TheBlackOut 6 Posted November 5, 2008 I don't like extras being given to console players... They're buying an RTS on a console, they deserve something for being that dumb Share this post Link to post
Publix666 0 Posted November 5, 2008 They're buying an RTS on a console, they deserve something for being that dumb First off, thats seriously rude my friend. Some of us dont have the money to constantly upgrade our computers, so we get a console. Im just going to leave it at that cause im not going to stoop to your level of immaturity. -On Topic- Thats the best news ive heard all week, i bought Red Alert 3 for my computer, but i play at very low graphical settings so i really dont enjoy playing it since it looks like a old Playstation One game, with it coming out on the PS3 ill beable to enjoy RA3 with very crisp graphics. Share this post Link to post
sith_wampa 6 Posted November 5, 2008 That makes no sense. If you spend that much money on a console every few years when a new one comes out, it ends up being the same. And I'm positive he wasn't trying to be rude or hurt your feelings. So stop whining. And its not because they're dumb, its because they're buying a game that's not meant for console, which most likely is because they're dumb. Share this post Link to post
Publix666 0 Posted November 5, 2008 That makes no sense. If you spend that much money on a console every few years when a new one comes out, it ends up being the same. And I'm positive he wasn't trying to be rude or hurt your feelings. So stop whining. And its not because they're dumb, its because they're buying a game that's not meant for console, which most likely is because they're dumb. Hurt my feelings? Hardly. Was it rude, yes, and obviously i wasnt the only person to think so from looking at the comments following his comment. Also i got my PS3 as a gift, im already paying over 2k on a old as hell laptop. You "PC is the end all of gaming" people make me sick. Ive been a PC gamer since C&C 95 and i dont care what the game comes out on as long as i get to play it, why the hell does it matter what it comes out on? Do consoles really threaten you people that badly? Also who said its not meant for a console? What because PC gamers say its not meant for consoles means IT CANT come out on consoles? Get over yourselves, if the game plays smoothly then its fine, further more us "Dumb" people dont have to worry about hackers ruining our game. So heh, i think its about time for you PC gamers to get over yourselves and start realizing that PC gaming and Console gaming are sooner or later going to come together as one, we already have games that can be played online on both a console and pc and play with eachother. Unreal Tournament 3's mods/maps ect that are made for PC can be put in a PS3 and played. Share this post Link to post
sith_wampa 6 Posted November 6, 2008 Hurt my feelings? Hardly. Was it rude, yes, and obviously i wasnt the only person to think so from looking at the comments following his comment. Also i got my PS3 as a gift, im already paying over 2k on a old as hell laptop. You "PC is the end all of gaming" people make me sick. Ive been a PC gamer since C&C 95 and i dont care what the game comes out on as long as i get to play it, why the hell does it matter what it comes out on? Do consoles really threaten you people that badly? Also who said its not meant for a console? What because PC gamers say its not meant for consoles means IT CANT come out on consoles? Get over yourselves, if the game plays smoothly then its fine, further more us "Dumb" people dont have to worry about hackers ruining our game. So heh, i think its about time for you PC gamers to get over yourselves and start realizing that PC gaming and Console gaming are sooner or later going to come together as one, we already have games that can be played online on both a console and pc and play with eachother. Unreal Tournament 3's mods/maps ect that are made for PC can be put in a PS3 and played. I'm not sure I understand why this angers you so much. RTS games are just easier to play and therefore are more fun on the PC. As for hackers, that's not true, and things like XboX live and just the hardware itself tend to crap out every so often. Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted November 6, 2008 Hurt my feelings? Hardly. Was it rude, yes, and obviously i wasnt the only person to think so from looking at the comments following his comment. Also i got my PS3 as a gift, im already paying over 2k on a old as hell laptop. You "PC is the end all of gaming" people make me sick. Ive been a PC gamer since C&C 95 and i dont care what the game comes out on as long as i get to play it, why the hell does it matter what it comes out on? Do consoles really threaten you people that badly? Also who said its not meant for a console? What because PC gamers say its not meant for consoles means IT CANT come out on consoles? Get over yourselves, if the game plays smoothly then its fine, further more us "Dumb" people dont have to worry about hackers ruining our game. So heh, i think its about time for you PC gamers to get over yourselves and start realizing that PC gaming and Console gaming are sooner or later going to come together as one, we already have games that can be played online on both a console and pc and play with eachother. Unreal Tournament 3's mods/maps ect that are made for PC can be put in a PS3 and played. Keyboard and mouse. /thread Share this post Link to post
