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  1. The Tiberian Dawn Redux mod for Generals: Zero Hour was updated to version 1.44 recently, and with that release, all campaign missions are finally present in the mod, after 10 years of development. Much attention was given to making the maps and missions as close to their 1995 originals as possible. Also included are balance changes and tweaks to fix some loose ends from the previous version. Download patch 1.44 by clicking here. If you're new to the mod, you'll need the full release of version 1.4 before patching, and optionally the cutscene pack.
  2. In this week's Music Monday feature, we bring you Bill Brown's eleventh theme for China, or The Final Hour, from C&C Generals: Zero Hour. A hard-hitting track interrupted a few times with calm sections. A new track will be posted next Monday. And as always, don't forget to share this on social media using the hashtags #CnCMusicMonday and #MusicMonday.
  3. Welcome to Tiberian Dawn Redux! I hope you join me for this Let's Play. We start with the GDI campaign, and here are the first two missions: Alternative links and . The you want to give the mod a shot, you can get it here.
  4. C&C:Online, the community-run multiplayer server for Command & Conquer games affected by the GameSpy shutdown, marked its third anniversary yesterday! This year alone, around 45,000 people have been playing on the servers, with the number still rising. To celebrate this anniversary, prized tournaments have been announced for the month of July, as well as a hint at a new and more convenient way to launch the games onto the service.
  5. Hello, I have this strange problem where I can run CnC generals/ Zero Hour in Windowed mode but when I run in full screen mode it automatically minimizes. I am operating on win 10 using the AMd r9 270x. I am playing on the tfd 1.03 rev4 patched versions of CnC generals and zero hour. Is there any way you guys could assist me? I had the same problem with CnC3 but I fixed it when I launched in Windowed mode.
  6. ZH - Insane Ambush Epic Battle 300 Minigunners vs 1800 Rebels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW_wvQfxwQQ
  7. After having polished the intro a bit (and the rest of the map since the last post) I encountered this error when using certain camera angles. There will be a disgusting spread of darkness on half the screen just like in the pictures provided, with the next angle being completely fine not having any of that junk. Anyone know a workaround for this? It really sucks to have it in the middle of my intro cinematic. Also off-topic question, there occurs a mismatch shortly after the nuclear missile silo is destroyed. When it is destroyed, the particle cannon becomes active for the US. I'm not sure if the guy playing US used it which caused a mismatch, but if anyone script-nerdy could check those things out then I'd appreciate it. Also you will see a folder under DRONE which is disabled, it seems like it somehow causes mismatches sometimes since after disabling that folder there doesn't appear to be as many mismatches as before. Thanks beforehand. glitchy black effect. <-- The only part of the intro where it occurs. next shot, completely fine. Map attached below. Operation Radioactive Snow.rar
  8. Hello hello, if anyone is still remaining in this dying community. I've decided to return and change some things with my old 2v2 scripted map, by not only adding a few new things but also implementing AI. The first difficulty I've encountered is that despite having assigned AIs some prebuilt buildings, the buildings always appear to be given to Neutral instead. This issue does not appear with players, however, for when there are 4 players they all start with their assigned buildings. This is the same for units, they are all neutral as well. The second difficulty I encountered was when adding a new structure, a TechReinforcementPad that gives the science "Sneak attack" to the owner. However if you capture this structure as USA or China then you will not be able to use this unless you have a GLA command center, is there a workaround for this? There's also the AnthraxFacility the GLA gets to use in their base that should give both GLA players the Anthrax bomb science, but since you always start as China I can't really test if this is working or not. I'm also open if anyone has any critique to the map in case of balancing issues, textures, scripts etc. Thanks for the help! Map attached below. Operation Radioactive Snow dev test3.rar
  9. In this week's Throwback Thursday, we look back at the one instance where the player was not briefed directly in any mission, but got status updates from the field from obviously biased news reports, in C&C: Generals - Zero Hour. The reporters, Omar Bin Ghazali (GLA's ARC), James Seabury (USA's BNN) and Sun Meiying (China's BCTV) were also apparently reading from prompters if you look closely, hinting at the apparent intention to portray these news reports as mere propaganda from all sides, as is most often the case in wars we have in the real world. The reporters were played by Mike Saad, Julian Stone, and Catherinne Dao, respectively. Julian Stone would later lend his voice in Battle for Middle-earth II and Rise of the Witch-king, as well as play Dr. Alphonse Giraud in C&C 3: Tiberium Wars. Remember, you can click on the preview to see a larger and more detailed image. Don't forget to check out the Throwback Thursdays archives if you've missed a week. Check back again next Thursday for another Throwback. Send in your ideas for future instalments. We also encourage you to share this on social media using the hash tags #ThrowbackThursday, #CnCTBT and #CNCNZTBT.
