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Red Blitzkrieg

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Everything posted by Red Blitzkrieg

  1. Red Blitzkrieg

    Sig Shop

    O.O..................................this......is freaking AWESOME! you guys are very talented. And I hope to stay VERY active on the forum without being a nuisance or take the privilege of having a sig (finally XD) likely.
  2. Red Blitzkrieg

    Quick List of New Red Alert 3 Details

    Well anyway you slice it it still seems to be good news at best.
  3. ...................I think I just crapped myself from the sheer awesomeness of the music and trailer.............Can't wait till it's out
  4. Red Blitzkrieg

    Red Alert 3 Q&A Update #8

    Well, the lack of the best map ever sucks, but the other stuff's pretty sweet.
  5. Red Blitzkrieg

    RA3 Unit Profile - Soviet Twinblade

    Best, Soviet, chopper, ever.
  6. Red Blitzkrieg

    Video of the day

    Here's a very funny chicken vid
  7. Red Blitzkrieg

    Favourite SuperWeapon?

    Nothing says ownage like turning your enemies units against him while simultaneously dealing damage to structures, Psychic Dominator for the win.
  8. Red Blitzkrieg

    Now Playing - Music

    Dead or Alive 4 OST - My Grave.........it's freaking sweet.
  9. Red Blitzkrieg

    Now Playing - Games

    Taking a break from Warhammer. now playing Battlefront 2
  10. Red Blitzkrieg

    Red Alert 3 Box Art Revealed

    I think it looks awesome, Soviets FTW!
  11. Red Blitzkrieg

    RA3 Unit Profile - Aircraft Carrier

    I think it looks pretty awesome, Aircraft carriers are one of the most awesome warships there are
  12. Red Blitzkrieg

    No TIBERIUM at E3 This Year

    What? No TIBERIUM? blasphemy and unjust!
  13. Red Blitzkrieg

    Video Games Live releasing CD

    Hey..........I like Halo, Kingdom hearts, and Warcraft...........they're great games..........
  14. Red Blitzkrieg

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    this is set between the two, and you Vader's secret apprentice is like someone who's taken the dam that is the barrier that limits how much of the force's power and has shattered it thus making them extremely strong.
  15. Red Blitzkrieg

    Your life with out video games?

    pretty dull, but I'd still have my comics, movies, and toys.....
  16. Red Blitzkrieg

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    Anyway, back on topic. What do you or anyone else think of the story, choice gameplay and over the top force powers?
  17. Red Blitzkrieg

    co op campaign

    The way I see it, if you'r allies are comps and you die, you all lose, but if your allies are humans, you just sit back and watch
  18. Red Blitzkrieg

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    There are rumors of a third installment in the franchise, a BF III
  19. Red Blitzkrieg

    Red Alert 3 Q&A Update #7

    I love the taunts being back! I mean they're soo much fun, and you can't have a Soviet army without the Flack trooper. XD
  20. Red Blitzkrieg


    Looks pretty awesome from what I've seen. Very promissing
  21. Red Blitzkrieg

    Now Playing - Music

    E.S. Posthumus - Tikal
  22. Red Blitzkrieg

    Now Playing - Music

    Breaking Benjamin - So Cold
  23. Red Blitzkrieg

    RA3 Unit Profile - King Oni

    Japan has just topped the Soviets as my fave faction
  24. Red Blitzkrieg

    RA3 Unit Profile: Apollo Fighter

    looks a lil like the aurora but soo far I'm liking the Allied units alot.......not more than the Soviets but that might change when we see the Japanese units
  25. I can see great tactical uses coming from the prospector, and a endless wave of Kirov spamming as well as using them as suicide bombs. But all in all, the Kirov's my fave air unit so far