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Kane and Klepacki

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I just found this out, maybe other people already knew, but I thought it was very interesting.


In this cut scene, which you should recognize if you played RA1... ever... it is Frank Klepacki and Joseph Kucan.



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I just found this out, maybe other people already knew, but I thought it was very interesting.


In this cut scene, which you should recognize if you played RA1... ever... it is Frank Klepacki and Joseph Kucan.




Yeah I agree myself that this is an interesting cut scene in RA1, one of the best scenes in the entire game. :D

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Obviously it's old... it's RA1 I'm talking about, not RA3...

It was interesting to learn and for the benefit of anyone else that didn't know when it was new news, here it be.

Don't waste your time with superfluous comments.

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Yeah its a case of been there done that. But not many people actually know about this or even notice.

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Well this is Westwood we're talking about... they dragged everyone who worked there on stage because it was cheaper than hiring real actors :P

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I just found this out, maybe other people already knew, but I thought it was very interesting.


In this cut scene, which you should recognize if you played RA1... ever... it is Frank Klepacki and Joseph Kucan.



OLD NEWS IS SO ******* EXCITING! /mockery

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OLD NEWS IS SO ******* EXCITING! /mockery

It wasn't meant to be new news... Wow, some people have serious problems, especially when that fact has already been established.


You must not have bothered to read the following posts or you would have seen this one that now applies to you as well:

Obviously it's old... it's RA1 I'm talking about, not RA3...

It was interesting to learn and for the benefit of anyone else that didn't know when it was new news, here it be.

Don't waste your time with superfluous comments.


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When will people learn not to take every comment I make seriously?

It came off as mockery with the whole '/mockery' on there.

Nevertheless, don't think you offended me, I mostly lack the ability to become angry along with several other emotions normal people experience.

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You missed badly with you joke, add lol, rofl or the following smilies to increase believability :P:haha::rofl:

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Because he didn't know perhaps. Why do you feel the need to post irrelevant **** in just about every topic you're in?

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It is pretty old... a mod should set a good example...


Then again... it is Luk3us, since when has he ever been a good example? :haha:

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I was simply stalking you, Nmenth and noticed you made this topic, and found it interesting. :)

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