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Sims 3

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Are of you getting this god awful series?


Last time I played the Sims was the first one, which I thought was OK. So I might acquire the game just to see what has changed. Though I won't be fooled into buying the 23849723849237 expansion packs that will be out soon. :P

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i am going to get it to see the many new and interesting ways i can kill my sims, =)

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I tired it last month, it was quite alright and funny for me, I remembered playing the first version once in my friend's house. I can't tell the difference of the original, 2 and now 3 other than visual upgrades and minor tweaks to the interface.

Edited by Malevolence

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Sims 3.... no thanks. Same game with a new coat of paint to me.

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Nah, my friend had one of those games as well as its 23849723849237 expansion packs. I played it, it was ok, but not worth actual money.

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rofl. ^_^


I guess it would be interesting walking around a neighbourhood full of naked people... :o

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the old routine of sticking a sim in a room with nothing but a chair and maybe a lighter/rope dont get old for somereason. but if they had the sims meet grand theft auto... that would be cool.

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EA has set a new low for themselves. This is seriously ****ed. Looks like they set aside like half of the content to their "Sims 3 Store".


If you buy the game, you get 1000 simpoints for free. 1000 simpoints can buy you a hairstyle. 1 Dollar = 100 Simpoints. I'm not going to pay 10 dollars more for a hairstyle that could have been in the retail game.



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So you pay full price for the game ($120 NZ by the way), then to add new stuff and progress in the actual game you have buy more content online?

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Just to add new stuff, which could have been in the game but was aside for this stupid store thing. EA thinks this is MapleStory or something.

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Sims fans getting screwed? Impossible! ^_^

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So I bought the Sims yesterday. Its still got that new novelty going for it, but I think its OK. I like how you can own cars, I built myself a nice little garage. ^_^

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little... where are you going to put your car?

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hello all,


I think that Sims 3 will not reach - as the Sims 2 does - the 100 000 000 players. The EA developpers bring some news things and possibilities but in fact, the game is the same as before. For exemple they forget to add a bank office lot ??? :unsure: The only thing i find interesting is that modding is easier and everybody can personalize its own copy as he likes.


I've really fun to play that game but only with my own changes or own configuration and mods. You can configure the game so you dont need to use any cheats codes.


The only thing i miss at this time is how to ripp and encode to mp3 some sounds tracks. I've already ripped all the guitar songs but i can't find how the radio stations musics are coded :rolleyes:


But no matter i work further to reach that goal.


Nice day to all and so long.


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I have completely stopped playing this game lol.

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Yeah it gets old rather fast. :P

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I had to force reformat my system and too lazy to re-install the game. Like all modern games, this game take very long to install, take even longer to load and lags when playing. Sigh. :(

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Yeah it gets old rather fast. :P

Funny, in your original post you said "god awful", yet you buy the stupid game anyway. So you only have yourself to blame.


I had to force reformat my system and too lazy to re-install the game. Like all modern games, this game take very long to install, take even longer to load and lags when playing. Sigh. :(

Time for some upgrading perhaps?

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Funny, in your original post you said "god awful", yet you buy the stupid game anyway. So you only have yourself to blame.


Luk3us has pwned himself yet again. :lol:


Time for some upgrading perhaps?


Or do you mean complete overhaul? :mellow:

Yea, that option has came to my mind everyday, hoping to build a new rig soon.

Edited by Malevolence

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I might get it but I need a computer upgrade first. And an upgrade so I can play around with mods and skins for Resident Evil 4 is a priority. Maybe when they make some groovy Sims (anyone for a Tigeress Leiong Leang?) then I would give it serious thought.

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