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  1. Visit our Website @ www.multiplayerforums.com - Sign up Now Renegade Imperial Age - 100% Free Game Fight as the Global Defense Initiative or The Brotherhood of Nod in a fictionary C&C World. Most maps are designed by ImperialKaskins & Others from the MPF Developers team and sport a wide range of variety to play. Attack the enemy base buildings to win while protecting your own. More Info: http://imperial.multiplayerforums.com Downloads: 250Mbps Canada | 1Gbps United States Imperial Age Prize April 2015 For the month April we got a special prize, not just some game, but a complete pack of games and most of its DLC's worth approx 100,00 Euro! On or around the 1st of May 2015 we will announce who is the number one winner and this person will receive the copy of Serious Sam Complete Pack in their Steam account. Where can i lookup my stats? Here: http://imperial.multiplayerforums.com/stats.php Rules of Engagement? Most important rules: You cannot ever cheat on any of our servers You cannot use advantage skins or models You must be registered on our forums over here You must have a Steam Account to receive the Prize Anything you *think* is inappropiate should not be done, if in doubt: Ask a moderator or admin Other important rules you should know about to avoid being (q)kicked, banned or excluded from the contest: Please click here to review all server rules The Map Rotation MtBog Fjords Pacific Dawn_Raid MtPass BlazingSands BunkersTS Alpine_Night River_Canyon Cold_River Land_Day Cold_Valley Creekdale_Fly Tib_Pit_3 Sand Industrial_Strength Bio River_RaidTS GreatWall Deth_River Battleground [River_of_Hope] Detroit Quick_Draw Orca_Heights Tiberium_Temple Canyon_Fortress Urban_Conflict Ocean_View Forest_Falls Cold_Wall Snow Pacific Land_Night GreatUnder Airai Terrace Hidden_Valley Country_Side SeasideSunset Tib_Waste Lake_Garden Tobruk Area81 Esco_Island Wasteland Urban_Warfare Dust_Training HillBilly_Valley Cold_Waters Backstab FalcWhore Infinite_Isle Tomb Uphill BattleForMidway BasinTS MtPass SeasideCanyon Winter_Field Vile_Facility Tib_Pit_3 River_RaidDB MtBog Cliffs BlazingSands Tiberium_Temple Deth_River Dawn_Raid GlacierTS Siege Winter_Assault Nova Cold_River Canyon_Fortress Sleepy_Hollow RiverValley Orca_Heights Forgotten_Town Industrial_Strength MetroTS GreatUnder Crevasse RiverValley Hidden_Valley Tropics River_of_Hope Winterfell Detroit Thanks
  2. Just recently a new W3D Renegade engine based mod was announced. It has been called Command & Conquer: Tiberium. The project is headed by Aircraftkiller, who used to design many new maps for C&C Renegade back in the early days. Here's brief overview of this new mod. You can read the full announcement topic posted here in the W3D Hub Forums. There is another gameplay update topic focusing on the Infantry and Engine.
  3. An early tech demo preview of C&C Commando for the PlayStation has been found. For those who don't know, C&C Commando was the working title for the original C&C Renegade. This build, from around July 1997, has a basic model viewer, with the three models included in the game, a Player Test, a Terrain Test, plus a "Jogging Around Atlanta" test which has the Commando running around. It will be released soon as an ISO for anyone wanting to check out for themselves. For now, you can watch this video. After all theses years, I was totally unaware there were plans for a PlayStation version of C&C Renegade (aka C&C Commando). Follow the latest developments about this right here.