Saracen 16 Posted November 7, 2008 This PC vs Console arguement is just instant fail. Indeed while consoles are not ideal RTS gaming platforms, they can be if developers took the time to add the Keyboard and Mouse support that both the 360 and PS3 are able to use. As far as I'm aware the 360 uses USB 2.0 technology and so does the PS3. So really the consoles/PC divide these days is just so small that it's hardly worth the argument. Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted November 7, 2008 yaaah... but there is still a divide there at the moment. consoles need to become more like pcs xD; that's all they are doing. they're becoming pcs... now you get those dodgy little keyboards for the consoles... but the other downside is that they are trying to become pc's an they're adapting slowly... the mics suck, the webcams are a bit dodgy... in theory you can get a fancy keyboard an mouse an rig them up but the ones designed for the job are dodgy too. not to mention the graphic quality... i mean i know it probably works out cheaper to get new consoles and accessories... but until they reach the stage of teched up pc's i'd rather stick with my home station o.o; i mean check it. consoles are just pc's that are a few years behind in some technology which offer you limited customization options for things... i mean compy's you can edit anything and everything, and assuming you buy the right type of compy, you can put whatever you want in it to suit your needs... and if you play your cards right you can stick with just that one computer for many many years and using the same medium constantly (cd's/dvd's...) rather then having to have a new disc type which your compy struggles with released every couple of years :\ problem is a lot of the people who share our mindsets want the console to be more advanced. problem is as it becomes more advanced it's just gonna be a pc clone... eventually they're gonna be identical and it will boil down to do you want a processor which can last for a long time and run real fancy stuff, or do you want the option to customize? o.O; an if you give it enough time, those lil differences will blend too... that's why -i- find it confusing and a bit silly. because these people are lusting after something that is becoming something else. but i can understand that. it's like some kind of nostalgia... every few years i still dig out my atari and play like, space invaders and things like that. not exactly the same but it might make people understand where i'm coming from o.o an before you start, i'm not calling the consoles dated. the game qualities are as good as the pc ones easily, the processors and graphics cards are advanced in consoles. but pretty much everything else is basically old pc stuff... you pretty much get stuck with the specifically designed stuff which is dodgy or try to rig up fancy new stuff which you would normally use on your pc o.O; can -anyone- understand that? o.o; the main problem is (or was, it's mainly being fixed now) was that in console games online you had no communication... very very few people would buy mice and keyboards... which meant there's no typing done. and sadly the mics are still pretty dodgy... an in some games, gears of war for example, 90% of the time you can only communicate with your teammates or one person at a time... it brings about a whole new type of gamer. they're all too serious :\ you need to have fun in gaming! you need a good mic, keyboard and ways to switch between speaking/typing to everyone or teammates o.o console is still behind that a lot... that and the fact that consoles (the 360 anyway...) basically rip you off completely money wise :\ that's the main reason why i don't wanna play... i mean if i have a choice between console and PC i'm gonna pick the free one everytime xD; though i heard the PS3 is free o.o so i might get that if some interesting games come out and i get money xD; sadly i can't afford that kind of stuff right now... sorry about the bigass rant. i've just been typing and typing >_>; Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted November 7, 2008 A PC will never kick enough ass for games like Zelda. /thread... again Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted November 11, 2008 well actually a zelda game could work on the pc... but really zelda is too simple. it's mainly all third person rough aiming and even when using FPS you don't have to be too accurate or quick. a mouse is wasted on that game... and you wouldn't need to type, though the extra buttons might be a bonus. yah not slagging off the zelda games (i love them to death) but they're a lil simple for pc... my point is that more complex games that require say, lots of buttons and lots of quick aiming or really quick, accurate movements... or just trying to move a cursor around a screen quickly or accurately. they are done far more effectively on a pc... but yah as i said earlier, basically all consoles are just slowly evolving into pc's... just look at them now o.o; Share this post Link to post
Saracen 16 Posted November 11, 2008 PC gaming for me isn't worth much these days.. RTS, FPS, and old style point and click RPGs are about all the PC is good for. Now Endwar is out, it's set a foundation for the way RTS works on a console... so it's evolution is up and coming. FPS games are getting much better on consoles and to be honest..... I've seen a 360 Halo 2 player go up against a PC counterpart, and let's just say it's embarrasing to watch. The 360 gamer tore the guy to shreds like a ninja... the PC player must have been one of those pirates... ....Ba dum tish.... EDIT: (OK I admit, I made that last part up to get that lame joke in) Share this post Link to post
Castleman12 0 Posted November 11, 2008 IM rather leaning more towards console but the two are rather equal. Console: You get the game and you get the highest(or as high as it can support *cough*Crysis*cough*) graphics. Cheaper too. But it's harder to control for RTS and non-first person shooters. Plus it also depends on if the company makes the console backwards compatible. PC: So you can get more games than the console (since the companys like PC for being the basic thing for gaming.) and it's easier to control and setup hotkeys and all that. But you constantly have to keep on upgrading or your computer is going to be dated in no time. But they're also more backwards compatible. (some 95 games can still run on XP) and you can talk to online people without the need of a headset or something. The internets there doing for consoles but PC is still better at doing it. So theyre the same but probably one of the main things are viruses, i've never seen a console get a virus but PCs are always getting them. Which is the thing that makes me lean towards Console. Share this post Link to post
