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C&C 5: Fall of Rome

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Guest Stevie_K


Maybe I wasn't being clear enough? Or maybe people skipped the post, D14810 my very first sentence was "I noticed this while browsing one of the wikia sites, for Monster Hunter: Tri in fact." so obviously that is where I found that ad for the lousy online game and you shouldn't have needed to ask!


Yes you were being clear as clear water. Except you still made it sound like it would be a C&C game. I always read everything before I post. And I also feel that I'm awesome when I write in colors :rolleyes:


EDIT: Sorry, having a bad day. Our discussion here is pointless anyway.

Edited by Stevie_K

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I'm not sure what are you are getting at, are you saying Kane was having a moment of self-inflated bull**** or that movie was somehow a mistake or that it really was named after the Caesar? (Also off-topic but you're a girl now or something?)

Talk about missing the point entirely, but then again, every time I say anything you tend to do that.

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Not a good title to name C&C5. Besides I don't think there ever will be a C&C5. :mellow:

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Talk about missing the point entirely, but then again, every time I say anything you tend to do that.

Then throw me a bone here, it looks like everybody in here is confused. And you do make confusing statements and choices, so I ask for clarification before assuming the worst =P

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I meant that cutscenes don't necessarily reflect the actual story put in place by the developers or the people who write the story and lore.

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Well that's just silly to say. I mean, those live action cutscenes were made by the developers, edited by the developers, and in many cases acted by the developers and in the early days it was the man who played Kane directing the videos; they led in and out of the missions you were actually going to be playing, and also gave you background to the universe. Now and then you might catch something (a unit or weapon perhaps) that had its look changed in the final gameplay, but severe story glitches aren't something you'd expect.


I doubt Joe Kucan accidentally got the story wrong, misread lines, and nobody else noticed or said something. I do know that according to cutscenes written/produced/directed/edited/acted by developers that made it into the game, Kane thinks many of you have been suckered by GDI misinformation.

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Guest Stevie_K

If GDI sais something or does something, Kane does the opposite or tries to prevent it. That is what this cut-scene reflects. That's how I see it.

It just adds to the strong contrast between GDI and Nod, in the way that GDI fans would say "Tiber river!! and Noddies would say Caesar!!. However, very few know that Kane says he named it after Caesar since this is the only point he mentions it.

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If GDI sais something or does something, Kane does the opposite or tries to prevent it. That is what this cut-scene reflects. That's how I see it.

It just adds to the strong contrast between GDI and Nod, in the way that GDI fans would say "Tiber river!! and Noddies would say Caesar!!. However, very few know that Kane says he named it after Caesar since this is the only point he mentions it.

I'm with diablo here ;o

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Obviously everything GDI says is lies and propaganda. :)

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Oh my god I only just NOW got that... T_T


Also I suppose there is no way to verify which one is true. "My word vs theirs."

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Guest Stevie_K

However it sounds most reasonable that it's called tiberium because it was first discovered near/in/at the Tiber River.


Oh my god I only just NOW got that... T_T


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