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Unique Gameplay Mechanic Added to C&C 4

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A couple of hours ago APOC updated his Twitter page and with this update. This update hints at a new gameplay mechanic concerning Tiberium crystals that has been added to Command & Conquer 4.


We have added quite a unique gameplay mechanic to CNC4 recently that involves Tiberium crystals, I think it's going to please the core

More details about this new addition to the game will be revealed later. Also coming up over the weekend, the first Command & Conquer 4 unit profile on the GDI Crawler will be posted.

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Tiberium Harvesting returns. :)


Sure hope so, Bo. Even if it is, I fear it's still going to be the Tiberium fissures rather than the blossom trees.

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lol i doubt it will, but apparently it will please the 'core'... so...?

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I'm guessing it has something to do with mutation and all that

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I'm not sure if it was meant to made public but Luk3us already mentioned what it could be. But you'll just have to wait and see ;)

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If harvesting makes a return, it needs to be moderated to the right degree. Such a Gameplay Mechanic could effectively cause the game to revert back to the old titles. In my opinion this will bring back the arms race of old. So I'd prefer a 1 harvester cap, to each refinery captured. At least this way the game still requires legitimate skill and strategy/tactics against an opponent.


I would prefer mind if they decreased the stability of Tiberium like in TS. The opportunity to detonate a field when an entire army is passing through would be a solid addition to the gameplay. Blue Specifically.


Or bring back a number of versitile gameplay element from TS. The ability to create chemical missiles or liquid T bombs from Raw Tiberium. Mutations when infantry cross fields and such other things like that. Something which would strengthen the lore a little so it doesn't feel as distant as C&C 3 did.

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If harvesting makes a return, it needs to be moderated to the right degree. Such a Gameplay Mechanic could effectively cause the game to revert back to the old titles. In my opinion this will bring back the arms race of old. So I'd prefer a 1 harvester cap, to each refinery captured. At least this way the game still requires legitimate skill and strategy/tactics against an opponent.

Yeah, but then you'd get refinery selling and all that stuff. It'd be better to stimulate players to build 1 harvester per refinery, for example by making the dumping time longer.

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Guest Stevie_K

I wonder...


Maybe it grows fast like.. FAST!, and you have to finish your mission before it's too late to get out of there.

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If tiberium harvesting returns= OW yeah



if it is not, i swear, i will call Samuel L jackson & John travolta to head over to EALA Studios and say the passage "Ezekiel 25:17"

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Tiberium harvesting is not unique. Whatever this mechanic is, it's supposed to be unique.

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What about TCN's???

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They're adding Vespene Gas and Spice. :D


Its definitely not Tiberium harvesting, because as bob said that's not unique. I don't have any good guesses as to what it is. I guess we will just have to wait and see.


And we're sure he's not referring to crawlers, right?

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This reminds me of a post by 2poc on the official forums.


Paul_Boland wrote:

Thank you for another informative look at the game, again much appreciated. But again, the big question about hearing from the developers themselves about the base-less and harvesting-less gameplay of C&C 4 has been ignored. Role on Q&A 6 in the hope we'll get some respect then.


EA_2POC wrote:

You posted this comment in the last Q&A, and I replied to it showing you that we have discussed base building in developer Q&A #3. We are not ignoring fan feedback on these areas. You will learn more about the game in time, so please sit tight. I have been reporting community feedback for weeks now, and we take it seriously. There are many elements of the game that the community does not know about, and we will open the doors to this information down the road on our website and through the Q&A sessions. Please don't take it as a sign of disrespect, we will talk about it when we are ready.


Looks like there could be some good stuff we don't know about yet.

Edited by Wee_Ooh

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As Lukus said, it is Tiberium harvesting. I guess "we" find out soon enough how it works. I fancy it's quite enjoyable *cough*

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Oh ok, I guess I didn't read that quite right the first time. :P

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