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C&C Reborn June/July Update

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A long awaited update covering June and July has been posted on the C&C Reborn site. They have made some real progress since the last round of updates. In this latest preview we get a look at the new Tiberium crystals for Tiberium fields. A whole bunch of new maps called Grand Canyon, TS_Cliffs, TS_Ardennes, TS_ForestFires, TS_Sahara and more. Here's a couple of sample images.


reborn_aug1.jpg reborn_aug2.jpg

Click here for the full update which also includes some short videos demonstrating how the amphibious vehicles such as Hover MRLS work.

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They have left it a bit long havent they? I lost interest in this mod some time ago, as I'm sure a lot of people have. They need to go in the direction of Renegade x with a new engine in my opinion. Perhaps a mod of the stand alone Renegade X would be good.


By the way your first C&C Reborn link appears to be broken. :)

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They have left it a bit long havent they? I lost interest in this mod some time ago, as I'm sure a lot of people have. They need to go in the direction of Renegade x with a new engine in my opinion. Perhaps a mod of the stand alone Renegade X would be good.


By the way your first C&C Reborn link appears to be broken. :)


We've been thinking about changing the engine to UDK. The problem being that we don't want to let all our work on this engine go to waste. Once we get the W3D version of this mod up and running, we'll look into changing the engine.

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I'm not sure who "Maganta" is supposed to be (nobody named that has ever been on their team) but as far as I know, Renardin started making all of Reborn's texture maps "extra high resolution" a while ago in a planned move to UT... but progress on that front has been roughly zero, beyond producing texture maps in a higher resolution, with only minor chatter of switching engines. I'm not sure they have the time or talent to switch over to Unreal unless they piggybacked onto another project (such as, of course, Renegade X).

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Guest Stevie_K
They have left it a bit long havent they? I lost interest in this mod some time ago, as I'm sure a lot of people have. They need to go in the direction of Renegade x with a new engine in my opinion.


Not necessarily. If they kick in a good C&C atmosphere and decent gameplay, the mod would be a nostalgic trip which would attract a whole lot of long time fans. I think the engine plays a minor role in that scene.



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I'm not sure who "Maganta" is supposed to be (nobody named that has ever been on their team) but as far as I know, Renardin started making all of Reborn's texture maps "extra high resolution" a while ago in a planned move to UT... but progress on that front has been roughly zero, beyond producing texture maps in a higher resolution, with only minor chatter of switching engines. I'm not sure they have the time or talent to switch over to Unreal unless they piggybacked onto another project (such as, of course, Renegade X).


Perhaps if you pulled your head out your ass, you might have seen the progress going on.

With an attitude like that you might aswell cancel Apocalypse Rising. That mod ain't gonna see the light of day at this rate. They got what, 2 or 3 base structures textured so far? a few units and around 5 maps. Whoopie ****ing do.

Edited by Sonic

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Play nice guys. :naughty:

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Perhaps if you pulled your head out your ass, you might have seen the progress going on.

With an attitude like that you might aswell cancel Apocalypse Rising. That mod ain't gonna see the light of day at this rate. They got what, 2 or 3 base structures textured so far? a few units and around 5 maps. Whoopie ****ing do.

Okay zealous fanboy Maganta, you gotta relax! I mean, Apoc Rising is making good progress despite me leeching some of their talent part-time, and it's not like they've been in development for the seven years that Reborn has, right? My attitude is based on what I've seen for myself, really; I know that TheBeerinator is not texturing their buildings because I had him texturing ours, and Occult was not doing texture work for them because he was working on maps.


I'm fairly sure I've seen the progress Reborn has been making, having followed for them for quite a long time through Reborn team leader Renardin/Titan/Exdeath/Permagrin/Dante/DarkAngel/Halo38/AngelofDawn/RebornTheGuy/[NE]Fobby (I may have forgotten a few, they've had quite a problem with retention) and having been a tester/consultant/staff.

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We've been thinking about changing the engine to UDK. The problem being that we don't want to let all our work on this engine go to waste. Once we get the W3D version of this mod up and running, we'll look into changing the engine.

I'm sorry, do I know you?


I'm not sure who "Maganta" is supposed to be (nobody named that has ever been on their team)


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Perhaps if you pulled your head out your ass, you might have seen the progress going on.

With an attitude like that you might aswell cancel Apocalypse Rising. That mod ain't gonna see the light of day at this rate. They got what, 2 or 3 base structures textured so far? a few units and around 5 maps. Whoopie ****ing do.

If you bring that sort of attitude on our forums you may find that C&C Reborn news will get ignored and not be posted on CNCNZ.com. We cover the news as a courtesy, as a favour and ask for nothing in return and you have nerve to come here insult our members, friends and mods like APB and Apoc Rising. I don't know who you are, perhaps your part of some PR for C&C Reborn? In future I think I'll deal with C&C Reborn names that actually know, people like Renardin. I may even raise this issue with Renardin.


Enjoy your warning Maganta.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to make amends and give you all a sneak peek at the latest Reborn in development.


Ahh hell, forget the sneak peek, have the latest version itself: http://www.megaupload.com/

Edited by Sonic
Download link removed by Admin

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I have no idea what the hell is going on with C&C Reborn. I sense something bad is happening and they possibly have some security issues with their beta testers or something. There for I've removed the download link to the possibly leaked beta.

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Some kids are fighting. Anyway, if you have questions about the mod, ask Darkangel or myself.

I don't know who is magenta or mag777 but the file they offer is not a reborn leak.

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Guest Stevie_K

Has the intelligence of forum bots increased a lot lately or... Trololol? :P


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Thanks for popping in and clearing that up Renardin.

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Hey guys, I just wanted to make amends and give you all a sneak peek at the latest Reborn in development.


Ahh hell, forget the sneak peek, have the latest version itself: http://www.megaupload.com/



Nice try. Owned. Original file removed on megaupload. Wasn't the last build but reborn 2003.

Edited by Renardin

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Don't even bother your self they're just trying to mess around :blink: ...They got nothing to do

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