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Posts posted by Renamon
just like they did with Red Alert and the TIbs when ra3 and tw were released.
John Cena for Col. Burton!
I cant believe Tib Sun is actually in the Semis and leading. Thats a crock. The tiberium universe went down hill quickly after the original C&C until it crashed and burned with C&C4. Seriously, there is no way this game should have beat out Generals.
these arent shoops either. somepony is actually making this mod
reminds me of
i still need to finish assembling this scud launcher
pony videos for pony forumboards
thx to Jenny Sodgesock
Total Annihilation Battlezone and Incoming!
got them bundled for like 10 bucks iirc.
Ringworm - Suicidal Visions
thank god for adblock plus
Click YOUR username. Options. Find member's posts. Last page. See how far you can go without facepalming right through your skull.
I couldn't make it past the first post.
Its amazing to see how stupid and little thought people put into forums when they first arriive.
quintuple-edit: screw it you all know what i mean. brb sleep.
inb4 lock
Beowolfs Rules.
Hell had me going for a while but after 2 games you know exactly what they do and come up with insanely effective counters. Snipers+Mirage dual Volkovs on cliffs and over $90000000 per refinery infiltration are op.
And that placement of that rock in the 2nd to last soviet mission was LAAAME.
Naglfar - The Darkest Road
more like
there needs to be a way to turn that crap off or replace it with a text warning in the next c&c.
yeah, i would prefer the hybrid sidebar that Sonic suggested but with a few adjustments. like the ability to split the minimap, build ques and current selected unit portrait from the sidebar and move them independently wherever on the screen you want. so you can rearrange the sidebar to have the production structures build que on the right, the selected unit portrait in the top left and the minimap right in the middle of the screen (i seriously hope none of you do this) or you could just stay default bottom bar. they could take this further and make the individual sections scaleable like your internet browser, no more need to turn japanese just to see the green radar blips on a fertile plains map!
this way they can try something new, something that works and appeal to tradition all in one system!
tl;dr - bottom bar.
p.s. LOL at whoever decided it was a good idea to make this stupid poll in the OFFICIAL FORUMS filled with the most hardcore westwood fanboys who just cant let go of the past. of course they're all going to vote sidebar. just another stunt to make people think they actually have a say in what goes in a game when they've already made up their mind. like that pointless 'name C&C4!' contest they had.
Is that an enemy base in the bottom right? I click but my units can't seem to attack anything and i can't recruit infantry either.
And it isn't finished yet, you can only move your units around and stuffwell that answers that.
Uh, we prefer an English version for this one.tes fache?
Osama's gone? Yeah right.YES! There's no evidence they either captured or killed him, he's still alive! Obama and Osama are the same person, a shapeshifter, and a reptilian! Don't believe anything you hear! It's all a lie! And why does it matter anyway? Nothing will change. The "war" will never end because it's not really a war, it's a colonization. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
Warning. Not for the faint of heart.>"artist rendition"
Its not real.
It is shooped.
This is fake.
honestly these things look like cheap toys and not at all like multi ton war machines, especially the powerplant...
but thats just, like, my opinion, man.
I dont follow this tiberium lego series. The only one episode I have ever seen is the one with the failed chronosphere testing and I did not even once smile, you could see the jokes coming from a mile away. it was meh.
seriously, i want some option maybe like a (-) to hide or remove entirely things like 'Last Visitors', 'Comments', 'Friends', especially when there is nothing in there!
and when you have...
Gamertag: No Information
C&C Online: No Information
XCC/WOL Online: No Information
Whateverinsertsomethinghere: No Information
they should not really show.
whaddaya think?
this is awesomely awesome
i've been waiting for a mod like this for a long long time =)
This is the C&C3 mod that will pwn the original C&C Generals and Zero Hour with better AI, better graphics, better units and better gameplay.it is only natural and expected for a mod that comes out 10 years after Generals to be (almost) superior in every way
itty bitty bathtoy plane ^____^
Spawning a bunch of random units and throwing them at each other is hardly fair. I mean, how are the secondary weapon units like the G.I.s supposed to deploy their superior machinegun and rocketlaunchers? (because this was merely to show off the units and show an entertaining over the top battle that would probably never happen in a real skirmish to try and convince more people to download and play the mod than normally would, i know, do not answer that question please. PLEASE)
>support powers inside toolbar
>right in the middle of unitlist
so obsessed with sticking to the original that they even keep the terrible eu.
why not add the airstrikes and superweapon buttons on a separate window, 1024x768+ resolution and unit, building and defense tabs to the sidebar? that would be so much better than this...
darling - vishal bhardwaj
Command & Conquer War Stories
in Gaming Discussion
My lone zonetrooper vs a black hand commando squad in in Kanes Wrath conquest mode. I send the troops up to a tib field on a cliff with another huge blue field right underneath it. I thought I was screwed until I saw the stupid AI sent its units over the blue field.
When they reached the top I had my zonetrooper jump down and the AI turned around and it chased my unit over the blue field AGAIN. I just kept my zt jumping up and down, making the black hands walk across the field over and over intil they died.