sith_wampa 6 Posted November 12, 2008 So theyre the same but probably one of the main things are viruses, i've never seen a console get a virus but PCs are always getting them. Which is the thing that makes me lean towards Console. Then lay off the pr0n. Share this post Link to post
Castleman12 0 Posted November 12, 2008 Then lay off the pr0n. :/ >.< *tries to look innocent* JK But Im mostly meaning the Antivirus Pro 2009 thing thats been going around >.> Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted November 13, 2008 Then lay off the pr0n. NEVER! Oh wait. You didn't mean me this time. >_> Share this post Link to post
Louis EX 0 Posted November 13, 2008 (edited) I like both. I miss my Playstation days . Dune 2000 on Playstation **** yeah! Edited November 13, 2008 by Louis EX Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted November 13, 2008 pish. i stand by my previous statements. consoles are just slowly trying to become pc's, except they're doing it in a really kakhanded way. instead of bringing everything forward equally they are lagging on the communication end some and advancing on the graphics... which is fine cos in general all the console players i know are really anti-social. i mean they'll chat to people an stuff but they're usually a-holes. especially the pro gamers... but yah wtf saracen. "FPS, RTS and point an click RPG only" yaaah... that's pretty much all they are good for. but then again that's pretty much all everyone on here plays o.O; and what other games are there? sports games (ergh), puzzle games? (equally ergh) i mean if you want that you do either a nintendo DS or a wii... they've got the puzzle and sports sides pretty darn covered. and the pc has reached a pinacle at what it's good at... because quite frankly you aren't gonna get something easier to aim/control then a keyboard and mouse. even if you physically had some kind of lightgun attachment for a wii or whatever, moving in combination with the aiming would be confusing and complicated. i remember playing that PS2 resi evil game with the FPS shooting using a lightgun. trying to move at the same time whilst aiming and firing was a talent unto itself... yet it's unbelievably easy with a mouse and keyboard... it's fairly easy with a controller too but the problem is you only have so many fingers and thumbs. trying to move, aim, fire and say, jump simultaniously is quite complex but you can do it easily on a pc... i mean don't get me wrong consoles are advancing and making it far easier to use and do things like this... but like i said, they are just slowly turning into PCs... it has literally reached the point where there are very few differences o.O; i've seen many friends buy xbox's in the past then mess with them and turn them into pc's xD it only takes a few minor alterations and you can install a mouse and keyboard and install windows on it xD then you've got yourself a basically top of the range pc o.o; no doubt it'll be done for the 360 too sooner or later... only thing is you're limited to one cd drive and other issues... but no doubt you could just take it out of the case and gut the machine and add what you need o.o; i bet the processor in the 360 probably tops 90% of people's normal pc's XDDDD Share this post Link to post
Doctor Destiny 41 Posted November 14, 2008 I don't reascend any earlier statements but I have concluded that Wii kicks ass. Share this post Link to post
Sonic 295 Posted November 14, 2008 I don't reascend any earlier statements but I have concluded that Wii kicks ass. The Wii is innovative, I'll give it that. Give Nintendo credit for creating something different. And its paid off. The Wii doesn't actually do HD resolutions does it? Anyway, I can see the next XBox and Playstation have some similar features to the Wii. Share this post Link to post
Saracen 16 Posted November 14, 2008 The Wii doesn't actually do HD resolutions does it? It will do soon. Soon as in 2011 They're also planning on "a greater emphasis on backwards compatibility and digital distribution, plus a large storage solution." In other words they want the Wii to be a power horse like the other consoles, while still offering the novelty and fun of the current model. Share this post Link to post
Mina Synd 0 Posted November 16, 2008 i lul'd at the next xbox... the 720 XD if those are real preview pictures... the actual console looks pretty neat... but surely that controller can't be a real preview XD there's just so many buttons on it >>; whole thing is probably a fake but whatever. have you seen all the wii rips? XD all the chintendo brands... (chinese nintendo clones...) there's one that looks EXACTLY like the wii... same console shape... same controllers... same add-ons... then you realise that it's a 16-bit game system with CARTRIDGES that clip into various places XDDDDD and they're actually releasing it as a SERIOUS competitor to the wii over there XDDDD it made me laugh so hard xD Share this post Link to post
BlyTwo 0 Posted December 10, 2008 1. you can play any game on the PC with an emulator and a controller adapter 2. any game can look better on the PC than on a console 3. PC's just own (why does everyone like the PS3 so much? The XBOX 360 is better) Share this post Link to post
BioBen 3 Posted December 10, 2008 It's shiny, new and most importantly, morbidly obese. Seriously my mates got one, it is massive. Share this post Link to post