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Everything posted by CNC_Tethis

  1. @Alex_Shillo That's hard to do with some people. Some people are too defensive without any reason for it.

  2. @xmethuselahx Doesn't matter what Trump does. Haters will hate and media will continue to report fake news.

  3. It's called buyer beware when purchasing C&C:TUC. Yeah, that Beta access promotion you can consider terminated. All promotions can be terminated without prior warning at "X" publisher's discretion.
  4. What I can say is that the forums were removed without warning and NOBODY including some CM's within EA had any prior warning. The switch was just turned off and that's that.
  5. Generals 2 is not happening anytime soon. Generals fans will need to keep waiting and probably for a while. It's easier to do TIb and RA sequels due to the lore while generals lacks story in of itself.
  6. C&C modding should be strong and continue forward despite the forums being offline. Modding for newer C&C games(if any) remains a mystery. Yes, I know how much modding means to C&C in order to keep things alive and well.
  7. I've asked about this multiple times then stopped for the same reasons I mentioned earlier.
  8. Sonic is right on everything. I've asked about the site multiple times and was told a placeholder site would go up when it's ready. Notice I've stopped asking cause it's probably not high on the to do lists at EA. Personally, I would like the site changed as well and the forums remove the cancelled C&C section. Everyone agrees change is needed but the question is "when".
  9. Those failing to load images on the main site won't be returning. Since the game was cancelled they let those images in a sense go by the way side. If the forums were to close myself, Cypher or Methuselah would let you know. other than that back to the same old outdated forums
  10. If and when the site does get updated it will be a placeholder site. The placeholder site was due in early summer but I stopped asking about it.
  11. That's old news and none of can be confirmed. As some of the wording from that support post is copy & paste job from the main C&C page cancellation announcement. EA has told me one thing and an complete outsider tells me something different.
  12. EA Management will not put any C&C game on facebook as it was attempted early on behind the scenes in Tiberium Alliances infancy (early development stages) and didn't perform well in the prototype phases. No matter what browser you use for TA right now you get sudden FPS drops as it is.
  13. Frostbite has a lot of tools with it and some of it is licensed tools built into it. It's quite the complex set of tools.
  14. CNC_Tethis

    EA_CIRE Says Goodbye

    Again, I wasn't more or less rubbing anything in cause I know something more. I stopped myself from saying anything more before I got too carried away. As you know some stuff is hard to confirm or is rather redundant. Not trying to stir the pot I just stopped myself and everyone in my position who gets carried away writing responses is guilty of it.
  15. CNC_Tethis

    EA_CIRE Says Goodbye

    Some stuff is best left unsaid. The moderator team gets a lot of information and some of it is best left away from public view. Not being a High horse at all just saying some stuff simply cannot be said but will eventually surface just not from myself. ZeeHyponist, do not attempt to control what I say cause you can't. You got no control over me. I have integrity to consider and nobody within the C&C community can force me to spill anything.
  16. CNC_Tethis

    EA_CIRE Says Goodbye

    Sorry, some stuff is better not being elaborated on. By all means get a petition going and attempt to gather 2 million sigs to show C&C still has interest and further prove EA made a mistake.As much as I hate petitions the fans can try at least.
  17. Since when has EA ever sold an IP that they've shelved? I don't recall any. I remember in the late 90's when EA shelved Wing Commander IP and people wanted them to sell it but they didn't. Look how long it took System Shock 2 to get on GOG and Steam after being tweaked to run on newer systems? It took a while for good reason due to rights complications and EA no longer has that IP anymore. Keep dreaming cause I see EA sitting on C&C much like they do on other IP's: Crusader Series (Crusader No Remorse, No Regret) Wing Commander Ultima Theme series (Theme Hospital etc) Dungeon Keeper Medal of Honor Dead Space (Nobody knows it's future) Mercenaries (attempted F2P reboot got cancelled early last year) The Saboteur The list goes on.
  18. CNC_Tethis

