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Everything posted by dbjs2009

  1. The name does seem familiar, as far as I'm concerned it's an unfinished old project, isn't this (http://www.derelictstudios.net/tc/) what you are referring to?
  2. As we haven't seen anything from the Project-X mod for a while, the developers have just revealed new screen shots bringing back some of C&C's classic units as well as some new ones, such as Red Alert 2 Hornets, Imperial Gunship and more. More screenshots can be found here.
  3. I think for this capability you need to do some coding beyond the Rulesmd.ini file, and the one that you're referring to was actually done by "Ares", you might need to check it out.
  4. dbjs2009

    Super Weapons!

    As we all know that in Red Alert 2 The Soviets have two super weapons (The Nuclear missiles and Iron curtin) and the Allieds have the Weather Control Device and the chronosphere, But I was thinking that the Soviets should have the both Nuclear missiles and the Weather Control Device that because Soviets have the telsa coils and troopers and nuclear trucks but the Allieds doesn't have either one of them in the game so they should have superweapon that makes chrono explosion and the second one is a satellite that shoots laser it just makes damages like the other super weapons So what do you think??! Actually it's just my thought for now If anyone have watched Batman beyond the joker's return before he may know what I mean.
  5. The Vortex mod for C&C: Generals is back with a new update covering the month of April, featuring many new concepts for most factions, such as the GLA Desert Raider, GC Claw Artillery, Nod Spectre Artillery and more. The whole update with the rest of the concepts and details can be found here.
  6. While the new patch for the NProject Mod for C&C Generals is on the way and is expected to be released soon, the NProject team has revealed three new Cargo Plane models for all existing factions. Have a look. More NProject Mod screen shots can be found here.
  7. The open beta version of The Tiberian Apocalypse mod for C&C3: Tiberium Wars has been released. As you all know, Tiberian Apocalypse offers a new gameplay experience with new weapons, units and structures. There might be more additions, improvements and possible bug fixes to be available within future updates. More details as well as the download mirrors are available right here.
  8. The fifth release of the Tiberian History mod for C&C 3: Tiberium Wars has been released. This version includes brand new additions to the GDI and Nod factions, as well as new music tracks and bug fixes. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/13/12642/GDI_01.1.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/13/12642/Nod_02.jpg More details, download links and installation instructions can be found here.
  9. Two new models of the Crossfire mod for C&C3: Tiberium Wars have been posted, featuring two new Nod units, Nod Scorpionking and Nod Dread. They both have different abilities but the two of them have the ability to repair themselves overtime. A unique remake of the Nod Banshee has also been revealed. Have a closer look: ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16812/review_units_NOD_banshee.png ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16812/review_units_NOD_scorpionking.png More models are available here.
  10. As the Contra mod for Zero Hour moves another step forward, the developers have recently unveiled some new and redesigned models of the latest Chinese and US units, such as the Chinese Guan Yu and the USA Guardian Droid which is a fast anti-tank drone that can be upgraded with a with a TOW missile. Below are some samples: ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/11/10422/33jmhd4.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/11/10422/287g1f8.jpg The rest of the models are available here.
  11. The C&C Vortex mod for Zero Hour has recently been updated with some new screen shots, featuring new units and structures of an ancient Egyptian styled faction called Empire of Shifting Sand. As most factions there is a Command Center and a War factory as well as some other unique buildings of it's own, the faction also has a variety of impressive units like the Falcon Light Tank and the Spear Necron Trooper. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/4/3063/war_turttle.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/4/3063/sshot110.1.jpg The full update can be found right here.
  12. After releasing the latest version of Ares, the Mental Omega APYR mod developers have decided to show off a huge update covering the month of September. This update features the new hero spotlight and some new units that you'll see later in Mental Omega 3.0, such as the brand new Catastrophe Tank and Tsurugi Powersuit. The team has also revealed some news about a new map editor tool for Mental Omega 3.0 which is a modded version of Final Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge v1.02 that aims on fixing several bugs in it. Below are some samples: ' rel='lightbox'>http://mo.cncguild.net/news/sovietcatastrophe.png ' rel='lightbox'>http://mo.cncguild.net/news/alliedtsurugi.png There still much to be seen, visit the official Mental Omega APYR website for more details.
  13. Although I can't see what you've done, but it's always nice to see there are so many ambitious modders around the community. Keep up I'd say.
  14. A new update of the Generation X mod for Zero Hour has been posted. In this update the developers have unveiled three new renders of three new units, Laser Paladin, Laser Paladin with Plasma infusion and the US Juggernaut which has been covered with an Un-Breakable armor which makes the tank very hard to destroy, the tank has also been armed with hidden rocket pods at the front that fire powerful missiles capable of burning infantry as well as disabling vehicles. In addition the team has posted a video showing those new units in action. Have a look: The full Generation X mod update can be found here.
  15. As the C&C Vortex mod developers have been focusing and putting their effort into the Nod faction recently, they have posted a new update showing off two re-textured Nod structures, the Pyramid of Light and the Tacitus Library. The team has also revealed some new in game screen shots of some Nod and Terran bases. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/4/3063/u6.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/315/314943/banshee01.PNG The full July update can be found here.
  16. dbjs2009

