion Day)
  6. well if cnc dawn had skirmisch mode i would chose for that but they don't so red alert
  7. tellllllll me that trick and he you don't must build defenses then, yust straith go on the attack
  8. whats the name of that mod where you also have the GDI and the nod in ra2 yr i know it exits but i foegot the name can somone tell me i want to download it
  9. matthy

    Easiest map

    you know wich one is realy easy hail mary or how you spell it it has 12 oil derrects to easy to be true
  10. hehe i found it look here http://rtb.strategy-x.com/
  11. okey in part 1 is explained that in the total destruction mod the tech tree works with the power plant but now...... but if some peaple know that i dowladed cnc reloaded and they have evrey thing fully working accept that short game does not work but how do they alwias do is :? i tried that do with my new-domination mod :?
  12. hey qust saiing it are five teams and where can i find that rock patch :?:
  13. hehe i found an sort of corperative mission on cncgames i've already made one myself it is olmost done i will tell you guys when ready
  14. yeah meaby later they make it much more but as you meaby know it is only version .99b by version 1 is it ready and meaby then there are gonna add to evry team new units
  15. but do you know wich mix file like the ini's are in local.mix
  16. well ill mail them then i mean in my oldest ****ed up mod you alos have 4mcv's but when the AI played that site then you got an internal error
  17. He best mod ever its cool tom have 5 teams that are fully working also ai how do they do it :?
  18. i got final alert i also make single player mission but i don't know how to make corperative missions with it does any one know where yuri's revenge corperative maps are so i can learn from them
  19. matthy

    YR: Enhanced 1.0

    what is it for am mod give more info plaease
  20. hey wit site works downloading :wink: thanx for the name and for the help you wanted to give me
  21. cool thanx man my email is [email protected] actualy how big is it ??? thanx for your help again
  22. is that possible i want to make new dominating alert the ra2 version of new dominating sun 2.0 but then i have to make an new team first i made thos mod too but it got an real mess look it yourself http://cnc.unleashed.ws/index.php?content=...getype=redalert at the top can you help me :shock: oh an it can be used on version 1.001
  23. but the mod total destruction has an new team and the computer can play that how did they do that then
  24. thanx for the comments missions comming up here is one mission in beta testing http://members.lycos.co.uk/djmatthy/ on my site renember it is still in beta testing and i made it in the beta version of new dominating sun 2.1 i i think it will work well richt click on the mission and save as or else you will see how it is made and i thing you yust want to play
  25. matthy

    how do they alwias do it ???

    well i think it is possible if it is an .bik file is there an whay to make new movies in tib sun because that is .vqa is there an vqa writer or something???