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Status Updates posted by Nmenth

  1. A week ago was the five-year anniversary of Cartoon and Conquer #1. I went through the commentary gallery and made a few edits, as well as the "making of" section. Sometimes I think it would be fun to write more strips, and then I remember how much of a burden they were.

  2. It's the third anniversary of Cartoon and Conquer! Character profiles have been updated, plus a new feature has been added to the site!

  3. Today, the 10th of May, is the second anniversary of Cartoon and Conquer!

  4. More valuable than gold, more useful than the wheel, and tastier than chocolate, it's Cartoon and Conquer #52.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Plok


      ^Ruined it.

    3. PurpleGaga27


      No intro for Cartoon and Conquer #53?

    4. Nmenth


      Didn't you read the above?

  5. The last hope for civilization, it’s Cartoon and Conquer #51.

  6. The ultimate conclusion to an infinite loop, it’s Cartoon and Conquer #50.

    1. PurpleGaga27


      There's no conclusion to an infinite loop of stories and comics.

    2. Nmenth


      Not only is it the conclusion to an infinite loop, it's also the answer when you divide by 0.

  7. Featuring the first fictional people to have been offered a Nobel Prize, it's Cartoon and Conquer #49.

    1. PurpleGaga27


      Only great scientific discoveries deserve a Nobel Prize.

    2. Nmenth


      That wasn't what Alfred Nobel intended, he wanted it to be awarded to those who "shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." And what contribution is greater than Cartoon and Conquer? Nothing of course.

    3. AZ-Stalker


      OR, he was just sad after inventing dynamite and seeing people being blown up sky high that he wanted to make amends by rewarding people that "benefit mankind" rather than blow stuff up.

  8. Banned in three countries, but the national currency in twelve, it's Cartoon and Conquer #48.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PurpleGaga27


      Next time use Kuwait dinars since it's currently the best world currency.

    3. Nmenth


      And the Zimbabwean dollar is worth nothing, so what's your point? Every episode is worth 0 Kuwait dinars.

    4. PurpleGaga27
  9. Created by one million monkeys pounding on typewriters over the course of six minutes, it's Cartoon and Conquer #47.

    1. PurpleGaga27


      Monkeys should deserve The Monkey Times newspaper.

  10. Capturing the careless in a chaotic caress of catchy causerie, the crucial crux of caricatured comedy cutting clichéd cultural cacophony. The characters’ capacity to cajole cackling is caused by captivating climactic clashing comparisons of communist camaraderie countered by capitalistic coteries. Cast away concern, to clarify, it’s Cartoon and Conquer #46.

    1. Plok



    2. PurpleGaga27


      Cool choice of coolant words, but no company, no call, no co-op?

    3. Nmenth


      Calm your caustic claims of conspiratorial exclusion, I can’t cobble crude conjugation. Consider; in the collingual codex, the capacious concurrence of C is countless. Complete comprehensive cohesion could create a cascade of confusing complexity.

  11. 1.1 million pixels broadcast across the planet in less than a second. Read, laugh, morale boosted, optimism increased, life management improved, success achieved. Raising global prosperity, it’s Cartoon and Conquer #45.

    1. Muhammad Ali

      Muhammad Ali

      Dang...That sounds good

  12. The reason the Earth keeps spinning, it's Cartoon and Conquer #44.

  13. One diced onion, one sliced carrot, two eggs, one brutally slaughtered rabbit, one crushed brick (mortar optional), one shredded hubcap, one full tank of liquid oxygen, exactly 144 jellybeans, and one drop of capsaicin extract, it’s Cartoon and Conquer #43. Mmm, tasty.

    1. PurpleGaga27


      Nice recipe you created there.

    2. Nmenth


      Someone asked me what I was drinking when I came up with it. Well I was drinking in wholesome, unadulterated Cartoon and Conquer.

  14. The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything, it’s Cartoon and Conquer #42.

    1. AZ-Stalker


      I see what you did there. :)

  15. Blowing massive holes in forests since the 30th of June 1908, it’s Cartoon and Conquer #41. Handle with care.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nmenth
    3. AZ-Stalker
    4. Nmenth


      Ok, it's starting to look like Sheila Broflovski is commenting here...

  16. Brought to you from the future, one tachyon at a time; disrupting causality for the sake of comedy, it’s Cartoon and Conquer #40. Enjoy now in the present, it won’t be written until next week.

  17. What do you get when you combine three carbon, five hydrogen, three nitrogen, and nine oxygen atoms? Cartoon and Conquer #39! Read it now, it's explosive!

  18. Now ranking in the top 20 on Alexa, 3 billion hits with Google, and broadcast into your dreams, it's Cartoon and Conquer #38. Read it, and you'll be popular.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nmenth


      I'm sure Google was just malfunctioning. And don't bother complaining to me if your dreams don't pick up on the strip either, it just means your head is malfunctioning.

    3. PurpleGaga27


      Not a good idea. I am sure Sonic does not want a Facebook "like" feature onto this.

  19. This week's lucky number: 37 - Read Cartoon and Conquer #37 and win the lottery. Don't read it and your seven closest friends will be diagnosed with terminal illnesses.

  20. Honest Nmenth’s Super Elixir Cartoon and Conquer #36 Cure-All - Guaranteed to remedy broken limbs, bad hair days, halitosis, toothache, memory loss, arachnophobia, itchy palms, athlete’s foot, memory loss, nightmares, cancer, myopia, memory loss, Tiberian Twilight, world hunger, appendicitis, loneliness, and memory loss. Read it now... or die.

    1. Plok


      Oh glorious Nmenth, you have managed to cure everything you mentioned in me (except arachnophobia)! Thank you so much!!!11!1one

    2. AZ-Stalker


      Tiberian Twilight could use some more curing if you ask me... ;D

    3. Nmenth


      Give me some slack, curing cancer and world hunger is easier.

  21. Disappointed with the direction they're taking C&C? Drown your sorrows in a fresh Cartoon and Conquer! Pleased with the new C&C prospects? Celebrate with a brand new Cartoon and Conquer! Limited time offer, view now while supplies last.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Luk3us


      I need linkorz.

    3. Nmenth


      You need to use your mouse clickin' skillz to find it yourself.

    4. Luk3us



  22. I had such high hopes for Generals 2, I now have such low expectations for C&C2013. If EA can successfully pull off a Free to Play C&C, I'll happily admit I was wrong. The odds of that are about equal to Jon Van Caneghem getting hit by a meteorite.

    1. Plok


      I'd like both a real C&C out of it AND JVC getting hit by a meteorite :P Guess I'll have to do with the latter

  23. For the benefit of the lazy one (you know who you are... Luk3us) there's a new Cartoon and Conquer down below.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luk3us


      Yeah, Nmenth I might have missed this, you should just PM me instead with the picture included, so I have to do as little work as possible. ;)

    3. Plok


      We'll try to make a startup program for you to download so you can get them on your desktop as soon as they're made :P

    4. Inferno


      But then he'd actually have to download and install it... you're asking too much of this poor man.

  24. It's the 1st anniversary of Cartoon and Conquer! A character bios list to celebrate: http://cartoonandconquer.cncnz.com/characters/

    1. Nmenth


      Some people can't grasp the obvious, and for the rest, sometimes it is just fun to know that which you expect it is, is what it is.

  25. View the latest Cartoon and Conquer and the cartoon archives on its new site, now hosted here by CNCNZ.com!

    1. Luk3us
    2. Sonic


      See the news forum or hit up the main site, links everywhere.

    3. Nmenth


      Not to mention the redirect in the new Cartoon and Conquer forum section accessible from the forum index page.
