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Generals: A Look at the Censorship in Germany

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An old video, but interesting none the less.


Command & Conquer Generals and Zero Hour were indexed in 2003 by the BPjM (Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons). The noticeable changes speak for themselves. I made this video to showcase some of the alterations, with main focus on the cyborg issue.


Additional info:

Generals tends to depend to much on current polical affairs.

According to the censor info, "Generals subjects to realistic threatening events and propagates a single solution for these kinds of conflicts: War. Indicating that Generals puts the Iraqi regime on an equal footing as an Islamic terror organisation a.s.o."


The 1st mission of the WA, Westliche Allianz (USA) campaign is to eliminate all GLA forces and neutralize weapons of mass destruction located in Baghdad. Sounds familiar?


Changes: -'Baghdad' changed to 'Twin Sword' City

-'Operation: Final Justice' changed to 'Zone: Wüstensimulation

Schlacht der Maschinen' meaning 'Zone: Desertsimulation Slaughter of the Machines'


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What's with the cyborg robot toy fetish?! Thank god my games aren't censored by the whatever German harmful nonsense.

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Wow, I can understand the china banning thing... but I can't understand the whole cyborg thing... it's bizarre. But now I want to play it, just to see how bad it was...

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Actually I was aware that various games are altered by this weird strict and illogical censorship. I kinda heard about the GLA terrorist replaced by some silly ROFL barrel on wheels, but I wasn't aware that they went further to alter even the specialized generals in ZH and everything else with the weird robot fetish.


I was told that C&C Renegade was affected by this too, not in Germany, but in a global manner. If you notice the beta renegade it was more realistic and stuff, somehow the retail versions have been tone down a compared to the beta screenshots. Thanks to the EA german market stuff, the entire Renegade has toned down to suit their silly censorship.

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is there a mod to turn the us version to the german version? i reallt want to try that gda barrel.

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is there a mod to turn the us version to the german version? i reallt want to try that gda barrel.


Why not go ebay and purchased a german retail version?

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Is all of this serious? :s

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Serious as in what? Is there a censored German version of C&C Generals? Yes.

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is there a mod to turn the us version to the german version? i reallt want to try that gda barrel.

Shockwave included it as a unit. Rather strong, surprisingly.

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Rather strong, surprisingly.

What a rip-off, the Terrorist was almost entirely useless before he could steal bikes from Rebels in ZH, and even then wasn't exceptional.

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How do you make a barrel on wheels hitching a bike in ZH?


Exactly what i was thinking... Photoshop. now!

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Why not go ebay and purchased a german retail version?


i dont have credit card... or an ebay account.


Shockwave included it as a unit. Rather strong, surprisingly.


yeah but i dont want 3 new generals and 500 new units, i just want to play the german version. plus, some of the other units in shockwave look like.. :puke:

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I knew about the bomb wagon thing, which was epic funny.


But didn't know about the commanders and the whole cyborg theme. I think it is kinda cool actually. ^_^

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those changes and way of thinking is just stupid!


i hope all those people and their generation when will die will also take there pathetic way of thinking in their graves.


respecting someones nationality is understandable but by trying to change the Sun to rise from the West or trying convincing you that Black is actually white its just LAME and Stupid!


it all starts with the government controlling the Media. a small Censor was also back in the RA1 German version.


i hope we will see a Generals 2 but in a totally fictional universe still with todays-near future weapon technology.

Edited by Johnnyxp64

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The **** is with the character redesigns? Changing Baghdad to Twin Swords, sure, okay, but this is taking things a little far.

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What's with all the cyborgs, I don't get it

Germany deemed the game to be too close to the real world events concerning terrorists and America's fight against them. So they censored the game by replacing everyone with cyborgs, pulling away from the "realism". It's really stupid...

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lol so sad i first thought were they trying to make reject GI JOE or Action Man Toys, because if they were they succeeded. yeah Germany is a bit like Australia, the just banned the Aliens vs Predator game because it was to violent, and they are too lazy to make a R18+ restricted code. so it goes to show how these governments need to wake up and learn that the world has moved on and get with the plan.

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