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Summary of C&C4 Info from GameStar Magazine - Updated

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I want it to eat people and turn them into stuff that will in turn eat your base.

Edited by BioBen

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I want it to eat people and turn them into stuff that will in turn eat your base.


Gone are the visceroids. :(



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well fans if you think a little be more "clear" you will see that in the end, a more controlled economy, a cap limit and also the Tech tree game-play will make this a more Fair to all player levels and more enjoyable game experience. ;)


all those great plans "IF" will come alive as they should be, i am pretty happy now with a second though. all we have to do is wait for some game-play experience and videos from the people in August's CommandCom. B)


i really hope that the guys will pool this off with no rushes, and create a great RTST game!


Real Time Strategy Tactics.


p.s no real player wants to spend time and money protecting its units from annoying mutand creaturs laying arround or viceroids or what ever they called.

we have an enemy to face a game to play, so lets get focus on that!


p.s i really hope that they will add some weather effects, not affecting the units, but visually could be creat to see some snow, rain, and Tiberium Thunderstrikes, and Finally a day night cycle making lights in the units turn on, that would be really cool! it was creat in other older 3d rts games.

Edited by Johnnyxp64

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Ra3 ore node concept?!




Very very disturbing. Tiberium crystals for display purposes, meaning it won't be harvestable, and that sounds very bad.


Ore Node a.k.a. Core Network + Tiberium crystals (display purposes) = multiplayer ok, but story plot = C&C gone wrong, very wrong.

Why is that a surprise? We knew that all along. But 2Poc said it's all going to make more sense in the following weeks.

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no real player wants to spend time and money protecting its units from annoying mutand creaturs laying arround or viceroids or what ever they called.

we have an enemy to face a game to play, so lets get focus on that!

Of course, but I'd intentionally make visceroids in enemy bases in TS/FS. One of those pests leeching your own base is very annoying, but they are a part of what tiberium is, I'd prefer to have an oversized ameba parasiting my tanks and soldiers than to ignore the fact that they are a part of the storyline and just drop them from the game.

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Popcaps? no no no no nooooo.


I called it! Admittedly I was being sarcastic at the time but nontheless, it seems that there is no depths that EA is unwilling to sink to, with this game.

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Change can be good, you know.


totally agree enough with the tank spams, and super fast macro, and specif build order.


i like the idea that my army will be almost UNIQUE customized to others and that they will have no idea what do i have or how am i gonna play! thats more interesting and joyful.


Change? => Yes we Can! :)^_^

Edited by Johnnyxp64

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Ore Node a.k.a. Core Network + Tiberium crystals (display purposes) = multiplayer ok, but story plot = C&C gone wrong, very wrong.

Yeah is the RA3 system. But you have the admit it worked well in that game.


Gone are the visceroids. :(



Ironically that's not a Visceroid ;) Westwood reused a scene/image from their Lands of Lore games to represent Visceroid visually.


I called it! Admittedly I was being sarcastic at the time but nontheless, it seems that there is no depths that EA is unwilling to sink to, with this game.

PopCap is explained here http://forums.cncnz.com/index.php?showtopic=12210. You won't really know if is a good or bad thing until you get the play the game though.

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Yeah is the RA3 system. But you have the admit it worked well in that game.


It work alright in the game, in terms of gameplay and especially multiplayer. But it doesn;t make any sense in story line at all. In fact, the tiberium (only found within a specific radius of the field) in C&C3 doesn't make any sense either, it should spread like wildfire, as shown in FMVs, not controlled.

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It work alright in the game, in terms of gameplay and especially multi-player. But it doesn;t make any sense in story line at all. In fact, the tiberium (only found within a specific radius of the field) in C&C3 doesn't make any sense either, it should spread like wildfire, as shown in FMVs, not controlled.



well thats what the Tacitus is all about i guess, Kane found a way to save planet Earth from extinction and how to control Tiberium and harvest it without killing the planet, which is a Scrin knowledge by the why they create and they now how to control the "i-core", so they can come up with something like that that will "cover" the story, to be honest i will mish the tiberium crystals a little bit, but i think it will give me a overall better gp experience as ra3 did in the end.

