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Everything posted by Heretic

  1. Heretic

    Favorite comedian?

    I´d go for Eddie Murphy (i dont watch many international comedians) http://youtube.com/watch?v=51-FcNSDGKw *edit* that one´s not half as funny as this one !!! -> http://youtube.com/watch?v=5FDPIqG-Roc the delirious show is hilarious ! its all on youtube
  2. Heretic


    watched it three times and i only laughed on the 2nd attempt :roll:
  3. Heretic


    hey i got a question - when a band reaches 0 its out right ? and at 20 they go to the hall of fame.. does that mean i can choose 2 new bands ? bah, ill edit later if i can´t. here´s the new list : Nelly Furtado - 10 Lil' Wayne - 6 And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - 2 The Police - 10 Sparta - 10 Finger Eleven - 10 Caliban - 16 Brazilian Girls - 10 The Blank Theory - 10 Liquid Tension Experiment - 12 The Decemberists- 14 Metallica - 10 Dean Martin - 12 Destruction Made Simple - 12 Santana - 16
  4. Heretic


    Nelly Furtado - 10 Lil' Wayne - 6 And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - 2 Thin Lizzy - 20 (HEAL !) Sparta - 10 Finger Eleven - 10 Caliban - 16 Brazilian Girls - 10 The Blank Theory - 10 Liquid Tension Experiment - 12 The Decemberists- 14 Dean Martin - 12 Destruction Made Simple - 12 Santana - 16 Pretty Ricky - 0 (HURT ! - wtf´s up with his name ?)
  5. Heretic

    Pic of the Day

    does YTMND have like a main page where you can view their entire collection of animations ?
  6. Heretic

    Now Playing - Music

    Frank Klepacki - Hellmarch ! (if ur from sweden it sounds like : "VI VILL HA RÖÖV - RÖÖVHALT !" which means : "WE WANT AASSS - AASSLIMP!") we think they are reffering to a person called asslimp (or should you translate it into limpass?) anyways...
  7. okay, i get the two baby pictures but what´s up with the first ? 1st and 2nd are both angels but i still dont get it, must be something more ?
  8. Heretic

    C&C3 wallpaper

    standard i guess, i dont know much about the terms, and i can´t say i know what a cs2 brush is .. tell me !
  9. Heretic

    Mod idea

    hey guys, i was just wondering.. would it be difficult to make a mod for Renegade where you add bots for multiplayer games ? because my brother and I play renegade with each other every once in a while on LAN and it gets kind of boring when ur only 2 peeps. And im sure someone else out there would also want some bots in multiplayer..
  10. Heretic

    Rank Pictures

    maybe you should make the theme in the backrounds more.. like each other. like, having the same backround colour and/or making the lines symmetric, so they take up where the other icons lines ended. otherwise, they´re nice :wink:
  11. Heretic

    C&C3 wallpaper

    okay, thanks
  12. Heretic

    Dawn of War (early) Media

    looking good just thoght id mention that there already is a game named Dawn of War -> http://www.dawnofwargame.com/ keep us updated on the progress ! :wink: