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Doctor Destiny

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Everything posted by Doctor Destiny

  1. Doctor Destiny

    Post Your C&C Collections

    I don't do much importing so I won't get one of those, Plokite. xD Anyhow, this glorious beauty came in the mail today.
  2. All this article did was **** on the EA titles. I loved TW and RA3. There's nothing good about this. At least they put RA2 at the top. It's the best damn C&C game ever made.
  3. Doctor Destiny

    [Ares] AI Crash with new country?

    You need at least one defensive team and one attack team for the AI. If there's nothing there, it goes boom.
  4. Doctor Destiny

    First-ever Steam Awards has begun

    The Steam Awards are for games, not mods. Do you always feel the need to complain about everything?
  5. Doctor Destiny

    Why I gave up Firefox for Opera

    Saving webpages now is like complaining that the sun hot. Kinda... eh... pointless.
  6. Doctor Destiny

    Cheap TV screens and refresh rates

    5ms is about as high as you want to go with response time usually, but you can go higher if the refresh rate is high quality. If you're only playing console games, 60 hz is as high as you'd want to go. Higher and the returns diminish greatly. Don't use audio from monitors. It's garbage. Use real speakers.
  7. Doctor Destiny

    Why I gave up Firefox for Opera

    Safari is absolute garbage.
  8. Doctor Destiny

    Now Playing - Games

    MWR and BO1. Both online. I'd keep playing Infinite Warfare but the hit detection is my worst enemy...
  9. PC gaming is still very multiplayer centric. You're not going to get away from multiplayer. The biggest games on PC... yeah, they're not SP games. They're games like CSGO, TF2, Battlefield.... very much MP focused.
  10. Doctor Destiny

    Desktop CPU Thread

    It's Level 2 or Level 3. It doesn't say "and."
  11. Doctor Destiny

    Free giveaway on promotional game(s) -- post them here

    They're not pointless or brainless. The whole point of games like Dear Esther is that video games can be more than just "action" or transcend the simple concept of "just fun." Think larger scope and stop complaining about everything that doesn't fit your narrow-minded narrative.
  12. Doctor Destiny

    Desktop CPU Thread

    It's amazing what you find when you use ****ing google: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Cache.
  13. Are you an idiot or do you just feel the need to complain about everything? Gaming is still as engaging as ever and nothing has really changed as far as that goes. Yes, it's become more social but that's how the landscape has evolved outside of the gaming world and trying to "stick with the past" is a quick way to die a painful death. There's really not an issue with the social aspect. If you don't like it, you can... get this... ignore it. I turn off tons of notifications because they get in the way. I don't make a fuss over nothing. If things this minor really bother you that much, you're in for an even worse time. It also sounds like you're bitching about multiplayer because you're a complete scrub. As they say in Call of Duty, "git gud, skrub." Man, your solution isn't even a solution. It's complete horse****. There's no solution needed. You can be connected all the time or not be. Don't want to connect all the time? Then don't. Stay back in the Stone Age if you want, but whining about it really won't make a difference. It makes you look like an incorrigible dip****. Given the other schlock you've spewed, this isn't too far off. Regardless, video gaming is about a social experience and it always has been. I've been gaming for nearly 30 years and it was always a great bonding experience between my friends and I or my brother and I. I've also played my share of solo games and that has never changed. Plenty of single player games get released every year. If you don't want to look for them or don't want to play them, that's not a problem with the current era. That's all your problem. Nobody has to cater to your archaic demands. I can't tell if you're for or against diverse characters in games. You're unbelievably convoluted and can't maintain a coherent train of thought. What are you even talking about? Do you even know? How can someone write that much but say so little? Good lord. **** off and play a video game or something. You're implying gaming is worse now than it was in the past. It's not. Take off your nostalgia goggles. Just as it is now, the past ages of gaming are marred with truckloads of exceedingly awful games. Not every game was a gem in your vaunted "golden age." Alternatives already exist. You're too lazy to look for them. I have a DS and 3DS. While Internet connected, I very rarely put them on WiFi and simply play games with them. The Vita doesn't need Internet connectivity either, but it's a piece of ****. Get a 3DS instead. Either way, your "non-social" gaming exists and it's in great supply... Local multiplayer is gone. Most games don't support it anymore. Not really an alternative when it's gone. Man, I remember the 16-bit era. So many game consoles. It made your head spin. I tried out some TG16 games. Man, that was an underrated classic. I need to get one of those.
  14. Doctor Destiny

    Trump has made history!

    When you really think about it, Trump isn't the problem. By himself, he's an okay candidate. Not great, not horrible... just middle of the road. The problem is that he has no real opposition in Congress and he's putting some genuinely terrible people in high places. I hope not to see a dumpster fire for four years, but I have a suspicion that it will be the case.
  15. Doctor Destiny

    Why I gave up Firefox for Opera

    Depending on the issue, it can usually be fixed pretty easily.
  16. I prefer having a copy I can listen to when the Internet goes out, but this was a much better album than the last few. Not to say I dislike those albums, but this one had more heft. Still doesn't beat Megadeth's new album but this one is pretty damn good.
  17. Doctor Destiny

    Why I gave up Firefox for Opera

    I use Firefox ESR 64-bit on my main tower and Firefox Mobile on my phone and tablet. I don't have any speed issues. I have to restart it once and a while, but short of that, no issues at all.
  18. Doctor Destiny

    Left 4 Dead 3 confirmed?

    This holds as much weight for L4D3 as the job listing for EA did for a new C&C. This confirms nothing. Sounds more like wild speculation. Though, if it's true, it will ruin the best running Internet gag of the decade.
  19. Doctor Destiny

    Trump has made history!

    So it's come to this...
  20. Doctor Destiny

    NPatch / RockPatch?

    LaunchBase has been abandoned. I wouldn't use it anymore.
  21. Doctor Destiny

    Now Playing - Games

    Infinite Warfare, Modern Warfare Remastered and Titanfall 2 mostly.
  22. Doctor Destiny

    Vote for Kane to be The President of PC Games!

    Massive cringe.
  23. Doctor Destiny

    NPatch / RockPatch?

    That's how most of us do it anyway. I manually run Ares...
  24. Doctor Destiny

    New death animations?

    You can use as many specific DeathAnims as you want, but InfDeath is only usable up to 10. Ares, I'm certain, allows more per warhead death animations.
  25. Doctor Destiny

    First Trailer For Red Dead Redemption 2

    Cause they're a bunch of pricks. Rockstar is either really awesome or really ****. They're on the **** end of things if they hold games hostage on consoles.