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Doctor Destiny

Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Doctor Destiny

  1. I go in for a psych eval on the 6th. yay I think.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nmenth


      Those poor evaluators have no idea what they are in for...

    3. AZ-Stalker


      Sshush, at least they're not evaluating Luk3us. ;D

    4. Luk3us


      It would be difficult for mere mortals to begin to grasp my brilliance.

  2. Internet doomsday comes and goes without incident. That figures.

    1. Nmenth


      But it sure had me petrified with fear, it did. Oh wait... no, it actually didn't...

    2. Luk3us


      I'm sure somewhere some guy is pissed off his internet isn't working suddenly. :P

  3. Generals 2. It's about time the universe got some more love. I'm sick of the 'staple' C&C bull**** already.

    1. Luk3us


      Haters gonna hate. ;)

    2. Doctor Destiny

      Doctor Destiny

      You're damn right we are. :P

    3. Alex06


      I'm actually looking forward to Generals 2. Hopefully balanced gameplay and down-to-earth weapons remain the rule, rather than become the exception.

  4. Looking for musical talent to help with mod soundtracks. Specifically remix artists.

  5. I need more ponies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luk3us


      Next new ep isn't till about the 5th! :( :( :(

    3. Malevolence


      25MB? C'mon, too small! :P

    4. Plok


      Maybe, but I pick them carefully...

  6. s_w, you don't know a lot of things.

  7. You're a moron. >_>;
