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Everything posted by Gben

  1. Gben

    Video of the day

    Thinking of Trump made me think of Charlie Sheen... Winning!
  2. Gben

    Video of the day

    New Microsoft Surface Studio. nice. (I *always* say to myself, "why isn't this a touchscreen"...)
  3. MP12 has been my default player, but getting sick of a few inadequacies and thinking I should replace it. The biggest heartache was my upgrade to Win10 corrupted my database of tagging and as I try to rectify it, it's no longer saving my tags. I used a 3rd-party add-on to help, but it no longer seems to work reliably. Last update was ages ago. I like it's free. I like it's high ripping quality. I dislike it's database for track when burning. Curious what you guys use to listen to music? Tried Jriver, trying media monkey and foobar...
  4. Gben

    Video of the day

    Pretend war is Hell.
  5. nah I just like all the different versions of Apple-pen-Pineapple-pen... LOL. At the moment, Media Monkey Free is working okay for tagging purposes, and I'll keep using WM12 for ripping and sync to mobile for today's mood. If the program and tag changes are stable, I will consider paying for the ability to run the complicated auto-playlists. WMP12 was working fine before Win10, just the accessing info from database was the problem. Now I need to find an alternative.
  6. I have 41,000 mp3 which take up 195GB. A good player also needs a good library. Tagging is when I insert a cd for ripping and the album is not in WMP12 limited database. Because it doesn't offer access to alternate database, I often have to manually edit track names etc. What's happening at the moment, is I edit the tag, and the next time I access the file it's reverted back to it's previous state. So I've wasted my time.
  7. Gben

    Trump v Clinton

    Re: Super Tuesday I say yet again that US elections should run like Eurovision and that the rest of the world should have a say in who the 'leader of the free world' is..
  8. Gben

    Pic of the Day

    The latest CGI rendering of Saya... is amazeballs.
  9. Gben

    Video of the day

    Doctor Who mashup. OMG... the feels.
  10. Gben

    Image resizing?

    (back from holidays) Oh.. so stuck with work/effort then or big images. But weird that some basic code works but not that ability. Np.
  11. I forget, why don't we have basic image resizing options for images we paste in from the interwebs? I understand I can upload to a 3rd-party site, and export to desired size, but I can't be bothered. I forget why we can't just add some code to our image?
  12. Gben

    Image resizing?

    testing Ok I understand what you're saying, but if I want to post this image at 25% of it's size, for instance... why can't I do that?
  13. Gben

    Pic of the Day

    *must restrain from posting black sheep movie references*
  14. There was a great story about James Gunn and his custom paintjob for his xbox controller. It looks boring to me but I liked his post... https://www.facebook.com/jgunn/posts/10153608970261157
  15. Just watched the Man of Steel again, on the weekend. I enjoyed it again especially after this BvS debacle. Supes is a great character, if only they could execute those ideas...
  16. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2016-09-05-my-biggest-nightmare-is-waking-up-and-realising-weve-not-failed-in-a-year-that-means-were-not-taking-enough-risks ^Just read an interesting interview in what is probably an usual gaming management philosophy. Here is a tasty quote to get your interest... FYI... Supercell makes CLASH OF CLANS, and CLASH ROYALE (<-- which I play actively at the moment...actually I just snuck into arena #7 [of the 9] arenas).
  17. I really enjoyed that video. I enjoyed seeing 10+ same units on screen (looks cool) and I liked that they kept in al the units bumping into each other. Really makes you want to play the game... GJ LavaDr4gon.
  18. Gben

    The Ultimate Free-to-Play PC Games List

    Tropico4 seems to be free for a limited time via humble-games and steam. https://www.humblebundle.com/
  19. [redundant] In the same way Hollywood is now more of a business which is more concerned about investment and returns, rather than an artistic expression... A plea to any AAA digital publisher is going to be 99.9% about the financial model and not anything else. [/redundant]
  20. I'm planning to finally re-watch SW:Force Awakens for the second time after seeing it in the cinema on release week. It occurred to me today, that my experience with it was similar to Suicide Squad. A lot of things wrong, but I forgave it, because it was by and by... fun.
  21. The reviews are bashing it for legitimate flaws, but I didn't mind it. I gave it a pass, and enjoyed the movie. 7/10 My non-plot-spoiler thoughts... (Glad I didn't watch any trailers for the past 6 months at least!)
  22. Gben

    Video of the day

    Lego is better! LOL. Do you remember the British TV channels promo for the Paralympics 2012? Well they did a new one for 2016. Too lazy to look up the old one? Here ya go... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY7Zp96jYZM ^ It still gets me all emotional. The strength and power of these people.