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About recover

  • Rank
    Chief Warrant Officer W-5

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  1. Happy Birthday C&C! Never thought I'd see the original C&C remastered. And not in a million years did I think the original source code would be released. And we have Jim Vessella to thank for making this birthday a wonderful one. Thank you Jim! Now let's hope that Tiberian Sun, Firestorm, and RA2 will be remastered next. :)
  2. Thank you Sonic, for all that you've done. I would also like to thank all the people who are ensuring CNCNZ's continued survival.
  3. It would be cool if a lip reader could tell us what Kane is saying. It's probably very random, but might still be interesting.[/size]
  4. Reminds me of FreeCNC. Dead since many years, as most of these from scratch projects end up. Sometimes we see exceptions such as OpenRA, I'm happily surprised that project has come very far.
  5. She also has semi-nude pictures from various magazines.
  6. recover

    Throwback Thursday for 2nd July

    I just played this last weekend, it is one of the last few missions I never played back in the day. It took a while finding a patch that would work with Windows 10. I recommend everyone to use this RA1 installer: http://funkyfr3sh.cncnet.org/ forum thread: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=1918.0 I couldn't find it linked from cncnz's command & patch, so it took a while to find it.
  7. I bought it. I mean, why not? I already had all of these games in one way or another, but now I have them on Origin too. Maybe I could have entered the serial codes from the old boxes? Probably not. I don't have them handy so I couldn't test. If anyone from outside the US wants me to buy it for them, pm me. But I figure you can just add a new billing address that's in the US, because they are not sending you anything, you get the code right after purchase. Funny... Now I have TWO of both C&C4 and RA3 in my origin list, the normal ones and the collection ones. Haha.
  8. recover

    Get Some Command & Conquer Trivia

    If you read the Kucan AMA that I linked, Frank Klepacki writes: And Joe Kucan responds: So, yes, we can be quite sure.
  9. recover

    Get Some Command & Conquer Trivia

    #7 with Daniel Kucan is missing the first appearance, which is in Tiberian Dawn! The first actor you actually see in the entire C&C franchise. at 0:45 At least your mother tipped well! Confirmed in the recent Kucan AMA. EDIT: Upon seeing Daniel in the end scene of TW again, I realized I know that place. It's from the Santa Monica ocean avenue in Los Angeles. I live close to there now. Here, see this street view: https://www.google.com/maps/@34.014592,-118.498676,3a,75y,290.57h,83.91t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sMoMHg7aIcFC9-dH0TUWgsQ!2e0 Same buildings and so on, so I'm positive. I wonder if LA was a green zone, or whatever it was called?
  10. It's day #2 and Joe is still answering questions.
  11. recover

    Joe Kucan reddit AMA Coming Up

    This is AMAZING. They took a break but now they're back at it!