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About mormreed

  • Rank
    I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend
  • Birthday 01/05/1992

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  • Location
    MASS, US
  • Interests
    music, some graphic stuff (at least for now)

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  1. I am a stump! AMA

  2. well then the crew needs more ski trips. btw who won the elections?

  3. You need to be less non-existent.

  4. mormreed

    StarCraft II Officially Delayed To 2010

    I'm just waiting for the riot reports in Korea, it's the equivalent of saying you're gonna make baseball 2.0 in the US and delaying it XD
  5. mormreed

    Games to get - 2009

    YES cannot wait for this, looks even more epic than NHL 09 and other games I'm waiting for: Modern Warfare 2 (picked up Modern Warfare for the PS3 and I've never loved a shooter so much) Assassin's Creed II (Still working on finishing number one but I've only finished one game ever... The original Jak and Daxter XD) Guitar Hero 5 (Saw a preview today and it looks amazing)
  6. mormreed

    Desktop CPU Thread

    I have what I think is a simple question, what is this whole turbo thing?
  7. mormreed

    Pic of the Day

    It's those damn machines trying to get us again, the robots will come, and you'll be sorry you didn't listen to my fear mongering ways
  8. mormreed

    Video of the day

    I like the T-Shirt Launcher Inventor and Rolling Cooler Cooler Roller Bud Light Commercials the best something about those makes me laugh my ass off every time XD cheers me up at work a bit
  9. mormreed

    Homeless first class travel!

    They could also be used as a solution to the US's seemingly ever growing energy needs
  10. mormreed

    I Wish I Had A Better Title...

    Yeah I don't throw stuff out... I feel guilty if I throw stuff out, feels like a waste of money -.- but I did just pick up a 24" monitor off Newegg (Yes it was the one on special for $220, that dropped to $200 the day it arrived -.-) Using it for the PS3, haven't had a good HD screen to use it with so it just blew my mind. Monitor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16824009167 And as far as bowling goes... Yeah... I think I'm gonna let that one go XD it is fun though as long as it is not taken seriously...