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Everything posted by Gben

  1. Gben

    Video of the day

    An old gettys image video... but I love a good edit.
  2. Well, I only watched John Wick for the first time about a month ago. The premise is boring as all... but the execution... OH MY... Loved it!
  3. Gben

    Video of the day

    Um I heard that Lady gaga had 300 drones doing the flag behind her, I thought cool - super impressive. Then I read today that FFA or something regulations meant they actually filmed that part a week before... boo.
  4. I don't care, I want a google news (aggregator is that the right word) alternative... or a method that at least lets me filter out sources.
  5. Gben

    Now Playing - Games

    Still playing ea's simcity on my android. got to a level where I start a club, which I named cncnz.com for laughs. Someone joined. Who's that crazy!?! Overwatch is still fun, Reinhardt is my go-to character. edit: ^Oh yeah, I saw this video which I thought was interesting as it talked about how it made controls work for controllers over PC. It's the 3-5min part of the video where they talk about the 'aim assist' of:- acceleration snaplock friction bullet magnetism
  6. Gben

    Age Of Empires / Age Of Mythology

    Not heard of 0 AD, will bookmark and check out later.
  7. Gben

    Post Your C&C Collections

    Hmm... will have to check those out Nyerguds.
  8. Gben

    Pic of the Day

    @luk3us http://www.xbox.com/en-us/live/game-crest-2016
  9. Gben

    Pic of the Day

    Xbox Gaming Crest.
  10. Gben

    New Look for OpenRA

    Yes but it's the RA that limits them in this case, and what I was referring them too... better it be openCC or openC+C instead.
  11. Gben

    Black Mesa retail set for Summer 2017 release

    Since I have the mod, I thought it was free, I don't remember paying for it. It deserves $$$ though...
  12. Gben

    Post Your C&C Collections

    It's the soundtrack OST cd's that I'm most jealous about...
  13. RA2 was my favourite, which is a different measure to the 'best' I guess. Clear winner as my favourite, but so many good memories for C&C1.
  14. Gben

    Now Playing - Games

    Overwatch is fun... Playing Sim Cities on the mobile device and Age of Conquest IV. Will try Titanfall2 soon...
  15. Gben

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    Do we still need spoilers? When does a spoiler warning expire? I think 2 weeks is more than enough time to protect those who really care... if you haven't seen it after then... it's your own fault not the internet's!
  16. I'd always take a small team of artists, over a corporate assembly line of milestones... Spend more money on the game and less on the advertising. Although I feel sorry for Titanfall2...
  17. Nice.I don't remember the map, but I'm sure I played it.
  18. Gben

    New Look for OpenRA

    As art, it's nice. But as a semi-regular Open-Ra player, it means nothing to me. I would prefer a box/crate with an iconic unit from all C&C universes spilling out... I guess, in the same way the need to change the logo, they probably need to change the name though. To reinforce it's an engine and not a mod. Meh, maybe it'll grow on me.
  19. Gben

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

    Loved it... seven samurai with a xmen: days of future past vibe. A lot of people complain about the lack of character development, but apart from the slow Mads scene and their weird Forrester over-acting... I thought it was great.
  20. Gben

    Transformers: The Last Knight

    Having just re-watched FF4:Silver Surfer on the weekend, I hope they do a better job with this planet sized monster. But when I saw the trailer I was greatly disappointed they weren't going to do a space epic.
  21. Gben

    Movies of 2017

    I must have weird viewing habits, PR's been exploding all over my news feeds, even though I was never really interested in them ever
  22. Gben

    I never asked for this!

    The FB thing is not from them to you, it's for you to send to your friends. This is 'my' year in review. It's just a basic template. I watched mine, it wasn't interesting.
  23. Gben

    Video of the day

    And everyone here is upset with the ranger for punching him... stupid. Whether he should have punched first is debatable, but kangaroos are dangerous and I don't blame him for taking affirmative action rather than waiting for skippy to punch first. Not the best move, but I don't blame him.