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Everything posted by JahSpoR

  1. JahSpoR

    What now?

    I don't think they will make annother expansion for C&C3. They usually does only 1 expansion to each game. But ofcourse it would be nice, C&C is a genre for itself so it deserves it.
  2. JahSpoR

    Return of the TECHNICIAN!

    well, some parts where missing?
  3. JahSpoR

    Hide your white women and small dogs

    So where did you go?., and welcome back
  4. JahSpoR

    Best Anime Of All Time

    What defines whether a comic are anime or not?
  5. JahSpoR

    Those Crazy Koreans...

    HOLY **** don't tell me that much people showed up to watch a starcraft battle with four commentators on extacy?!!
  6. JahSpoR

    Upcoming Sequels and You

    well, it was fun while it lasted. but it will never reach the same cool-factor as Tiberium and RA universes.
  7. You be better on making theme-parks than space tunnels I think
  8. JahSpoR

    Now Playing - Music

    DJ Zany and DV8 - Nothing Else Matters
  9. JahSpoR

    Cabal Ownage

    lul didn't know he was Instakillable* *wut a word huh?
  10. any suspects in the case?
  11. Russian food > insect vommit! seriously, I have baaad experiences with russian food, no offence. glad they never won in RA they didn't right?
  12. JahSpoR

    Upcoming Sequels and You

    that's like 8 years ago... right? anywhouha, wasn't there going to be released a Quake 3 Arena like free game? heard it should be able to play through a browser can't remember the name of it.
  13. JahSpoR

    Return of the TECHNICIAN!

    WUT? I can't believe it. We already know C&C has become 100% humorfree. why not this little detail? 5 min. to add or something. /on(building[destroyed]) /do=(spawn_instance[technician]) (OR SOMETHIng!?) damn that crushed my day.
  14. The time has come to judge! .... now JUDGE! what's with New Zealand not being at the map? it's quite large you know.
  15. JahSpoR

    Upcoming Sequels and You

  16. JahSpoR

    Almighty Global Conquest poll!

    no!! that's why he wrote it
  17. JahSpoR

    Video of the day

    Indians are kewl
  18. well, I don't think it's that hard to learn. But ofcourse it's good for the minors.
  19. JahSpoR

    Red Alert 3 Q&A Archive

    I didn't like the fact that a squad as "unit" looses effectivity when health is lost. on the other hand it's realistic that soldiers are in squads, but it's funnier with the micro management.
  20. well,. who got banned?
  21. JahSpoR

    Naval Warfare

    I could imagine divers being roasted by tesla boats. (I really hope some of the infantry have learned to swim a little) EDIT: omg try and imagine all infantry could swim!,. EA is forced to make a new "bonecrushing splat sound" when ships flattens an army of helpless engineers swimming in the ocean!!
  22. JahSpoR

    The Epic, BEST faction poll!

    you see, the whole hotpants thing is to catch the guys to buy the game. I don't think girls go buy the game becouse of "cute ugly lifetards" but i don't know, it prolly scare all the guys away.
  23. JahSpoR

    Almighty Global Conquest poll!

    LUL, don't pick "im a retard" retards! I see what you mean. I was actually expecting something like the map in the first C&C where you had to take it step by step. It's kinda sucky it costs 1000 to move wherever you have a city or a harbour in one turn. Theres too much going on at the same time. And the idea of circle territories is kinda lame when two circles are inside eachother. Im kinda sad, they where so "LOOK AT THIS UBER SHIZ WE GOT FOR YA" ,. and then they probably got some higher priorities from then on, and made it in a hurry.
  24. JahSpoR

    Cabal Ownage

    hah yeh,. wish they where as good at dodging as they are at miss.