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Doctor Destiny

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Everything posted by Doctor Destiny

  1. Doctor Destiny


    The shadows for helicoptors have something to do with the ShadowIndex= tag. I'm not sure how it functions but I think it reads the voxel's sections beginning with 0. Rotor shadows will not spin and you cannot have both the shadow of the body AND the rotor. As for ShadowIndex though, I'm still not quite clear on its function. But I think that's it.
  2. Doctor Destiny

    Changes won't apply

    1) Make sure your unit has a buildable prerequisite and make sure your prerequisite structure names match the identifiers themselves. 2) Make sure your unit has a tech level between 1 and 10. 3) Make sure your unit is in the proper list.
  3. I'd have a go but I'm not sure exactly how World Builder does triggers. Oh well, that's the price you pay for making too many StarCraft maps.
  4. Doctor Destiny

    Unit getting stuck in weapons factory

    That's not uncommon with hover units. Try lowering the speed a few notches. That ought to do it.
  5. I can supply that. What do you want to know?
  6. No, I'm far from that. I take my cues from DeeZire and other greats as well. I'm just learned and I understand how everything functions.
  7. Doctor Destiny

    flat building?

    Even better, Flat=yes in art.
  8. Doctor Destiny


    Another old topic, damn I rule. Depends on what you mean. The only reason the green gas comes out is the infantry death animation. That animations fires the particle system which triggers the gas to come out. You have to spawn a Particle system from an animation.
  9. Doctor Destiny

    Adding Sounds

    Did you click OK when you were done?
  10. Doctor Destiny

    NEED STINGER ?????????

    Old topic, yeah yeah. The APC/APCW logic does not exist anymore. Having the voxel change as it did in TS will not work anymore. 1 How can i make my ICBM.vxl launched missile Make it deploy into GAICBM. Make the structure fire the weapon. 2 And how can i make my barracks, building twice so much units out, i mean by 1 click on the conscript icon and then 2 conscript coming out. Cannot be done. Theater=yes NewTheater=yes Those only work with structures. They tell the game to look for theater specific strucutre buildups, animations and images. Theater includes the RA2 theaters abd NewTheater only works in YR.
  11. No problem. That's why I'm here.
  12. The art isn't confusing. It's easier than rules, I'll tell you that. It's just different and more tags make sense.
  13. Doctor Destiny

    Cameo picture

    You must have at least Paint Shop Pro. Paint won't quite cut it for you.
  14. It doesn't take a lot of time, even with the files. It's just a lot of copying and pasting. It's faster, cleaner and easier. Trust me.
  15. Doctor Destiny

    Charging Up

    pssssssst Give your aircraft the naval locomotor.
  16. 1) Don't use TibEd. 2) Open the files themselves. 3) Figure out yourself.
  17. Here alleylee.... SHPs are usually used as infantry and structures. They allow more freedom and flexibility in terms of detail because you tell the game when and how to display certain frames. Animations are also made in SHP format, as are MOST, not all, projectiles. You can also make SHP vehicles; the Terror Drone is a good example of this. The Terror Drone would have made a crappy voxel due to the numerous HVA problems that would have been associated with its walking and jumping. The TD works better as an SHP because of its inherent jump attack. Voxels on the other hand cannot be told how to animate with the files. This is where the HVA comes in. The HVA stores ALL animation data for that specific voxel. HVAs also include turret alignments and alignments of other parts as well. Voxels are used for turrets, aircraft, vehicles and naval units. Voxels are much easier to make but still very difficult to make them look great and have proper normals.
  18. Doctor Destiny

    shp format

    Actually, someone did do that. Contact a modder named gamemate. I'm pretty sure he can help you.
  19. Doctor Destiny

    Adding Sounds

    *falls on the floor, twitching* It's easy. Don't have the XCC Mixer maximized.
  20. Doctor Destiny

    Cameo picture

    *sigh* 1) Get your image and resize it to 60x48. 2) Add your text, blue corners and glass effect. 3) Apply the RA2 cameo palette and save it. 4) Convert to SHP(TS) with the XCC Mixer. 5) Add it to your art entry and play the game. It should show up if you did everything correctly.
  21. That's not very helpful. What do you mean by "picture"?
  22. Doctor Destiny

    VXL Surface Normals <RA2/YR>

    Paint the normals yourself then. It's not really that hard. It just takes a little time to do properly.
  23. You can use Paint Shop Pro, PhotoShop and an array of other tools. But next time, you need to define what you mean by picture.
  24. Doctor Destiny

    Just a couple of questions...

    ; Yuri Psychic Mine [YAPSYM] UIName=Name:YAPSYM Name=Psychic Mine BuildCat=Combat Strength=25 Invisible=yes LegalTarget=no Primary=MultipleMindControlTank Armor=wood Prerequisite=YABRCK,YACNST Insignificant=yes TechLevel=4 Adjacent=10 Sight=3 Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance,Russians,Confederation,Africans, Arabs,YuriCountry AIBasePlanningSide=2 Cost=250 BaseNormal=no Points=30 Power=-10 Crewed=no Trainable=no Capturable=false Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 DebrisAnims=DBRIS4LG,DBRIS4SM,DBRIS6LG MaxDebris=2 MinDebris=1 Powered=yes ThreatPosed=30IsBaseDefense=no AIBuildThis=no HasStupidGuardMode=false DeathWeapon=PsyMineExplosion DeathWeaponDamageModifier=1.2 [PsyMineExplosion] Damage=400 ROF=100 Range=2.5 Projectile=Invisible Warhead=PsyMineWH [PsyMineWH] CellSpread=2.5 Verses=200%,200%,200%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,0%,100%,100% InfDeath=6 AnimList=RING1 PsychicDamage=yes This controls units temporarily when the mine has OVER 3 units in its control. It will then explode, using its death weapon.
  25. Doctor Destiny

    How to make an airstrike <RA2/YR>

    That's Parabombs. I know exactly what he wants and it cannot be done with the current system. What can be done however is attaching an animation to the Spy Plane that does damage. The Spy Plane cannot do physical damage with a weapon but it can have an animation that does damage.