    Video of the day

    I've seen this before, it's hilarious specially the look on the judge's face.
  17. Another update of the Rise of the Reds mod has been posted. This update features the new Chinese General Mau's story as well as two new Chinese infantry units, the first unit is called Nukeneer, while the second one is called Pyro Technician which has been armed with a powerful flamethrower. Take a closer look. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4333/China_Nukeneer.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4333/China_Pyro_Techician.jpg Visit the official Rise Of the Reds website for the full update.
  18. As the Rise of the Reds developers are working on the next release of the mod. They have posted a new update showing off their latest units and weapons for the US army such as the US SEALs, the powerful Firebase and more. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4333/American_Seal.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4333/American_Firebase.jpg The full Rise of the Reds mod update can be found right here.
  19. The C&C Untitled mod developers have recently posted a new update. You have a very first look at some of the latest air and ground units such as the GLA Me-262 Bomber, MiG 1.44 and T-56 "Wang Long", which is a powerful anti-air tank that is powered by a nuclear engine, giving it a long combat range. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/articles/1/105/104663/auto/RenderUpdate2-1.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/articles/1/105/104663/auto/RenderUpdate3.jpg The full update with more screen shots and details can be found here.
  20. Just recently, the Red Alert 3: Paradox mod developers have revealed some new screen shots, featuring some of the latest Allied units and structures such as the Allied Strategic Air Command, Century Bomber, Riot Agent and more. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11998/SACCentury.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11998/AlliedCenturyBomber.jpg More Red Alert 3: Paradox screen shots can be found here.
  21. dbjs2009


    I'm interested in Sim City and Assassins's Creed III. And indeed Sim City was one of the most remarkable titles back then, I hope the new one will be too.
  22. The GLA Beta 1.7 version of the Rise of the Reds mod for Zero Hour has just been released and made available to download. This beta version includes a wide range changes and new features, as well as some bug fixes. Below is a list of some of the new changes and additions: A fully redesigned Global Liberation Army The steamrolling Russian Federation Many new buildings, units and powers for the old factions A fully functioning, efficiently designed navy Several new Tech structures Many of the more subtle game mechanics have been revamped Plenty of new maps Full details can be found here. The new release, along with all the previous releases, is available to download right here.
  23. A new update of the Tiberium Secrets mod covering the month of May has just been posted. In this update, the team reveals a complete set of D51 structures, which includes four new structures: the Refinery, the Power plant, the Super carrier and the Idris Corporation, in which you will grant access to alternative resources for D51. Below are some samples. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16120/D51_Idris.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16120/D51SuperCarrier.jpg The full May update can be found right here.
  24. The developers of the Contra mod for Zero Hour have recently posted some new in game screen shots, featuring three of the latest units. The first one is the Assault Karkadann, a very powerful and heavy armoured unit. The second one is called the Assault Rig Launcher, while the third one is the Assault Quad Cannon, which is a replacement for the Assault General's Quad Cannon. Have a closer look. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/11/10422/sshot355.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/11/10422/sshot349.2.jpg More details and screen shots can be found here.
  25. Does the image get deleted from the server once I click "Remove Customization"?