  10. It has been well over a year since the last major version of GenTool, was released. That changed today with the arrival of version 7.4. GenTool is a popular add-on for C&C Generals and Zero Hour which enhances the gameplay experience, especially in multiplayer, has been released. GenTool is a recommended download for all C&C Generals and Zero Hour players. Version 7.4 includes these fixes.... New Features 7.4 Added rank support for more custom community maps Fixes/Improvements 7.4 Slight performance improvement on custom ranked map validation routine As always, we have a CNCNZ.com download mirror for GenTool available. GenTool v7.4 (7.77 MB) You can also download the latest version from the official GenTool site.
  11. Welcome to this year's first instalment of Throwback Thursday! This week, we remember the GLA Angry Mob, which appeared in C&C: Generals and Zero Hour from 2003. It was notable for being the first squad unit in the Command & Conquer series. This mechanic saw wide use in EALA's subsequent Battle for Middle-earth series, as well as C&C 3: Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath, where the majority of infantry units were also represented by squads. Angry Mobs were just that - groups of furious, but poorly trained common folk who joined the ranks of the GLA. Even one mob was a bad omen for GLA's enemies on the field, as they proved quite effective against enemy units. Remember, you can click on the preview to see a larger and more detailed image. Don't forget to check out the Throwback Thursdays archives if you've missed a week. Check back again next Thursday for another Throwback. Send in your ideas for future instalments. We also encourage you to share this on social media using the hash tags #ThrowbackThursday, #CnCTBT and #CNCNZTBT.
  12. jarmenkell

    Who acted as Jarmen Kell?

    Who acted as him? And how he looks like? How much old is he now? Is he dead or alive? Is he a real terrorist/isis/racist? Was he a actor or? Answer these please. Hes my favorite :/.
  13. In this week's Throwback Thursday, we look back at the American superweapon from C&C Generals - the Particle Cannon. At first, it looks like a discount Ion Cannon from the Tiberium universe, but unlike its GDI counterpart, it has the ability of moving the beam to any location of the owner's choosing as if it were a unit, potentially causing a lot of damage in a larger area. In Zero Hour, the American Superweapon General Alexis Alexander had the Advanced Particle Cannon, which was 50% cheaper, but took longer to recharge. As with other superweapons in Generals, multiple Particle Cannon Uplink buildings could be built at the same time. Remember, you can click on the preview to see a larger and more detailed image. Don't forget to check out the Throwback Thursdays archives if you've missed a week. Check back again next Thursday for another Throwback. Send in your ideas for future instalments. We also encourage you to share this on social media using the hash tags #ThrowbackThursday, #CnCTBT and #CNCNZTBT.
  14. Released today is the latest C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux Mod promo video showing off how the Mod looks in 2016. A few sneak peeks at the new campaign missions can be seen if you know where to look. Eight additional campaign missions are slated to release soon with patch v1.43 with the campaign videos included. This video itself is a remake of the original Mod trailer that hit the Net way back in 2007. DOWNLOAD CURRENT RELEASE FACEBOOK PAGE
  15. Greetings of Peace and Joy! Hello, I have been playing CNC Generals and Zero Hour for quite sometime and I have just recently been able to get the game working on my upgraded system, which is Windows 7. However, upon playing the game again, I feel as if I would want some things changed. In Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour Campaigns, in particular. I would kinda want to change the faction color of the Chinese to make it either Cyan or blue to fit more of a UN sort of affiliation, and Red is not really my favorite color to begin with. In the Chinese Mission # 5, the Dragon's Destiny, in particular, I would kind of want to not only make the Chinese faction blue or Cyan, but I would also want to be able to produce UN Humvees by any means necessary, like through the Arms Dealer, or either through the Chinese or US War Factories. I am not sure if this is possible... considering I did try these with the a Global Crisis Mod as well as the Reborn Mod, but I was simply unable to pull through with it either because of the game crashing or the vehicle in question being unavailable during the 5th Mission. I was hoping that there may be a way to be able to achieve this, but I would need professional help for it. So yes, even with me trying different mods to make it work, it still did not go as planned or hoped. Bottomline is, I would like to change the Chinese Player controlled faction color from red to Cyan or Blue, and I would also like UN Humvees to be available within the Chinese Campaign 5 or Campaign as a whole in Zero Hour. But I do not know how to achieve this, since I did try with countless mods and failed miserably. I am open to any and all suggestions, since I would truly like to have a better experience with this game. It was among the very first games I've played, along with Red Alert 2. I am just slightly concerned about touching and editing the game files considering I do not wish to compromise or corrupt any of the game files since I just recently got it working for Windows 7, and I have no experience with World Builder but I am more than willing to do the editing and such on my own given the proper guidance and direction. Also, I already have a saved game file of the 5th Chinese Mission wherein I successfully captured and built up the US base to what I like, however, the faction color is still red and there are no UN Humvees present... Is there any way to achieve these changes without having to lose all my Saved Campaign files? If no, then I would be willing to start all over again... but well, it did take me a lot of retries just to get the base without damaging any of the external facilities and of course, capturing the airfields with Stealth Fighters still in them. If also possible, I would also want to throw in some Laser Crusaders in there without losing the regular Crusaders, and perhaps some of the Advanced Cold Fusion Reactors as well. Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read and go through my long and possibly boring composition, and in advance for any form of assistance you could provide in this little endeavor of mine. With regards, Flying Endeavor Also, if any of you are asking why I would like for these sort of changes... It is because I really like the US base presented in this Campaign and I would truly like to build it up within my own style and liking. Here is a video to show the kinds of bases that I love to build within Command and Conquer Generals and its expansion, Zero Hour. I am a sort of perfectionist, among my many flaws.