  4. ren.mpforums.com - Visit our Website | multiplayerforums.com - Sign up Now! MPForums Imperial Age & Prize Month! In the MPForums Imperial Age Month everyone who is a registered member of our forums at http://multiplayerforums.com is eligable to receive a Game Prize for playing on our server. The server will run strictly maps from ImperialKaskins designed for NewMaps's Imperial Age for one whole month. We have 3 ORIGINAL COPIES of the Ultimate Collection of Command and Conquer for the Origin platform. The players ranked 1st, 10th and 25th will be awarded their original copy for Origin on the 1st of January 2015. We have 5 ORIGINAL COPIES of the Killing Floor game for the Steam platform. The first five players who have the highest killcount and more than 800 kills are eligable of receiving this game in their Steam account on the 1st of January 2015. Rules of Engagement? You cannot ever cheat on any of our servers You cannot use advantage skins or models You must be a registered member on our forums over here You must have a Steam Account and/or Origin Account to receive the Prize You at all times follow our server rules and guidelines. Anything you *think* is inappropiate should not be done, if in doubt: Ask a moderator or admin When? Starting on the morning of Monday the 1st of December we will replace the rankings on MPForums.com NewMaps 4.1 with a brand new clean one for the duration of 1 month until the 31st of December 2014. During this month it will collect player statistics like points, kills, repairs, etc, and on Thursday the 1st of January 2015 (at midnight Dutch time GMT+1) it ends. The Winners? On or around Thursday the 1st of January 2015 we will announce who are the winners: The player ranked 1st wins an original copy of the Ultimate Collection on the Origin platform. The player ranked 10th wins an original copy of the Ultimate Collection on the Origin platform. The player ranked 25th wins an original copy of the Ultimate Collection on the Origin platform. The 1st player with the most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform. The 2nd player with the 2nd most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform. The 3rd player with the 3rd most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform. The 4th player with the 4th most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform. The 5th player with the 5th most and more than 800 kills wins an original copy of the game Killing Floor on the Steam platform. Where can I lookup my stats? Here: http://ren.multiplayerforums.com/ranks/NewMaps/ It will be cleaned when the Imperial Age month event starts on the 1st of December 2014. Play Requirements: TT 4.1 The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extras: anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader; awesome stuff! The Map Rotation Winter_Assault, MtPass, BlazingSands, Cold_River, ULake, Industrial_Strength, GreatUnder, River_of_Hope, Orca_Heights, Urban_Warfare, Cold_Wall, GreatWall, Hidden_Valley, Lake_Garden, Cold_Waters, Infinite_Isle, Vile_Facility, Urban_Conflict, Ridge_Warfare, Cold_River, Hidden_Valley, Cold_Wall ImperialKaskins's D1 Maps In ImperialKaskins's D1 map series there is the ability to deploy several vehicles and blockades with the Q, N, B keys or an Anti-Tank mine with M using the Sapper character. Please download and run the follow installation file which installs the keys.cfg for you: Here. Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have most of the map files already. Then you will not experience (m)any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up a few times this month. And good luck battling for the free original copies of the Ultimate Collection and Killing Floor.
  5. Visit our Renegade Website || ImperialKaskins's Information Pages Imperial Age Wednesday On the Imperial Age Wednesday the rotation consists of only ImperialKaskins maps which were recently updated to version D1. (Unit Information for Imperial's D1) Special functions in D1 are the ability to deploy several vehicles and blockades with the Q, N, B keys or an Anti-Tank mine with M using the Sapper character. Please download and run our keys.cfg installer from here. This will make some interesting games once again. Be there! All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Wednesday this week the 12th of November 2014. TT 4.1 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our UltraAOW Website and the Imperial Age Website. Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any (much of) the ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this Wednesday. Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can fill the server to 77 players
  6. Sonic

    Renegade Players List

    Post your WOL/XWIS name in this thread and list the names of the servers you play on the most so other CNCNZ.com forum users can find you in the game. Follow this format: Copy and past the BBCode below.... [b]WOL/XWIS Name:[/b] [b]Most Active On:[/b]
  7. Its always good to see new content created for older games. And it looks like people are still making new maps for C&C Renegade. Here is a new map called "Welcome to Detroit", made by PwnCall, and it comes to you via the guys at MPF-Games. It also contains the map Carnage Club Extreme as a club area where you can play around. Plus there are lots of extras and civilian cars, including a Dodge Viper! Watch the video preview below. This new map is currently in rotation on the UltraAOW.com NewMaps 4.1 server
  8. zunnie

    Welcome to Detroit

    Enjoy! This is a great map created by PwnCall. It even also contains the map Carnage Club Extreme in here as a club area where you can play around at Lots of extras and civilian cars, including a Dodge Viper Currently in rotation on our UltraAOW.com NewMaps 4.1 server
  9. AAK625

    Renegade on Windows 8?

    Hey guys and gals, I purchased the Ultimate Collection and just downloaded Renegade. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to function on Windows 8. Are there any workarounds for this? Thanks in advance.
  10. The CNC Minecraft team have done it again, with a complete 1:1 scale remake of the Islands map from C&C Renegade. They say its a bit of a tribute to Renegade X. Check it out in the video below. You can try this for yourself, visit the CNC Minecraft site for the download.
