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Everything posted by Doctor Destiny
Did you not read what I said? Autonormalize is okay. Just use the Tiberian Sun normals if you do it that way.
Wrong trigger. These are AI triggers. They control most of the AI's behavior. It's tricky to get them right on the first try. TibEd does not do AI, or at least it didn't for me. FA2 is for individual maps and the AI file itself will be the best way to upgrade the AI. The AI is a pain and it takes some time to get used to editing it.
You cannot have a true airstike superweapon. It cannot be done. It has been tested with SpyPlane FlyBy but all attempts failed. You'll have to wait for Psycho to release his emulated version. You can download voxels from The Editing Source and RA2: Savage War.
TibEd can you you halfway there but I recommend against TibEd for this. 1) Get your sound in WAV format. 2) Launch the XCC Mixer and launch the Sound Editor. 3) Drag and drop your sounds into the Editor. 4) Click OK and go close the XCC Mixer. 5) Open sound(md).ini. 6) Create your entry. As such: [YOURSOUND] Sounds= yoursound1 yoursound2 etc.... Control=random Volume=80 xxxx=YOURSOUND Replace xxxx with the next number. 7) Save the file, apply the sound in the rules file. 8) Put the files in the RA2 directory. 9) Play the sound using your criteria.
Actually, all superweapon systems can be used as unit weapons and sometimes with satisfying results. The Ion Cannon for example can be used perfectly in RA2/YR but not as a superweapon mind you. You can attach it to any unit as long as you edit it properly. The error probably stems from something else. Most likely a typo on the weapon statement or the warhead statement. It could even be an art problem as well.
This could be numerous things. It could be a weapon issue, warhead problem, missing HVA or missing art entry. When does the error occur and what kind of unit is it?
Learn how to paint normals yourself. And if you autonormalize, use the Tiberian Sun normals. They look a lot better than RA2.
Making a Mine Layer: 1) Create a vehicle with 5 ammo. Now clone that 4 times, each one with 1 less ammo pip. 2) The vehicle deploys into the mine and you need SIX mines to do this. Put FreeUnit=MLAYR#. 3) Repeat this process until your sixth mine gives you a Mine Layer with no ammo. Addendum: You can skip that and just give your Mine Layer infinite ammo.
Don't forget the the Editing Source. There's some great stuff there. Quality stuff.
If you set Acceleration to 0.9, it means the vehicle will accelerate at nine-tenths as fast as the default. Basically, not much changes.
That's quite simple. The easiest and fastest method is to add your new unit to an already existing triggered team type. You can make a new one but that requires a little more time but not much extra though.
No, you can't link that to the projectile. Powering units only applies to vehicle units. Infantry cannot be powered in the same manner. The default Acceleration/Deaceleration is 1.0. 1.1 would mean faster and 0.9 would be slower.
AI editing is the hardest aspect of modding any C&C game. You can't really make them that unpredictable. You can almost get them that way but that means you'll have to add so many teams, scripts and AI triggers. You'll need greater than 1200 teams and 1400 scripts to get the AI to even be remotely difficult. The rules file also has a lot of settings in the General section that controls how it builds. I've been studying the AI file and I understand how it works but coding it is VERY tricky. I can code it but I won't do it freelance for people so don't bother asking. I can guide you but I won't code for you. PPM also has an AI Editor which will greatly assist you. I use it for coding but I study the actual file itself.
Ah it's nice to see newbies stop using TibEd and start using the files. Country switching is a pain and not really worth the trouble unless you do it right.
AccelerationFactor= and DeaccelerationFactor=. You weren't very specific. Yes, flak will miss. It does even at speed 20. Speed maxes at 100 so anything higher will default to 100. That's not a bug. It's odd but the missile is following the game code. I had that happen once, but it followed a Nuke Bomber I had. Tell him only noobs can't beat the AI.
No, there aren't. You just have to experiment. Only vehicles, aircraft and capital ships. Yes, Speed= in rules. Yes and no. You can have a structure that powers them and if it goes offline, so do the units but you can't have them come out of that. You can conceivably remove naval units and have 2 types of ground unit factories but that's annoying and more trouble than its worth.
Send me some samples to stealth[at]cncguild[dot]net. Maybe you can do soem freelance work for YR 1.002 which is a MOD, not a patch.
You cannot add new teams. It's not possible. You can EDIT a country to be a new one but that leads to short games bugs, AI problems and overall bugginess of the mod.
Where is the rules file located on the RA2 disk?
Doctor Destiny replied to a topic in Editing Discussion
Easiest method of removing mods: 1) Remove the game. 2) Reinstall the game. Easy, simple and hassle free, unless of course you don't have the disc. -
The NUKE warhead is hardcoded to have a CellSpread limit of 10. It can't go any higher but you can adjust everything else.
Stinger, he said RA2. BPLN does not exist in RA2. But add it to the PadAircraft list and [AircraftTypes] list.
If there's no buildup, you can't sell it. I wouldn't allow it to be constructed to be honest. It's not really worth it.
You can't add new infantry death sequences as there's no way to link them with the InfDeath= tag. You can replace existing ones but then you'll have to edit the other warheads to remove the one you replaced. A tank with two weapons is easy. Refer to the Apocalypse for help. As for the flamethrower, change the Image= tag under the [FireStream] particle section.
Cluster bombs? It splits? Yeah, you can do it in YR. Find [V3Airburst] and make sure it looks like this; [V3Airburst] ROF=50 Damage=25 Speed=20 Range=10 Projectile=V3AirburstP Warhead=V3HE Find [V3AirburstP] and make sure it looks like this; [V3AirburstP] Image=(insert image here; DMISL works well here) Arm=2 Proximity=yes High=yes VeryHigh=yes Cluster=9 Airburst=yes AirburstWeapon=V3Cluster Ranged=yes AA=no ROT=4 Find [ClusterBits] and make it as such; [ClusterBits] Arm=2 High=yes Shadow=no Proximity=yes Ranged=yes Image=DREDMISS FirersPalette=yes ROT=8 Now give a unit Primary=V3Airburst and there you go.
The best mod maker is the files and WordPad, plus some original ideas. I'm not a genius, just an avid modder. It's actually ver simple once you get the basics down. Tutorials are great for newbie modders. If you need some, visit the Editing Source.