  16. In this week's edition of Throwback Thursday, we remember another iconic unit from the C&C games - the Overlord Tank and its variations from C&C Generals and Zero Hour. What is a C&C game without one version or another of the Mammoth? Apart from its two destructive barrels, the Overlord Tank could be outfitted with one of three extensions on its top: a battle bunker, a gattling cannon or a propaganda tower, as well as uranium shells and the Nuclear Tanks upgrade. General Ta Hun Kwai's Emperor Overlord variant, however, came with a pre-built propaganda tower, but could also be upgraded with a gattling cannon, though for some reason the Subliminal Messaging upgrade did not affect its propaganda tower in official versions of Zero Hour. Still, the Overlord is very much worthy of the Mammoth Tank line. Remember, you can click on the preview to see a larger and more detailed image. Don't forget to check out the Throwback Thursdays archives if you've missed a week. Check back again next Thursday for another Throwback. Send in your ideas for future instalments. We also encourage you to share this on social media using the hash tags #ThrowbackThursday, #CnCTBT and #CNCNZTBT.
  17. Hello this is my first post here. I wonder why Challenger missions in Zero hour are so easy even on hard difficulty? I mean let's take a look on Air force challenge. He is so easy even on hard difficulty, he never uses A10 strikes, never use Battle ship and never buy any upgrades for his planes. Also after first wave of the attacks he then suddenly stops attacking you like he doesn't have money... Also he doesn't use battle plans for strategy center unless you make it in scripts. I have downloaded a program called ''FinalBig'' i have opened Zero hour maps and i can edit official maps in World editor. There i can edit Air force Challenge map. So my question is why he is so easy? Most of his scripts are disabled in the game and not properly put. if you open scripts and look you can see that for example his ''Laser Guided missile'' upgrade is not running at all because it requires from him to have less than 800 money which is impossible. I edited a few things and i made him to use all available upgrades in the game. He uses bunker busters, Countermeasures which he didn't. But how to edit him to use A10 strikes? There is script for it but it just says for him to be able to fire it, i don't know how to make waypoint for it because he can't use that ability. He is really really weak in challenge. I did buff him a little but i can't seem to make him use general power. I was able to put him to use particle cannon which works good but can't do for powers. Also look at Nuke general. He never uses his Migs to fight you, he always send small troops, literally does nothing, while Doctor Thrax is made to be like pro gamer same goes for prince Kassad. They are the only ones made to be good at hard difficulty others sucks. Is this because EA didn't had time to make others better? I really want to edit those scripts but i don't know every one of them. I'm not that skilled. So is there any guide on internet that might help me on that or any patch that will make Al better? Maybe that unofficial patch? Sorry for this long post.
  18. The second official patch for the C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux mod for Zero Hour has been released. Patch version 1.42 reworks some scripting issues with several single player missions and reduces overall game lag. Some skirmish and multiplayer maps have also been improved. A few minor unit and skirmish AI tweaks and updates have also been applied as well. You can learn more about this Zero Hour mod and find the patch download right here.
  19. A very active weekend is coming up for C&C tournaments. There is a Zero Hour tournament on Friday at 14:00 GMT which will take place in Dubai and is organized by Que Club, a prominent gaming, café and billiard club in the United Arab Emirates, and the total prize pool is approximately 870 USD! The livestream will be shown here. Next up, GameReplays.org will be hosting three tournaments: Tiberium Wars - The Battle of the Titans 2 (1v1) - Saturday, 13:00 GMT, total prize pool of 150 USD Red Alert 3 (1.12.5) - FTW #39 (1v1) - Saturday, 14:00 GMT, total prize pool of 75 USD Kane's Wrath (1.02+) - Pair of Steel (2v2) - Sunday, 12:00 GMT, total prize pool of 300 USD There's still time to sign up for the latter three. It's great to see people still enjoy C&C multiplayer.
