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Everything posted by dbjs2009

  1. What is the proper size for any background image for this feature? The point is that it shouldn't violate the site rules (from the size to the details), I suppose?
  2. An interesting update for the C&C: The Vortex mod for Zero Hour has just been posted. Called "Nod Fleet Week", it features a look at the impressive and powerful Nod units, such as the redesigned Vulcan Battleship, the Kraken and more. Check out those two samples below: ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/4/3063/004.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/4/3063/007.jpg The full Nod Fleet Week update can be found here.
  3. Recently two new maps for the Red Alert 3 Advance Wars: Frontline mod has been revealed. The first one is called Avalanche Valley, a two-player map that provides an easy access to an airport for each player. The second map is Bonechill Basin, reserved for four players. Have a closer look: ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16789/FrontMap2B.png ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16789/FrontMap2A.png You can browse the entire mod gallery, right here.
  4. The developers of the Tiberian Sun Redux mod for C&C: Generals Zero Hour have recently revealed a model and an ingame screen shot of the redesigned Nod Banshee, one of C&C's most remarkable units. Have a look. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/13/12811/banshee.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/13/12811/screenshots085.jpg You can browse the entire Tiberian Sun Redux gallery right here.
  5. dbjs2009

    Mass Effect 3

    The story line is good but what I didn't like is the multiplayer mode though, maybe because it's just a start for that, it's somehow similar to Gears Of War's horde mode, but in may opinion GOW's multiplayer experience is way better. As for getting it, I don't think I'll get it this one once it's out, maybe some time later.
  6. As the team of the Red Alert History mod for C&C3: Tiberium Wars is currently working on their fourth release, they have posted new screen shots showing off some of the latest infantry units such as the Cuban Terrorist, Heavy Shock Trooper and the British Sniper. Have a look at some samples. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/15/14391/Cuban_Terroist.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/15/14391/Flame_Thrower.jpg The rest of the screen shots can be found here.
  7. A big update of the Advance Wars: Frontline mod for Red Alert 3 covering the month of January has been posted. In this update you get to see the new navy units for all five factions, some new air units, such as the Black Hole Copters and Blue Moon Jet, as well as a brand new skirmish map. Below are some samples. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16789/BlackHoleCopters.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/17/16789/AWFBlackHoleNavy.jpg The full January update can be found here.
  8. The team making the Tiberian History mod for C&C3: Tiberium Wars has recently posted some new in game screen shots of their very latest weapons which will be featured later in the fifth release, such as the brand new Nod Laser Tower, the Stealth Tank and more. Take a closer look. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/13/12642/RedLaserAction_01.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/13/12642/Stealth_Info01.jpg You can browse the entire Tiberian History mod gallery here.
  9. New and very interesting screen shots of the Apocalypse Minimod have been posted recently, featuring some of the latest maps of the mod such as the Good Morning Vietnam (1v1), For What It's Worth (2v2) and Lost In The Flood (1v1), which is a huge battlefield for infantry units only. Here are some samples. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11998/Flood1.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11998/GMNam2.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11998/FWIW2.jpg Don't forget to check them all right here.
  10. dbjs2009

    Merry Christmas from CNCNZ.com

    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
  11. As the Apocalypse Minimod is moving forward in development everyday, the team has recently revealed a brand new teaser featuring some of the all-new factions, units and structures of the mod. Have a closer look. http://www.moddb.com/media/iframe/548988 You can visit the Red Alert 3 Paradox ModDB page for more.
  12. dbjs2009

    EA releases a $100 DLC! Need For Speed World

    I might be one of those, but I'm not sure about this DLC as I'm not an NFS player myself.
  13. The developers of the Mental Omega APYR mod have just revealed two new maps. The first map is called Hi-way, No-way which is a 2-8 player map, while the second one is Yelcraz Lagoon, a 2-3 player map. Check them out below. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4016/hiwaynoway.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4016/yelcraz.jpg You can always find more Mental Omega APYR screenshots right here.
  14. Another great mod has made a great step forward as the Tiberium Essence developers have been working on their next release. They have posted some new and interesting screen shots, showing off some of the latest units and weapons, such as the GDI Zone Commando and the brand new GDI Condor, which is capable of repairing vehicles and aircraft. Take a closer look. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11483/TEManual_GDI_ZoneCommando.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11483/Juggy_infantry.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11483/TEManual_GDI_Condor.jpg More screen shots can be found right here.
  15. dbjs2009

    MW3 Delivery Truck Hijacked!

    I was told about this but I thought it was a joke.
  16. Happy 14th anniversary CNCNZ.
  17. Three new maps for the Mental Omega APYR mod have been revealed. The first map is a two-player map called Blistering Red Sands (a recreation of a Starcraft II map), the second map is Minos Canyon while the third one is called Double Malice, a 2-4 player map. Have a look. ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4016/blistering_sands.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4016/minos_canyon.jpg ' rel='lightbox'>http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/5/4016/double_malice.jpg You can find more Mental Omega APYR screen shots right here.
  18. dbjs2009


    Me too and I probably have to wait for my package to arrive till next week since I'm not in the US right now.
  19. dbjs2009

    Rockstar Announces Grand Theft Auto 5

    I was about to get myself GTA IV, then I saw this coming and changed my mind.
  20. Remember the Orca Carryall from the Tiberian Sun Redux mod that we posted about a few days ago? Now the team has posted new screen shots that features the modified Orca Carryall as well as the brand new GDI Dropship, which has been equipped with atmospheric entry thermal shields, as well as four powerful engines. Check out these two samples below. For more Tiberian Sun Redux screen shots, click here.
  21. In the last few days of the C&C 3 Heroic mod development, the team has came up with two new detailed and heavily armed weapons. The Ultimate War Machine is the first weapon that has been equipped with two deadly auto cannons, plus a powerful mini gun. The second one is called the GDI Hurricane-ANS which is capable of flying in all directions due to it's three powerful jet engines. Have a closer look. There is also another Heroic screen shot that features the new bullet effect which can be found here.
  22. As the fourth release of the Tiberian History mod is still in development and might be coming out soon, the team has shown some new ingame screen shots, featuring some new and upgraded units and effects, like the fire and the multi-strike beam for the Disruptor, which is capable of damaging multiple targets along its path. Have a look. You can browse the entire Tiberian History mod gallery by clicking here.
  23. dbjs2009

    Battlefield 3

    Seems interesting so I decided to try the beta today.
  24. It's something in mind, sorry for the caused confusion because of that word, I've removed it.
  25. The war is getting more exciting on the Contra mod battlefield as the developers reveal some redesigned units such as the US MTHEL, US Energy Shield Mobile and the GLA AA Gun, which is very powerful against air units. Check out these two samples below. That's not all because there are more models waiting for you, right here.