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Posts posted by matthy

  1. Behold


    Tournament arena


    first i tried to get to his blue tiberium but that didn't work.

    then i tried to mcv rush that worked half his whole base was messy but i didn't got his base there was a key turning point. ect.


    then shadow team and engineers straight to his base that worked also half.

    good tactics from both players.


    good micromanagement, buildorders, and a real unique match!


    who won see it your self!


    get it here



    and review it plz



    Matthy (Poepbuddy)

  2. Aerial will be the one to screw SE's... Nod has excellent bombing capabilities... Also, a few Beam Cannons won't hurt, or even Avatars... The range those units have are well outside of the SE's killer blast.


    you think that but thats the big problem thx too the ctl bug the sonic emitter goes furder then a beam cannon :( and make it sucky vs infantry too


    Plz let they fix it or make it less range




    P.S. havent seen 1.07....

  3. 1.07 ?


    what do you mean?


    The sonic gdi ufo's comes with the expansion right?


    No worries matthy.

    NOD will be equipped with super cyborgs.

    And since theire infantry they should easy take out the emitters!


    well i have seen emitters destroy black hand and all other infantry so i hope there are gona fix it especialy that ctrl bug!

  4. Sonic emitters !!!!!!!!


    i am realyy getting sick of those things i mean there just 200 more then obelisks and yet there 2x stronger.


    you can use Ctrl fire to give them more range and then they then even go as far as an upgraded obelisk. because the blast moves on for a while


    they can kill 5 tanks in 1x and a oblisk 1

    and the sonic emmiter is even good vs infantry + tanks



    Can you PLEASE i beg u tell the makers to make sonic emitter less overpowerd. and at least end that CTRL Fire bug.


    and now in the expansion they an gonna make MOBILE sonic emitters :( so gdi will be even more overpowerd


