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Posts posted by cfehunter

  1. I'm sorry, who are you again? I don't think we've ever met.


    We haven't met exactly.


    Your work on C&C mods is why I ended up modding in the first place but then you acted like a complete asshole when me and Ben(OWA) showed the first images of AR and it's kind of coloured my entire view on you ever since. :intent:


    In any case we can all agree that the W3D engine is terrible. The rendering engine and netcode were bad even for the time.

  2. RA:APB production is really slow as well. I can't see Reborn getting finished under these circumstances. They need a talent pool from which to draw from to get this done, and the C&C FPS community doesn't really have anyone who isn't already committed to another project.


    Good luck convincing anyone who works on new engines to work on Renegade. I had a chat with Agent Gibson (One of the founders of Renegade Alert/RA:APB, along with L3f7H4nd3d and myself) regarding a little project I'm doing as a "sequel" to Fjords, and he wouldn't touch Renegade at all. What reason would there be to do it? Newer engines offer people like him the ability to create wonderful digital art which comes to life with their vision intact, instead of needing to sacrifice details for the sake of 1998 quality standards.


    shhh ACK, we still love you. :rolleyes:


    As for everybody else, besides the fact that alot of us are students/have full time jobs and BHP is an unpaid hobby we're currently doing alot that we're not ready to share with the public.

    So although from the outside it may look like we're not producing, we really are.
