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Doctor Destiny

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Everything posted by Doctor Destiny

  1. Does the game work otherwise? It may just not work online.
  2. Doctor Destiny

    Does anyone here invest in Bitcoin?

    I'm not investing in crypto just yet. I'm going the traditional route at the moment.
  3. More than likely it's stalling at 43,0, which is wait until fully loaded. How many tanks can the transport hold? If it has 12 slots and the tanks take 2, you'll only use 8 with your current task force so it won't ever fill up and won't go anywhere. Can you post the tank and transport code? Otherwise, it's setup correctly. Also, I usually loop the 14,0 load command for the number of units to be loaded.
  4. Doctor Destiny

    Your System Specs - Post them here

    $600 will get you a decent machine with current hardware. I don't think you know what you're doing...
  5. Doctor Destiny

    EA and Micro Transactions

    But Lauren. Do you have a sense of pride and accomplishment?
  6. The AI doesn't really behave that way. You could conceivably add a lot of triggers to attack based on specific units and specific numbers of those units but that still won't be perfect. For example, you could trigger the Allied AI to attack with a group of units when 5 Lasher Tanks are in the field, but the AI will just try to attack the units. It's not that smart since it's a fully scripted AI and not heuristic. Easier to make the AI attack more than try to defend itself. I'd have to check the team types info again though. This might be possible to do but it may not be worth the effort.
  7. Doctor Destiny

    Your System Specs - Post them here

    I'm hoping to build a mostly new rig this year. But that's only if my tax return is big enough. Intel Core i7 8700 series, here I come.
  8. Doctor Destiny

    EA and Micro Transactions

    This is old hat. They're going to do anything to bait you into buying. Most people are going to be immune to it but it will effectively target the two primary groups the most: the whales and little Timmy with mommy's credit card.
  9. Keep the AI as in-line as possible. In other words, don't let the AI build things it shouldn't. You can tell the AI to build whatever and it will, but it's best not to. Makes the cheating a lot less apparent. I make the AI use new units all the time. If you're editing existing task forces, that's the quick and dirty way to make it work. Make sure the unfilled team delay isn't set too low. For example, if you have a $2500 unit in a task force and DissolveUnfilledTeamDelay is set to... say... 1500... the AI will fail to make the team if there's a large number of those units and you'll never see it get used. My delay is set to 8000 and this is measured in frames. You can add defense teams. You have to make them patrol your base. Refer to the existing patrol teams for some pointers. Those should get you started.
  10. If you're not on 64-bit by now, you're doing it wrong.
  11. Can the AI build the unit legitimately? Usually it doesn't matter and the AI ignores it, but it's best to keep it in-line. The AI can't deploy Siege Choppers. They can attack with them but they will not deploy them.
  12. Doctor Destiny

    AMD & Nvidia Desktop Graphics Cards Thread

    Shit's too rich for my blood. I'm just waiting for the GTX 1100s to come out before I upgrade.
  13. Chrome has fuck all on the newest iteration of Firefox. I still prefer Vivaldi over the others though. I got multi-row tabs on it so I might just use it full time regardless.
  14. Doctor Destiny

    Anyone else running Linux?

    I run Red Hat for a server but that's it. WINE never really worked well for me and I have too many games that won't run on it.
  15. Doctor Destiny

    Building types list?

    When used in ScriptTypes, the structure number takes any of several formats and is derived by finding the structure in the [BuildingTypes] list of RULES.INI and subtracting ONE from this structures' number in that list (equivalent to renumbering the list from 0) - this is the explicit number of that structure and is the number to use as the second parameter of the action. Any one of several amendments can be made to this number;- · add 131072 to the number, so GAPOWR (number 1 in RULES.INI thus number 0 for this purpose) becomes 131072 · add 196608 to the number, so GAPOWR (number 1 in RULES.INI thus number 0 for this purpose) becomes 196608 · add 65534 to the number, so GAPOWR (number 1 in RULES.INI thus number 0 for this purpose) becomes 65534 That's from Deezire's guide. It has never been established if the other numbers mean anything. I just use the building's position in the list, which is 0-based.
  16. Doctor Destiny

    Revisiting EA in a Nutshell video

    Everyone's picking on EA but so many companies are doing this. Stop with the EA hate train, you puerile morons. There's other companies doing this much... or, arguably, worse.
  17. Doctor Destiny

    Just how bad can loot boxes and other microtransactions go?

    > complains about losing loot box content if servers die > doesn't complain about servers that die for games that don't have this Money is still lost no matter what it's spent on. As soon as servers for a game go down, you lost your money. Loot boxes are no different in this regard. Personally, I'm not a fan of loot boxes. I don't mind microtransactions or micro-DLC as a principle, but it's being applied so hap-hazardly that it's infuriating. For example, I play a lot of Call of Duty. I spend $60 to buy the game. However, that's not enough. I have to spend $50 on the Season Pass to get the maps. Then I get content walled off by RNG-based loot crates. If I pay $60 for a game, pick paid DLC or loot boxes. Not both. Not everything needs to get monetized. This is the model I actually have a problem with. F2P games with paid loot boxes? No big deal. They gotta make money somehow. Something interesting to note about loot boxes. Companies don't make much off the guys who buy a couple here and there. These things are designed for people who are willing to drop thousands on them. Those guys and the little Timmy who gets into mommy's purse and racks up a gigantic credit card bill.
  18. Doctor Destiny

    Can your current PC still play Crysis under max settings?

    If my machine can't, that engine is extremely poorly designed.
  19. It's fast, I give it that. Problem is... it breaks a shitload of extensions. Not going to 57 on my desktop if I can help it. If ESR keeps the old style, I'll remain on Firefox but if ESR goes the way of ruining extensions, Firefox will be a thing of the past.
  20. Doctor Destiny

    Now Playing - Games

    Now that the servers for WW2 are working, it's a surprisingly good game. Great even.
  21. Doctor Destiny

    C&C on alternate platforms

    C&C on the Switch would be something neat. Especially with the touch screen! Hell, even a remake of TD or RA would be great.
  22. Doctor Destiny

    Are there any good games left?

    I get the feeling you're a bit of a hipster. Plenty of great games still exist. I guess you're too busy nitpicking to find enjoyment.
  23. Clone buildings and use the TechLevel=-1 trick for getting the AI to build more factories. Keep in mind that the AI will get units out of EACH factory. Never do this with construction yards. The AI will expand all the over the map. The naval AI in RA2 is really poor. You basically can't make the naval AI properly bombard land based targets. It was designed to attack sea-based targets. You can add all the triggers and scripts you want, but the AI will almost never attack land based targets. You can partially make it happen but you have to explicitly state land targets (eg; war factory) but it's still very poor at attacking anything but shipyards. I spent hours upon hours trying to make this work but I eventually just gave up. Wasn't worth the hassle. Ares may be able to allow this at some point but if it did, I have no idea when. When it comes to AI editing, use Notepad. Editors are almost always poor and you don't learn enough. You can do a lot more with the raw text than you'll ever be able to do with some editor.
  24. Cute. Reverse fanboying. Same bullshit, different package. Huzzah. The point about a remaster... the early games would benefit. Native widescreen and slightly fancier graphics won't hurt. Not like the SC Remaster didn't prove leaving the old elements in tact while making things a bit better isn't good or anything. Nah, that didn't happen. In short, this was a lame display of random anger.