  11. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website http://www.mpf-imperial-age.com/gameinfo.php - ImperialKaskins's Information Page UltraAOW Imperial Age Weekend In the UltraAOW Imperial Age Weekend everyone starts out having 25.000 credits right after maploads. The rotation consists of only ImperialKaskins maps which were recently updated to version G9. (Unit Information for Imperial's G9) New in G9+ is the ability to deploy several vehicles in additional positions with the Q key. Please download and extract to your data folder the keys.cfg from here. This will make some interesting games once again. Be there! All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Weekend of Friday 13 June till June 16 Monday. TT 4.1 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.1 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own MPF_NewMaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and !ammo purchase ability every minute. Type !cmds for a list. You can also type !swap to change teams with someone on the opposite team, or to balance the teams. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. (changelog) Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. NEW: Imperial Age Standalone Client IndieDB Profile | Mirror #1 | Mirror #2 An awesome total standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine with ImperialKaskin's structures, units, sounds and assets in a First Person Shooter environment. Install this if you do not have Renegade installed, it is a standalone client. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this Weekend. Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some fun the Weekend it lasts.
  12. I'm putting together a new feature for CNCNZ.com and it requires some input from you, the long time Command & Conquer fan. What you need to do is share with us your favourite, most memorable or simply the most awesome moment from any of the Command & Conquer games. The moment that makes you simile, laugh or think "now that was bad ass!". For example, it could be a scene stealing moment such as when Kane makes his announced appearance during the Soviet campaign in the original Red Alert. For me, it was such an unexpected moment, Kane barely says a word, but his presence was so powerful. So what's your favourite Command & Conquer moment? Or moments. Share them with us in this topic. It will also help if you include a screenshot and describe why you like the moment so much.
  13. Time for a bit of nostalgia here. With the release of Renegade X fast approaching, the team shared this great video from 2002. It was shot during the successful "Be-A-Renegade" tour that Westwood Studios did to promote Command & Conquer Renegade, something they didn't do enough of in my opinion, especially after the game was released. Anyway, enjoy this trip down memory lane.... Hard to believe, but this was 14 years ago! Thanks to the Renegade X team for the video link.
  14. Created on 12/10/2005 the RenegadeWiki is a focal point for all information about Command & Conquer: Renegade. This includes: Software Community Sites Clans Opinion Pieces Tutorials Anything else Renegade-related!
  15. For the past couple of days we have been asking fans to share a photo or photos of their Command & Conquer collections on our Facebook page. All of the games, T-Shirts and other memorabilia you have amassed over the years. We know there are many long time fans of the franchise so now we want you to show us. Show us how dedicated you are. We have already shared many of the photos from other Command & Conquer fans on the CNCNZ.com Facebook page for others see. Its proven rather popular so far. Head over there and check them out. If you have a collection you would like to share post it on our Facebook page, or just as a reply in this news thread. I'm now wondering if we can get any of the CNCNZ.com team to share their collection?
  16. The Battle for Dune: War of Assassins standalone mod for C&C Renegade returns to our news coverage with a brand new development blog. This new update features previews of the Remote and Timed explosives for House Atreides. There is also some great demo videos showing how the Carryall works (see below) and a look at the House Atreides interiors. Click here to see the full development blog.