Edited by Johnnyxp64

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well thats what the Tacitus is all about i guess, Kane found a way to save planet Earth from extinction and how to control Tiberium and harvest it without killing the planet, which is a Scrin knowledge by the why they create and they now how to control the "i-core", so they can come up with something like that that will "cover" the story, to be honest i will mish the tiberium crystals a little bit, but i think it will give me a overall better gp experience as ra3 did in the end.


Ichor, not i-core, or iCore, or Icore, or iCall. lol.


If EALA is using that idea, that Kane uses the tacitus and knowledge to modify the properties of tiberium, shouldn't he do that earlier, say TD era? Why now? Unless EALA comes out with a smart story plot then I'm sold.

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If EALA is using that idea, that Kane uses the tacitus and knowledge to modify the properties of tiberium, shouldn't he do that earlier, say TD era? Why now? Unless EALA comes out with a smart story plot then I'm sold.



ok here is how the "story" goes imho:


because back in that TS area he couldnt do that he didnt have all the knowledge back then, dont forget he "called" the Scrin in TW with that explosion and then he entered that tower, well its obvious that scrin knows all about the ichor (yeah my mistake there i-core its intels cpu line :P ) so Kane tried and actually manage somehow to manipulate both GDI*** and Scrin* in order to controll the tiberium and all its power. From the begging that was propobly his goal, BUT i think that they will come up with a Huge Environmental issue here, (referencing our days problems as well) and Kane's plan all alone was something like celestial Being in Gundam's latest anime, he created The NOD because throught time humanity only makes wars and wars are killing inecent people and destroying our home planet.Wars that mostly are made for resource and financial power!


maybe that meteor of ichor was his inspiration of trying to change the course of event and created the brotherhood in order to achieve "Peace Through Power!"** he wanted Peace back from the beggining but to achive that he had to use force, tiberium could be the ultimate resource power our planet and humanity was needed after the oil and natural gas run out, and he knew that was dangerous but he caused the event of TW and Scrins arrival and he used this new knowledge and Tacitus to make Tiberium Harmless to earth and allmost an infinate amount of energy and power and money that the world need, so he could stop the damn wars all arround the glob!




that would make a total sense in the Entire C&C universe story of Tiberium so far and i would love to see that idea as a story line for cnc4. it can even explain how kane was in Ra1 because he was trying to take out all the "bad" variables from the equation and achieve peach in the future.(almost ra3 story but this time no silly stuff)


that would easily explain what we know so far, that GDI-NOD "work" together but all those years there are teams that dont want this alliance, people that lost families and friends from ether sides and want just to revenge! so here it come the 4th and Final Tiberium war, and IF a Scrin Expansion comes out that would be after Kane's "Death" in CnC4 and after that Humanity finally will be united against a common enemy from out of space. Command & Conquer 4: The Invasion.



*but Scrin is not to play with

**i submited that subtitle too ^_^

***Slow idiots Politicians that where doing actually nothing in action only words!

Edited by Johnnyxp64

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What about LEGION though? What was Kanes purpose of creating that Super AI? I hope Kane doesn't die, that would really suck it up. I find it interesting that Kane seems to try and help GDI or work together. Your an renegade general fighting GDI and NOD seems different but I'll let EA run with it, they have plenty of time to put everything together. Looks like interesting game thus far :)

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What about LEGION though? What was Kanes purpose of creating that Super AI? I hope Kane doesn't die, that would really suck it up. I find it interesting that Kane seems to try and help GDI or work together. Your an renegade general fighting GDI and NOD seems different but I'll let EA run with it, they have plenty of time to put everything together. Looks like interesting game thus far :)



well one good answer will be that the legion was a super A.I and cyborg that was created in order to keep the Kane as an idea alive for ever, maybe legions ultimate perpouse is to be the internal gurdian of humanity! but untill it reaches that point things got a liitle bit bad, other had to change, but in the end i think legion is a new being created to understand the alien technology and combine it with human, it dont know it can be many thinks!


i came up with this story in about 10min if i was working with EALA and had more time i would propobly give a more full answer to all universes....


conclusion there are some good stories that this can work really well, hope we she one of them, something that isn't so ease predictable and its countermeasure to what we thought so far for Kane. maybe kane started as a charismatic scientist, that tried to help and talk to humanity but the politicians never listed to him, and he had to take the "hard" way!


