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Everything posted by Gben

  1. Gben

    Video of the day

    Simply gorgeous...
  2. Gben

    Video of the day

    I love this syndicate vibe...
  3. Gben

    Star Trek: Discovery

    This is supposed to be in the Prime timeline not the Alternate timeline... but tv shows and their tv execs and canon rarely go together. Just excited this is on netflix, so I can watch it in a reasonable time.
  4. Gben

    PW's Friday Playlist

    Hay, I was going to say... @PurpleGaga27 I think you're missing the point in this thread. That this was going to be PW's music choices, but it sounds like you may have PM'd and sorted it out? PG feel free to post your eclectic choices in the other music thread... and let PW reveal his playlist. I'm curious, I had not heard the blur song...
  5. Gben

    Blade Runner 2049

    Weeeell, the bladerunner trailer is better than the GITS trailer at least. I'm a fan, I'm interested.
  6. Any news is good news...
  7. I really like the 'brass' at the start of this. I'm looking forward to what comes down our pipeline in the future. . . . Heeey, I just noticed you physically uploaded this to the cncnz youtube channel, nice.
  8. Saw this on the weekend. Loved the idea of the opening credits sequence. Loved it. Didn't know Kurt Russel was in it, until I saw his name in the credits and in the first scene of the movie. He gets a free pass for any movie he's in, because of "Big trouble in little China". But I still barked out a laugh when I saw his name - groovy! Loved the Yondo/Ego/Starlord story... well done. But yet again bored and disappointed with the Nebula character. I'm a huge DW fan, so I love the actor, but the character is pathetic as a villain. I was *especially* disappointed that she made her great big monologue about her daddy issues... and immediately didn't exit the movie. Every other scene was unnecessary and did not add to the character. And, bah, the fact that everyone had a reasonable happy ending with no unresolved villain hatching their revenge irritates me. The post credit scene doesn't count, it needed a character in the movie do to that. Again, Nebula's monologue should have been her final scene. Where Avengers II was too heavy handed with it's world building, GOTGV2 was too light. But when it all gets too much, I just think of baby Groot and smile. Adorable! 7/10 for me.
  9. Gben

    Halo Wars 2

    I picked up a copy at the local retail store at our curiosity. Price is not right, and then I saw to my horror... there is a SEASON PASS. OMG! (I think it's MP generals but also some SP content... but a season pass for a RTS... OH MY!)
  10. Gben

    Now Playing - Games

    So I can see the page at the store, but I can't download it. I'm a sucker for punishment...
  11. Gben

    So there will be a Dune reboot after all

    I think Dune would work better as a TV show, that can explore the characters and the universe better. It wouldn't have the budget to do the 'universe' properly... but I take character over CGI any day.
  12. Gben

    Pic of the Day

    This is a famous prose quoted today, on April 25th to remember ANZAC Day. I have family members who have served in the Army forces from WWII to Vietnam, both gulf wars and a couple serving right now in the middle east. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/comment/johnnies-and-mehmets-kemal-ataturks-quote-is-an-anzac-confidence-trick-20170423-gvqkrx.html ^ This article casts doubt on the veracity of the quote, but I still think it's a beautifully written sentiment.
  13. Every port should be done from scratch to take into account the nuances and capabilities of the host system. (ignoring cost and cash cow implications.)
  14. Gben

    So there will be a Dune reboot after all

    I loved the David Lynch version... it was surreal, I mean the book was better... but for a newbie into the universe, it was mind-blowing. But I enjoyed the bomb scene at the end of the 2nd episode/book/thingy of the mini-series. I think Dune is always going to be one of those IP that is hard to execute.
  15. Gben

    Pic of the Day

    pet one is racist and hilarious. BTW I luv dogs... they taste great.
  16. Well I enjoyed listening to your narrator Steve. Although I was looking for more behind the scenes content, as much I loved re-watching the game content...
  17. I love the idea of a remastered Starcraft, and I totally don't find this or the idea of a C&C or RA1 remaster unnecessary. Every mod tries to enhance the game, I just want the vanilla gameplay with a modern interface. Update the skins, resolution, redo the cgi cutscene, enable the LAN... and you'll probably have a bigger seller than C&C4:TT! I can't wait to replay this SC:R.
  18. I guess I was talking in terms of being deep in a thread, and not knowing how to do something, scrolling to the bottom makes that link easier to find when you're in the middle of something...
  19. I like how Nmenth has phrased that, makes sense to me as a consumer of content. C&C won my heart with it's SP, but RA2 LAN kept the game alive a long time after I finished the campaigns. Alternatively, I play a lot of Overwatch on console, and I'm terrible at it but it's fun, yet I yearn for some SP content to expand the lore.
  20. Well, I'm a sony fanboy. I've currently been waiting over a year for a Sony X9300D 65" 4K UHD HDR TV to come down in price... I'm looking for a sub AUD$3000 price tag. It started at $5k. I'm patient. Well kind of... every day I think about changing my mind! Although I really curious about the new tv's they brought out at the CES this year. A TV that has no speakers and projects sound through the glass! Computer monitors are another story... have no idea.