  17. Tiberium Crystal War Developer Night Amsterdam (Netherlands) Saturday, 12 October 2013, 17:00:00 CEST UTC+2 hours Calgary (Canada - Alberta) Saturday, 12 October 2013, 09:00:00 MDT UTC-6 hours New York (U.S.A. - New York) Saturday, 12 October 2013, 11:00:00 EDT UTC-4 hours London (United Kingdom - England) Saturday, 12 October 2013, 16:00:00 BST UTC+1 hour Paris (France) Saturday, 12 October 2013, 17:00:00 CEST UTC+2 hours Moscow (Russia) Saturday, 12 October 2013, 19:00:00 MSK UTC+4 hours Sydney (Australia - New South Wales) Sunday, 13 October 2013, 02:00:00 AEDT UTC+11 hours Beijing (China) Saturday, 12 October 2013, 23:00:00 CST UTC+8 hours New Plymouth (New Zealand) Sunday, 13 October 2013, 04:00:00 NZDT UTC+13 hours Introduction Hello everyone i would like to announce that we are going to hold a new gaming event for Tiberium Crystal War 1.52. Most, if not all, of our Developers and Testers will be available during this event so you can ask questions and or make comments about the current version 1.52 and the upcoming (rumoured to be dead) version 2.0 which is under construction. Newcomers If you are a newcomer to Tiberium Crystal War or never heared of it, go watch our video trailer first on homepage. Tiberium Crystal War is a full standalone conversion of the Renegade W3D Engine, you do not need Renegade to play it and you can run it aside Renegade just fine. It consists of structures, vehicles, units, sounds and many other assets from the game C&C 3: Tiberium Wars which were worked up by our Developers to work with Renegade. There are 15+ maps and a few different game-modes such as the classic All Out War, Deathmatch, Co-Op and Domination. If you want you can look at our Official Manual Where You can download the Tiberium Crystal War v1.52 client from our website at http://www.tiberiumcrystalwar.com There are several mirrors available and all are hosted on 100mbits and 1gbit connections. Thanks & Have fun Thank you all for reading this and maybe joining up in this event, we haven't held any events for a while so we hope to see many people join up and have some good old fun. I would really love to see many people ingame this time again so Please spread the word and let's have some bigass fun in there Greetz the Tiberium Crystal War Development Team TiberiumCrystalWar.com
  18. Over the last couple of weeks, Kotaku readers have been accumulating a list of The Classic PC Games You Must Play. For games to be part of this massive list, they had to meet some requirements - the game had to have been released in 2003 or earlier and must be legally purchasable. People who submitted games also needed to explain why they should be included, where you can get them, and tips to get them working on modern computers. And, of course, Command & Conquer games have been included. It wouldn't be a classic PC gaming list without our favourite franchise. These Command & Conquer games made the list... Command & Conquer: Generals Command & Conquer: Renegade Command & Conquer: Red Alert Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Just follow those links above, allow the page to load, to read about how these Command & Conquer games got included. If you're interested, check out the full list.
  19. zunnie

    Red Alert: FPS

    Website | IndieDB | Steam This game is all about Command and Conquer: Red Alert suited in an FPS environment running on the Renegade W3D Engine. We will work out all units, buildings and assets as much as we can to make it ejoyable and fun for everyone. Play with the technician as your spawn character in the buildings of the Red Alert universe where you can purchase more advanced units after your first Ore Truck deposit. On our server suitable for 50 players work as a team and organize rushes, through tactics and lead your team to victory with a broad range of units such as the Allied Light Tank, Allied Medium Tank, Soviet V2, Soviet Heavy Tank and the Soviet Mammoth Tank. Also available are the Demolition Trucks and the Superweapon Atomic Bombs for those big explosions getting rid of any enemy unit or structure in a blast. The game will have dynamics such as 'tied to structure purchase options' meaning you lose purchase items as buildings are destroyed, and of course the always fun 'manual ore harvesting' we all love to do. Choose your character, drive, fly or glide your vehicle/aircraft/boat and conquer your enemy Red Alert style Thanks for reading! //Greetz MPF RA:FPS Dev Team
  20. http://www.ultraaow.com - Click to Visit Have fun
  21. zunnie

    Medical Center

