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Doctor Destiny

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Everything posted by Doctor Destiny

  1. Doctor Destiny

    turret and barrel vxls

    That is definitely an HVA problem. You'll have to edit the one you have or get a new one. Make sure the NEW one comes from a tank with the same dimesnions or very similar ones. Same as the turret. Except you'll have xxxxbarl.vxl/hva.
  2. Doctor Destiny


    You can't get any objects to 'orbit' an area. It simply cannot be done. You can make them hover above an area and you also adjust certain hovering characteristics.
  3. Doctor Destiny

    Turret change? is there one?

    Essentially we said the same thing. Art however cannot control the turrets, at all. Period, end of story.
  4. Doctor Destiny

    turret and barrel vxls

    I have an idea. It's probably the HVA. Try getting an exisitng HVA from the game. Rhino works best here. Try it and if that doesn't work, it's a turret offset problem.
  5. Doctor Destiny

    Turret change? is there one?

    ra2.mix > local.mix for Red Alert 2 ra2md.mix > localmd.mix for Yuri's Revenge
  6. Doctor Destiny

    turret and barrel vxls

    Easy. Combine the barrel and turret and mess with the TurretOffset in art.
  7. Doctor Destiny

    Turret change? is there one?

    This is the file structure for vehicles (using the Apocalypse): apoc.vxl <- body apoctur.vxl <- the turret apocbarl.vxl <- barrel of the turret apoc.hva apoctur.hva apocbarl.hva In order to use a new turret you must have something like that only using your identifier. If you have Turret=yes set on the rules entry, the game will look for xxxxtur.vxl/hva. You must make a NEW unit.
  8. Doctor Destiny

    Some orientation please

    Oh, Spanish eh? Welcome to the modding world but you'll have a lot of competition with other modders. I would happen to be one of those with a released mod and two more on the way and one being a total conversion. You can get different looking structures at PixelOps. You can get some stuff at the Editing Source as well. By the way, I can read *some* Spanish and can probably do *some* translating in my spare time. Anyway, welcome and have fun!
  9. Doctor Destiny

    Turret change? is there one?

    No offense but it doesn't work that way. You're going to get a Grizzly Tank. Art CANNOT control the turret. You can only have a new turret by creating a NEW unit. Let me say it one more time: ART CANNOT CONTROL THE TURRET! Maybe that will get through.
  10. No, not a folder; mix file
  11. Doctor Destiny


    Very simple procedure actually. As I said, the particles spawn from an animation but in your case, you want them to spawn as the tank shoots. Make a new warhead. Rules: [sprayerWH] Verses=100%100%,100%,20%,20%,20%,10%,10%,10%,100%,100% Conventional=no InfDeath=9 AnimList=PIFFPIFF2 <- this is where the spawning occurs and also on infantry death Art: [PIFFPIFF2] Image=PIFFPIFF SpawnsParticle=VirusCloud1 NumParticles=1 Addendum: You'll only want the one particle at a time. Particles tend to hog resources and lag the game. It may not be a good idea to have this idea on a Gattling Tank.
  12. Doctor Destiny

    Turret change? is there one?

    All they did was take the chassis of a unit and slap a new turret on top. Art can't control what turret goes where. You have to make a new mix files to do that.
  13. Doctor Destiny

    bomb animations

    All animations are done in anim.pal, except for about 5 or 6.
  14. Um yeah. Just put them in a mix file of your very own.
  15. Doctor Destiny

    MAD Tank

    No. Plain and simple. The animation is necessary as is the death weapon.
  16. Doctor Destiny

    png into shp

    Very possible. Open Paint Shop Pro or equivalent program and save your cameo as a PCX file. Not too hard, now is it?
  17. Doctor Destiny

    png into shp

    Right, they must be in PCX format.
  18. Doctor Destiny


    No problem. That's why I'm here.
  19. Doctor Destiny

    Goliath Tank

    [GAROBO] PowersUnit=ROBO,GOLT Never use spaces in your [iDENTIFIERS].
  20. Doctor Destiny


    I'll be posting Red Alert soud packs on the Editing Source. Just be patient.
  21. Doctor Destiny

    Unit buildable, image won't appear

    [PHAL] Cameo=DEATHJET AltCameo=JABVET Voxel=yes PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,0
  22. Doctor Destiny

    MAD Tank

    Oh yay, MAD Tank. They're easy to make in RA2/YR. 1) Create a vehicle with Demo Truck like properties. Suicide weapon and all. 2) Create/Find the proper animations and set entries for them. 3) Create a dummy structure for the MAD Tank to deploy into. 4) Attach an animation with a very high rate to the dummy structure. This animation should do a lot of damage. 5) Make your MAD Tank deploy into the dummy structure. Attach the MAD Tank death weapon to the structure. 6) Make sure everything you created is definded properly and added to each respective list. 7) Test it and enjoy the fun!
  23. Doctor Destiny


    Make sure you have the cameo in SHP(TS) format and in the RA2 directory. If those are met, include it in the art file.
  24. Loading screens are supremely fun to make. You need the proper resolution, which is 800. Doesn't change, 640 is no longer supported. Now, get your palettes for the country you plan to make a new screen for. Each has their own. Let's take Yuri for example. His screen name is ls800yuri.shp. When you copy that as a pcx, make sure you're set on the proper palette. Don't remember what it is but if the image looks clean and it looks as if you're ingame, you've got the right one. Make your image and copy it as SHP(TS) using Yuri's MP screen palette. Now play the game, your new screen should appear.