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Everything posted by Doctor Destiny
I believe it's under [AudioVisual] or [General]. Been a while since I used it. Use the files and WordPad. It's soooooo much better.
You don't need a new MCV. Use the Allied MCV.
It's only 4 systems of code: unit, weapon, particle system, and the particle itself. Not hard to do actually. It's actually getting it to fill up that's the hard part.
You don't need a fourth MCV. Use the Allied Construction Yard and exclude the new German side from the Allied side. Add your structures as needed, making sure to keep the German ones exclusive to Germany. The only problem will be getting the Allies to build German stuff and vice versa. There's another minor problem, but you won't be able to have new EVA voices.
I already told you. Neat effects.
It's actually one line. It's a lot easier than you think. Find AnimToInfantry=BRUTE and change to AnimToInfantry=ADOG/DOG. Not hard.
There are plenty of downloadable voxels, cameos, infantry, structures and cameos. Making them is the least of your worries, unless it's gonna be public. Everything is really easy. You just have to sit down and play around for a while. How do you think I got so far?
Nope, I don't think so. I'm getting a custom Chrono Prison.
You need the XCC Mixer to extract the INI files from the MIX files that contain them. You'll need rules(md).ini, art(md).ini, sound(md).ini, eva(md).ini, theme(md).ini and ra2md.csf. You can find them in ra2(md).mix > local(md).mix. Actually, eva(md).ini and theme(md).ini aren't required unless you intend to add EVA sounds or new music themes. I recommend NOT using TibEd as it's too basic and it won't get you far enough into the good stuff. It's great for playing with stats, but not making a full fledged mod. I strongly recommend that you get at least PSP. It's a little simpler for this than PS7. At least it is to me. I have MSN and AIM, feel free to contact me if you need any further help.
Yes but you'd need to edit the animation and the Genetic Mutator would be worthless to you. You can also change AnimToInfantry to the infantry type you want and it'll do that. You can have multiple infantries listed, but it won't go to your side if it's not the first one.
ArgCmdr wrote a much better tutorial for making 'new' sides. It removes the need for a 4th MCV and much less AI coding.
What do you mean 'where can you code it'?
Good thoughts, but it doesn't work. Already been tested and confirmed as impossible.
[Weapon] InfDeath=9
Spread like that, eh? [Projectile] Other crap as needed. FlakScatter=yes Inaccurate=yes That'll be what you need. FlakScatter isn't required but it adds some neat effects.
Many things can be used to make mods: 1) XCC Utilities - A MUST HAVE! 2) the ini files - Used for changing aspects of the game and adding things. 3) Paint Shop Pro 5 or higher - Excellent for making SHP graphics. 4) PhotoShop 7 - Again, used in the creation of gfx. 5) StrEdit - Not required but useful for editing the CSF file. 6) Voxel Editor - Must have for editing/making voxels. 7) GMAX/3ds Max - EXCELLENT for making 3d images like voxels, SHPs and renders. Addendum: It also helps to have a talented team.
There's two ways: 1) You can just make a Chrono erase weapon that's really powerful. 2) You can code a weapon system that has multiple settings for getting 'full.' This is a pain in the ass if you're new and it CANNOT be done with TibEd. Plus this option uses a Rail system.
What have I done that TibEd can't.... 1) Created a new superweapon. 2) Added an entirely NEW side. 3) Improved the AI. The list goes on..... TibEd isn't the greatest tool for modding.
Yer I have one bit it's exclusive to my new mod. Just use the one from YR Argentina.
Bomber) Change Primary=BOMB to Primary=Bomb. 1) The Propaganda Truck's souns were removed in Yuri's Revenge. You will have to extract them from Red Alert 2. 2) You need Thief=yes and VehicleThief=yes. Disguise=yes and PermaDisguise=yes are even better. 3) Cannot be done. You can't have them disguise AND shoot infantry. It doesn't work that way.
Hm, odd. Does it give an Internal Error or just not work?
This does not exist in RA2. It won't work.
Three things: CellRangefinding goes on the warhead. OmniFire goes on the weapon. Removed Crewed=yes on the Badger.
If you're interested in modding, visit the Editing Source. It has everything you need. We, more appropriately I, have tutorials and graphics, not many, but I have some. If you need it, I can supply it. URL is in my sig.
Scott: I added you already. Devastation is pretty noobie too but it's a lot of fun! Thierry: Play YR Advanced (my mod), DeeZire, MooMan's Rules, CannisRules and SeaMan's Rules. All very good mods, even though I severly dislike Cannis and SeaMan, but that's not something you really to concern yourself with. Just enjoy the mods.