"time will tell..." :rolleyes:


Edited by Johnnyxp64

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to be honest i will mish the tiberium crystals a little bit, but i think it will give me a overall better gp experience as ra3 did in the end.

Eh... Despite its horribly flawed nature, I still prefer C&C3 over RA3.

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  • GDI's campaign motto is "The man who killed Kane", Nod's "Everything has to end"


Awesome, glad they brought those campaign mottos. Brings back memories from Tiberian Sun.

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Great ideas you have johnnyxp64, I love the relation of this title to link back to the roots of Red Alert, especially we saw Kane in the original Red Alert as Stalin's Adviser (and the talk about the brotherhood of nod at the soviet end).

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Great ideas you have johnnyxp64, I love the relation of this title to link back to the roots of Red Alert, especially we saw Kane in the original Red Alert as Stalin's Adviser (and the talk about the brotherhood of nod at the soviet end).


thanks man, i wanted to give a relationship with ra1 because EALA said they will explain almost 42,5% of the unanswered questions so far, well i say why dont explain 90% of them and in that % excuse the Apearence of Kane in Ra1,


i know i know EALA said that back then was a westwood decision sometime in the future those 2 universes will connect in storyline, and that they DONT want to do that anymore so "forget that you saw Kane back then and talked about the brotherhood" because we dont know how to connect them. well that sucks :) i came up with a good story from point 1 to 10 and i know how to connect them, why dont you?

as about the rest ra2 and ra3 those can easily been in an other time line universe case Kanes actions changed the Timeline continium and he created (without knowing) a change in an other Multi-verse cause there are not 1 universe there are multi-verses parallel that can be totally different with a single time travel change event.(after all al its in theory nothing for sure we can asume anything we want to fit it in our story line) when the time travel theories will be confirmed, well we will not be arround anyway to play C&C :P


connect the story now its easy and logical with my example in the previous post. when the End merges with the Begining then the Universe will feel complete!

because "everything that has an End has a Beginning"! :ts:B)

Edited by Johnnyxp64

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i know i know EALA said that back then was a westwood decision sometime in the future those 2 universes will connect in storyline, and that they DONT want to do that anymore so "forget that you saw Kane back then and talked about the brotherhood" because we dont know how to connect them. well that sucks :) i came up with a good story from point 1 to 10 and i know how to connect them, why dont you?


connect the story now its easy and logical with my example in the previous post. when the End merges with the Begining then the Universe will feel complete!

because "everything that has an End has a Beginning"! :ts:B)

Yeah, they should have some sort of a link to Generals too. :D

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if that was not a joke Nmenth, i think that Generals doesnt need a link simply because it doesnt have anyone from the other games, actually it has not fmvs, but a generals 2 more cnc style would be real nice...and this time with a story

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if that was not a joke Nmenth

It was a half-joke. I really couldn't care less whether Generals had a link or not, I think both scenarios have merit while also having faults.


I guess I feel almost the same way with tiberium/Red Alert, I do lean slightly further to the connection side on them, but ultimately still don't care.


I felt more strongly about it a few games ago, but I suppose as EA slowly dissolves all of what C&C was, such an old debate no longer seems as important...

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yeah you are right on that i dont care "that" much but would be nice to close this "black hole" for good.


i have to leave for now this great chat we are having here, i have work to do in the brand NEW engine i am building for the http://cnc.com.gr the BugDatabase will be back with some great features that will help in the debugging process of cnc4 too.

got to go cu later guys.

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Actually I like your concept, this concept could very much be useful to link all C&C universes (Red Alert Universe, Generals Universe as well), Generals universe could be explored by saying that this would be how the universe be like if Kane never interfered, giving support to Kane's disappearance in the series, and also stating that such universe isn't ideal because war is still happening over natural resources and other political and religious BS and Kane thinks its better to make use of Tiberium as a way to get rid of these nonsense, because tiberium could leech up natural resources and stuff, but by changing that it spawn numerous unforeseen consequences.

Edited by Malevolence

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