    Medical Center Assault Medical Center is a map designed by MPF Games with an Assault type of game in mind. It features a cool looking Medical Center which GDI has to protect at all costs for 40 minutes while Nod has 40 minutes to destroy it. The Medical Center GDI's most important Medical Center is centered on this map where wounded soldiers are treated, medicine are developed and tiberium research is done. At mapload a timer will initialize for 40 minutes within which Nod must attempt to Assault the Medical Center and destroy it. GDI must protect the Medical Center above all and prevent its destruction or lose. When the timer of 40 minutes runs out and the Medical Center has not been destroyed by Nod, then GDI wins. If Nod succesfully destroys the Medical Center then Nod will win the game. Scientists and Nurses Inside the Medical Center are working several Scientists and Nurses, GDI should absolutely not kill them. For every friendly kill of a Scientist or Nurse your points will be dropped by -1000 and your money will be reset to 0 credits. Nod however can kill them at will The GDI Base GDI has three Advanced Guard Towers defending the Medical Center. One at the leff, middle and right of the base accompanied by Guard Towers. There is a Barracks, Tiberium Refinery, Power Plant, Helicopter Pad and a Weapons Factory. The Weapons Factory only produces Humm-vee's and Harvesters, all other vehicles are disabled from the Purchase menu. The Nod Base All Nod buildings are invulnerable and cannot be killed by GDI. The sole and only purpose is to defend and attack the Medical Center. There are no limitations to the Purchase options for Nod. GDI Vehicles Although the Purchase menu has most vehicles disabled, it is not that GDI won't have any good armor: At the Weapons Factory spawn 3 Mammoth Tanks, 4 Medium Tanks and 2 MRLS's. At the Helicopter Pad spawns 1 Orca. At the Medical Center spawn 2 Ambulances and 1 Medevac Helicopter. when killed they respawn 1 minute after. These vehicles are Team Locked to GDI meaning that Nod cannot steal them until at least one GDI has entered them before abondoning it. Ambulances and Medevac Helicopters Ambulances repair all units within a radius of 25 meters by firing its weapon. It will sound a sirene when done so. The Medevac Helicopter refills the health and armor of every Passenger that enters it. Teamwork This map requires very good teamwork for both teams to win. Use the tunnels as Nod to your advantage in taking out the (Advanced) Guard Towers. During the testing phase with more than 30 players at a time both GDI and Nod have won multiple times and the balance seems to be relatively alright. Thanks for reading! Video and Screenshots below:
  22. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website UltraAOW Friendly Fire Weekend In the Friendly Fire Weekend you are able to damage friendly units but not buildings or the pedestal. The following applies: - If you are teamkilled you are refunded the money for your character (doubled if powerdown) - If you are teamkilled you are refunded the money for your vehicle if you are inside one (doubled if powerdown) (thanks WhiteDragon for help with this) - If you are teamkilled your deaths do not increase - If you teamkill someone your kills do not increase All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Weekend of Friday the 6th of September, till Monday morning the 9th. of September. (If there is a lot of complaints, we will consider ending the event early) TT 4.0 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.0 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own mpf_newmaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and Swap to balance teams manually. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. (changelog) Recent Maps Project Westwood is still on-going and we are finalizing the maps one by one slowly. Currently in rotation are MPF_Canyon, MPF_Hourglass(&Flying), MPF_Islands, MPF_Volcano, MPF_Walls_Flying and MPF_Under. Maprotation MPF_Canyon Tiberium_Temple Delta DomesV2 MPF_Under SiloWars Dockside GlacierTS MetroTS MPF_Walls_Flying AlpineNight Blaat The_Pathe Bridge_Control Deth_River Whoreglass Urban_Rush RiverValley Nova High_Altitude Ridge Temple MPF_Hourglass_Fly SnowLol SeasideSunset MPF_Mesa GreatUnder Big_Walls Wasteland Permafrost MPF_Islands High_Noon_21 HillBilly Hourglass_Flying The_Moon Complex_SB Crevasse Quick_Draw Winter_Field Forgotten_Town BunkersTS Cairo Fjords BasinTS Night0X Tropical2 City3 Tib_Field Siege Terrace SeasideCanyon GreatWall Detroit Forest_Falls TiberiumRedux Pacific Dawn_Raid DOM_Tutorial Hangmans_Canyon City2Fly Bio River_Canyon Uphill DesertTunnels Country_Side Creekdale_Fly Mars Hon_Dom Mediterranean Air TheCanyon Dusk [Last_Stand] MPF_Canyon Tobruk Ocean_View Woodland Lunar_Landing Esco_Island Sidewinder Arid Tib_Pit_3 Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. TeamSpeak3 Make sure to join us all on teamspeak3 as well. If you do not have teamspeak you can download it from here. http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=teamspeak3 Our teamspeak address is: ts.ultraaow.com Thanks Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some funz. //Greetz the MPF UltraAOW Team
