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Chance for Australia to get a R-18 game rating?

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Apt.pupil posted a thread about that Australia may be getting a R-18 game rating for future games (meaning Mature rating at 18 years of age or older):



What do you think about that new policy that is being discussed so far? I think I will agree for that new rating. Games that are mature are supposed to be for people 18 years or older.

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Nothing will change. Gamers are a rare and organised bunch. Besides, it requires that a politician, to actually agree. Which, sure as **** won't be happening.

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I just read AVP is being released uncensored now....


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Even if Australia gets a new R-18 rating, I imagine they're probably still going to face problems getting many/any games with that rating for reasons why there are almost no AO rated games. Most chain stores won't stock AO games because they're against their 'corporate morals' or other such crap. So an AO rating is almost a death sentence for sales. A search for AO-rated games on the ESRB website only turns up a grand total of 24 titles, a good chunk of which are those niche pornographic games. So even if Australia gets the new rating, are stores there even going to stock titles that get the R-18 rating?

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if Australia was to get a R18+ label it would more likely follow what New Zealand is doing now, as both of our Boards work together except of the highest rated games and movies which get double checked, but over all their would be no editing as everyone will be old enough to be subjected to the themes in the games and that is what the dumb Aussies are worried about, people who are not mature enough to handle the themes. and to be honest adding R18+ to their list will save them a lot of hassle.

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