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Yuri Campaign mod and original RA2 Missions in Yuri's Revenge?

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Now I'm sure the modding community for RA2/YR is still strong but there's a few things I want to add about, first of all why isn't there any mods that add a Yuri campaign, that's basically the biggest missing piece that should of been in Yuri's Revenge anyway.


Another thing I want to ask is, is it possible to some how add the original Red Alert 2 missions like have a menu that allows you to choose between original missions and YR missions, if original missions were in YR then you can take advantage of things like infantry gain elite rank after exiting civilian building which you couldn't have in normal RA2.

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1. you need to have to completely redesign the campaign menu from almost scratch

1.5. that means you need to make new graphics for the campaign menu (including a load screen for each mission)

2. i hope you're a good map editor

1.9. you need to pretty much hack the game...

Edited by BlyTwo

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I might just try his...!

If I start poking around in the files, and find out something, i will let you know.

PS. the download links are dead.

Get NPatch

Mental Omega -other review/ functioning download

Edited by BlyTwo

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