  20. I just did a clean install of Windows 7. I installed all my drivers and programs, and am now trying to play C&C Generals Zero Hour. Every time I try to launch it, I get the following error. generals.exe - Entry Point Not Found The procedury entry point MiniDumpWriteDump could not be located in the dynamic link library dbghelp.dll. Every time I click the OK button, it closes the one I clicked on and opens another one. I literally have to open task manager and force close generals.exe I have never seen this error before, and even though I tried searching for information on it, I am unable to find anything specific to this program. Processor: i 7 processor running at 3.4Ghz. OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Graphics card: EVGA SuperClocked 015-P3-1582-AR GeForce GTX 580 (Fermi) 1536MB 384-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card. Ram: CORSAIR Vengeance 16GB (4 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model CMZ16GX3M4A1600C9 Mother board: GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UP7 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 Extended ATX Intel Motherboard Direct X: Version 11 Game: Generals Zero Hour (part of The First Decade) non patched.
  21. So I'm making my first mod for Zero Hour. I'm just about ready to put it in beta, I've just got two things left to do that I can't figure out how for the life of me. Firstly, I want to add the ECM weapon and auto-firing behavior to the Tank General's Battlemaster and Overlord tanks. Trouble is, if I just copy and paste the behavior from the ECM, it animates their barrels as if they're firing their main weapon every time the effect repeats. If I try to make the ECM weapon have control over the secondary weapon slot so it doesn't do that, it crashes the game. If I try to make the tank's main weapon into its secondary weapon and change the animations accordingly, it crashes the game. I have no clue what to do here. So I thought I'd take the easy way out - instead of that, I'll just buff the tanks up a bit and make them EMP hardened (part of the mod includes a lot more EMP rockets from two generals). Unfortunately, that doesn't work either. I've made them immune to subdual damage and I added EMP_HARDENED to their KindOf, but it doesn't work. At this point I'm not sure which I'd prefer, but I'm leaning more towards the EMP hardening. But I don't know how to do either, and I can't find technical information on the EMP effects of the game anywhere, so I need some help, please. The second thing is likely much simpler. I want Dr. Thrax's poison fields to heal all his units. I made custom armor for all of them that has poison as -100% damage, but that simply makes them immune. I don't know how to do this either. So again, help, plz. So yeah. Other than those, the mod is ready to roll. If I could please get some help, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
  22. SWR Productions have released version 1.2 of the C&C ShockWave mod for Zero Hour. This timely release has come just in time for the mod's 11th anniversary. There is a massive amount of changes in this release. The global fixes are listed below. All anti-air capable units can now use a special air guard mode to focus on aircraft All Tooltips updated to more accurately reflect what each unit, structure, generals power and ability does Infantry emerging from a destroyed transport are now untargettable for 1 second New Radiation death effect added for infantry New Microwave death effect added for infantry New Gorey death explosion effect added for infantry Aura decals for all units this applies to things like Propaganda, ECM tanks or even Microwave Tanks Heavy machine-guns and auto-cannons now have visually improved tracers effects Tank Shells now all have a unique tracer effect Countermeasure Flares updated to look better Added new impact effects for super-heavy tanks Implemented Supply Yard Variants Implemented Oil Derrick Variants Check out the full change log to see all the changes and fixes. Head over the the C&C ShockWave site for the download of the latest version.
  23. Hello all, my friend is having an issue with C&C generals Zero our online. Although we have the same Router (ADB), same OS (WIndows 10) and living in the same city (not sure if it's relevant), from some reason, when We try to play multiplayer online, we fail to do so. (we get a "Unable to connect to other players" message). WE both have the SAME ports forwarded. He has a fresh OS install. I can play with other people perfectly fine. He has no apparent firewall or Anti virus running. We're clueless! ) Please advise, Thx
  24. Hi. I want make some video from replays and i have 2 questions: Q1: Is possible in replay remove title "building x%" on buildings which are currently built? Q2: In replay if u change camera anlge you can see black background (off the map) - is there some way replace it by image? Or better by the video? Or some other solution?
  25. Hello, I cannot figure out how to minimize the game window so I can use "Sizer" to fit the window in OBS. I would broadcast the full screen if I could figure out how. Any help here would be appreciated. I have not played in 10 yrs looking to get back into it. Thank You in Advance, Shot803