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Posts posted by Gben

  1. I finished Titanfall2 this week, had an absolute blast in SP. Haven't tried MP, I would probably be extremely outclassed because I suck at parkour. Enjoying Slime Rancher on the xbox, and currently trying to get all the achievements... I'm at ~47 of 57 or something like that.

  2. Pile of shame has always meant unfinished games to me, usually meaning it got too hard and you gave up.

    I have a big pile of unfinished games from lack of time, but like Nmenth says that's often more about boredom. For instance I started the original Mass Effect, and I don't think I got past the first 10-15mins. It looks like a game I should like, but I didn't. Of course on PC, my badly specd machine doesn't affect interest.

    Currently playing through the SP campaign of TitanFall 2 on xbone... what great fun. I absolutely SUCK at parkour though.

    If there was a PC entry to be made here, it would have to be Elite. This is lack of time, but I also struggled with controls. Bought it on xbone and got MUCH further, until I actually bot bored.

  3. I don't normally post cos-play videos - but this aussie one is unique.

    9/10 for idea 7/10 for execution, but still worth a look.

  4. Thanks DD, but in the absence of other comments, I have gone ahead and placed the order as quoted.

    Now I am thinking a about keyboard/mouse combos. The computer will be stored at my feet, and for plugging in portable usb and phones to collect media, I was thinking about getting a wired keyboard with usb pass through ports. Does anyone have any experience with those? I've normally used wireless keyboard / mouse keyboards and they have been fine...


    Looking at options, but everything seems to be ultra-gaming-styled and I need plain business style...

  5. Quote


    - Intel Core i7 7700k Unlocked CPU
    - MSI Z270 Gaming Pro Carbon Motherboard
    - MSI GeForce GTX 1050ti 4GB Video Card
    - Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB (2 x 16GB) (2 free slots)
    - Samsung 960 EVO 250GB m.2 SSD HDD
    - WD Black Edition 2TB secondary HDD
    - EVGA SuperNova 750w Gold Modular Power Supply
    - NZXT Kraken x42 Liquid CPU Cooler
    - NZXT Source s340 Elite Mid Tower Case Black/Red (Tempered Glass Side Panel)
    - Arctic Thermal Paste for CPU

    AUD $2220 + tax


    It's for work, for use with the adobe suite of software (Premiere Video Editing in particular).

    No monitors or peripherals needed.

    I don't want to spend any more, it's already over budget, but for an incremental cost that will last me longer I am open to suggestions. More importantly is there something I can do to shave cost but not performance???