    EA_CIRE Says Goodbye

    PK, I find you extremely rude. APOC's Recycle Bin? Really must you go there? Every moderator has done a good job over at the C&C forums. Eric has done lots for the C&C community that's not very publicized. PK, again the attitude you've shown is very rude and you've shown this same type of attitude on the C&C forums and I called you on it and if I recall I gave you a timeout for it once. PK Just by your demeanor alone, you'd rather present false statements without the facts in front of you and disrespect the situation without a care in the world for where the insults are directed. Ask Tethis? Sorry with great respect to the current situation I will not divulge certain things at this time. You need to remember something and it widely publicized. It's very hard to survive in the games industry these days let alone get a game off the ground and break even. In the course of 2013 alone many studios have been shuttered and it's been publicized everywhere. You cannot fault the developers for trying to get a game out the door for any given circumstances presented to them. I will say this though. When Generals 2 made the switch to F2P and it was shared with the moderator team before anyone else. "Morale" on the developer side hit a low point after Generals 2 got cancelled in favor for F2P but they continued on because of their love for C&C. Personally, I feel EA has grown extremely impatient over the years with certain franchises. If EA management wasn't pushy with certain agendas we wouldn't have had C&C 4 and now this new C&C cancellation and studio closure. I completely understand EA needs to make money but you cannot just rely on BF series, Sims, NFS series, Mass Effect Series, Dragon Age series, Madden, PGA Golf and Mobile F2P games. Lastly, which I stated on the C&C forums before and I reiterate here, Games are getting too complex to develop and require more man power than ever before. Back in 2004 you could get away with a team of 30 members to get a game out the door now it's 100+ developers on any given game project these days. If EA management felt they can't compete with Starcraft 2 then shame on them for giving up but yet they still want to overtake Call of Duty with Battlefield games. I've said enough for now but go ahead and digest what I've said.
  19. CNC_Tethis

    Official C&C Website Redesigned

    Sorry Johnny it's more complicated than what you state. What I know of the problem is a complicated one and that's all I can share without getting too specific. I would have started over with the forums if it was me cause upgrading over to a new version of software doesn't always work that well.
  20. CNC_Tethis

    Official C&C Website Redesigned

    Zocom you make it sound so simple without hassle but yet it's not. You're bound to run in to these types of problems even when prepared as I've stated before. You just don't know what software conflicts will rear it's ugly head when you start bringing things online again and connected. Yeah, it's like you're trashing EA every chance you get because of how misinformed you are. I'd gladly let you have my job(not the forums, my real job) for a day and you'd quickly find out it's not easy as pie.
  21. CNC_Tethis

    Official C&C Website Redesigned

    The forums will be getting proper attention this week to fix the plethora of issues. That's all I can share. I personally can't stand the eye cancer in the new layout of the forums.
  22. CNC_Tethis

    Official C&C Website Redesigned

    Had to turn my screen brightness down cause started to get a major headache and since I get the dreadful migraine headaches a lot lets hope once E3 is done some tweaking can be done on the new forums. Lot's of room for improvements and quite honestly things don't mesh well at the moment. At least the forums are up however that's a plus.
  23. CNC_Tethis

    Official C&C Website Redesigned

    As long as it needs to take. I'm enjoying the downtime
  24. CNC_Tethis

    Official C&C Website Redesigned

    JForum was glitched bad you could deface the forums easily. If you have usernames with certain characters the entire forum layout went wacky and severely off center. If you posted in an odd manner like spamming numbers in a post then it stretched things out and literally made the forums unreadable. If you didn't delete older threads in a timely fashion(we found this out the hard way before C&C 4 released) the forums itself went wacky. So VB is a large improvement over Jforum. Could we use something better? Surely we could but security is always a problem. If you know of other forum software that Eric could pass on to the security team to investigate then it wouldn't hurt for future reference.