  23. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website UltraAOW Double Points Weekend In the Double Points Weekend everything you damage and kill will grant double points. All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Weekend of Friday the 30th of August till Monday morning the 2nd of September. TT 4.0 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.0 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own mpf_newmaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and Swap to balance teams manually. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. (changelog) Recent Maps Project Westwood is still on-going and we are finalizing the maps one by one slowly. Currently in rotation are MPF_Canyon, MPF_Hourglass(&Flying), MPF_Islands, MPF_Walls_Flying and MPF_Under. Maprotation MPF_Canyon Tiberium_Temple Delta DomesV2 MPF_Under SiloWars Dockside GlacierTS MetroTS MPF_Walls_Flying AlpineNight Blaat The_Pathe Bridge_Control Deth_River Whoreglass Urban_Rush RiverValley Nova High_Altitude Ridge Temple MPF_Hourglass_Fly SnowLol SeasideSunset MPF_Mesa GreatUnder Big_Walls Wasteland Permafrost MPF_Islands High_Noon_21 HillBilly Hourglass_Flying The_Moon Complex_SB Crevasse Quick_Draw Winter_Field Forgotten_Town BunkersTS Cairo Fjords BasinTS Night0X Tropical2 City3 Tib_Field Siege Terrace SeasideCanyon GreatWall Detroit Forest_Falls TiberiumRedux Pacific Dawn_Raid DOM_Tutorial Hangmans_Canyon City2Fly Bio River_Canyon Uphill DesertTunnels Country_Side Creekdale_Fly Mars Hon_Dom Mediterranean Air TheCanyon Dusk [Last_Stand] MPF_Canyon Tobruk Ocean_View Woodland Lunar_Landing Esco_Island Sidewinder Arid Tib_Pit_3 Game Prize This month's Game Prize is Killing Floor on Steam. The person ranked first on our server at the end of August will receive this into their Steam Account as a gift. Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this upcoming Friday the 30th of August. Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some fun the Weekend it lasts. Teaser Video by Bazil, Kenz3001 and Mauler //Greetz the MPF UltraAOW Team
  24. http://www.ultraaow.com - Visit our Website UltraAOW Stealth Weekend In the Stealth Weekend every unit you buy will be stealthed, your spawn soldier, your engineer, even your Havoc Even your vehicles will start with Stealth Enabled! This will be interesting days again just like last time i think lol All other settings are standard UltraAOW Settings as described on the website. When? The Weekend of Friday the 16th of August till Monday morning the 19th of August. TT 4.0 Update is Required The Tiberian Technologies Update 4.0 for Renegade is required to play on the server. You can download it on their official website if you do not already have it. It adds lots of extra's, anti-cheat and a ingame automatic map-downloader, awesome stuff! Active Server Plugins Of course the server will run our own mpf_newmaps.dll plugin which adds additional functionality to the server such as Veterancy and Special Crates & Power-ups. Other plugins running on the server are for example the Team Donate and Infinite Ammo. For a full list of modifications and adjustments please visit our Website. (changelog) Maprotation GreatUnder GreatUnder BunkersTS TCW_Demo Cairo Fjords BasinTS Night0X Tropical2 Battleground Wasteland Permafrost High_Noon_21 HillBilly The_Moon Oasis_Fly Complex_SB Crevasse Quick_Draw Winter_Field Forgotten_Town City3 Tib_Field Temple SnowLol Siege SeasideSunset Terrace SeasideCanyon GreatWall Detroit Industrial_Strength Forest_Falls Hourglass_Flying Tobruk Dockside GlacierTS AlpineNight Blaat RiverValley Tiberium_Temple MPF_Walls_Flying Delta MPF_Snipers DomesV2 Nova High_Altitude MPF_Islands MPF_Mesa TiberiumRedux Pacific Dawn_Raid DOM_Tutorial Hangmans_Canyon City2Fly Bio River_Canyon Uphill DesertTunnels Country_Side Creekdale_Fly Mars Hon_Dom Mediterranean Air TheCanyon Dusk Last_Stand Aftermath Deth_River Silent_Dawn Urban_Rush Ocean_View Woodland Lunar_Landing Esco_Island Bridge_Control Sidewinder Arid Tib_Pit_3 Game Prize This month's Game Prize is Killing Floor on Steam. The person ranked first on our server at the end of May will receive this into their Steam Account as a gift. Mappack is Available You could download our Mappack before joining the server. This ensures you have all the maps already. Then you will not experience any ingame download dialogs which may take long if you have a slow(er) connection. All you do is click Next, Next, wait for it to install the maps and then you're done and ready to join. Thanks Thanks people for reading this and maybe joining up this upcoming Friday the 1st of March. Please feel free to spread this news around a bit to attract more people and let's see if we can have some fun the Weekend it lasts. Teaser Video by Bazil, Kenz3001 and Mauler //Greetz the MPF UltraAOW Team
  25. About a week ago, the first patch for the Tiberian Technologies project for Renegade was released. Here's the list of the most important fixes: Fixed client crash when a !setnextmap or similar command was executed. Fixed another client crash. Fixed memory leak that could make the server run out of memory and crash after running for a few days. Fixed server crashes when an attacker sends invalid packets. edit_vehicle ensured to only work in multiplayer games when the game's player limit is 1. Fixed installer (and mixcheck) so that it downloads the required files correctly again. You can visit the Tiberian Technologies website for more information and download links. Should you have a previous version of Tiberian Technologies, the client should update automatically, but servers must be updated manually.