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Everything posted by Renamon

  1. Renamon

    Pic of the Day

    I took up the challenge and found five stealth tanks. made the 'eyes' red to make them easier to see.
  2. Changed avatar, personal photo, wallpaper and various other things resized
  3. so whenever i start up my computer it gives me the 'Unmountable boot volume' error. Google tells me that I need to use an XP installation CD and use the DOS promot. However, I dont have said CD because it didnt come with the pc and im wondering if anyone here can direct me to someplace where I can legally download some files and make my own. I have not installed any new hardware or software before the crash and I cannot uninstall software as I cannot load windows. Mashing F8 to bring up the star up options does nothing. Formatting is not an option. These files are somewhat important. Everyone I know does not have an XP cd so I cant borrow one. is there anything i can do or am i screwed?
  4. Renamon

    Unmountable boot volume

    I meant why isnt 'transferring data form one drive to another if you have no cd 'mentioned in the microsoft support site.
  5. wow. are there any challenges where you can't rush to insta-win or use any cheap tricks to win effortlessly? dont have uprising so i dont know
  6. Renamon

    Red Alert... X

    you should put in the RA3 voices for the units instead of the ones from RA2. they are soo much better also, lol'd at firewolf and warmaster. sounds like someone who'd post in the official c&c forums.
  7. Renamon

    Unmountable boot volume

    I did but the flash drive was destroyed when a pile of encyclopedias fell on them when i was cleaning out my closet. Cant get over the moral issue so this is what ill try to do. but then, what to do with the case and everything else inside? Why isnt this mentioned here? seems it'd be helpful to mention it. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/297185 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555302 http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=unmount...;fp=G7EFg_3LQek
  8. Renamon

    Pic of the Day

    artist says it was a c&c dream that pic was based on where all of the MoK units are female or feminine instead of zocom but then kane's wrath was relased and... said artist also likes to get loaded after a hard days work and draw/paint at the same time so that might have something to do with it not looking like the official avatar
  9. Renamon

    Pic of the Day

    at request again
  10. Renamon

    Online chat tips

    type in /help in the chat and it will give you a list of them.
  11. Renamon

    CNCNZ forum pic

    Yeah i know its too bright. this scanner doesn't work really well =(
  12. Renamon

    CNCNZ forum pic

    The Chalet - Let's Just Hope We All Die Happy
  13. Renamon

    Now Playing - Music

    Avenged sevenfold - We come out at night zelauts
  14. Renamon

    Pic of the Day

    what? oh. didn't notice. posting higher res soon.
  15. Renamon

    thought i would warn you

    yep, long gone. i knda miss BWare. it was fun feeding him material and watching him rage =)
  16. Renamon

    CNCNZ forum pic

    You know, i have a cncnz forum pic i did last christmas and it only has like 5 members in it. I was gonna post it after mina posted hers so we could compare them and discuss why we drew members a certain way... but i dont think she's coming back... Should i post it or what?
  17. Renamon

    Pic of the Day

    more request take down
  18. Renamon

    Now Playing - Games

    Gonna turtle in zero hour and see how many kills I can accumulate overnight vs 5 tank generals
  19. Renamon

    RA3 Usernames < Post yours today!

    I dont have a aname registered yet but when i do it will probably be SharpieAP or Renamon or both.
  20. This is the only thing I object to and wish they would leave alone =(
  21. Renamon

    Now Playing - Games

    Sentimental Shooting :3
  22. Renamon

    Now Playing - Music

    Trap Them - Flesh and Below
  23. Renamon

    Swine Flu Epidemic Global Terror

    way to miss the sarcasm nmeth . i can see the beginnings of an internet slap fight so i'll stop. k?
  24. Renamon

    Swine Flu Epidemic Global Terror

    The Chalet - Let's Just Hope We All Die Happy
  25. Reminds me of the German maus