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Guest Stevie_K

Anyone getting Black Ops?

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Guest Stevie_K

I've never played MW2, but friends tells me that it kicks ***.


Call of Duty: Black Ops is quite expensive (59.99 €) atm. So I wanted to see if anyone of you guys have it and what you think.

These days I'm very cautious with buying games since I'm very low on money, but really needs a good multiplayer FPS to stress out, and felt kind of ripped off on Medal of Honor.


I know I could just watch some reviews and stuff, there's just the problem that there really isn't any good ones yet.


If you don't have it and don't intend to get it, please don't bother writing an essay on why. Some critique from one who actually owns it would be more what I'm looking for.

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I'd be interested in hearing this, too. It's on my to-get list but I have stuff on the way, stuff I definitely intend to get, and stuff I still need to finish.

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Zero interest in yet another Call of Duty game for me. How many have they got now?

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Zero interest in yet another Call of Duty game for me. How many have they got now?


This is Activision's seventh COD game in the series, this time developed by Treyarch, not the evil Infinity Ward. The evil Infinity Ward eliminates several features including LAN, modding, command console and other stuff that got so many players angry about. Treyarch was kind enough to bring back some of the features to COD: BO that Infinity Ward did not include in MW2.


Come on, Sonic. The COD series have gotten more popular now. Even the latest epic trailer ad for COD in the USA got some famous celebrities in it.


I might get COD: Black Ops if the game offers public manual patch downloads that can be saved to the hard drive. MW2 did not.

Edited by purplescrin

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Zero interest in yet another Call of Duty game for me. How many have they got now?


Call of Duty Black Ops is made from a completely different company named Treyarch. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 gave the series a very bad reputation. I think you should seriously try out Call of Duty Black Ops because I sure as hell know I'm not disappointed. ;) Give it a shot.

Edited by godly-cheese

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I will get it eventually, but I'm in no hurry. I have no doubt it will be another 'solid' Call of Duty game, but eh. Maybe early next year when the price comes down a little.


I've seen some of the multiplayer features and it looks pretty cool compared with MW2.

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Overpriced, over hyped.


PC $109 http://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/PC-Game...ck-Ops/6201606/

Xbox 360 $140 http://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/Xbox-36...ck-Ops/6201608/

PS3 $140 http://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/PS3/Cal...ck-Ops/6201607/


Blame Activision I guess.


Another example of overpricing the product simply to squeeze more money out of the franchise....


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Released November 10th 2009 still $135 http://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/PS3/Cal...fare-2/2765955/

Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year Edition - Released June 13th 2008 still $130 http://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/PS3/Cal...dition/1560265/


Its pure greed, the price them this way because they know it will sell. But in the end its not worth that amount of money. I would consider buying Black Ops when the price drops, but look the prices for the older CoD games, they never drop :rolleyes:


I just don't see the appeal of CoD games any more. Haven't played one since CoD 2, it was rubbish.

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Sonic you make me cry every time you post your local prices.


Call of Duty Black Ops is made from a completely different company named Treyarch. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 gave the series a very bad reputation. I think you should seriously try out Call of Duty Black Ops because I sure as hell know I'm not disappointed. ;) Give it a shot.

Treyarch is a great company but they get hassled by Activision and Microsoft policies and agreements about silly things like even advertising their own games. I want to see them do well.

Edited by Chronojam

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Jesus, $100 dollars? I just bought mine today for $60 from Best Buy...

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What a $109 bucks? That's up from the usual $89! Bloody hell that is a markup and a half! :o



Oh and GT's review.


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55 Euro here for PC/360/PS3, which is just a bit more than 97 NZD ;o

Edited by Inferno

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I bought COD4 MW for $30 USD in Best Buy last year when it was on sale. The same goes to COD5: World At War.


The problem with recent COD games is that it's too pricey and the games lasted too short. Less content, more expensive. Starcraft II was way more worth it than COD Modern Warfare 2 and I bet it's still more worth it than COD Black Ops as well. And it gets worse, we probably won't be able to download public manual patches except through either ******* Steam or some online program in order to download the recent COD game patches from their servers without the point of seeing and saving the file patch into the hard drive.

Edited by purplescrin

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well now the AUD & USD have achieved parity... maybe I should shop online a little more. :)

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Guest Stevie_K

Over 100$ !? I feel bad for you.


I tried to find the average price in my country and ended up with 55,60$

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I have read some of the critic reviews, most are positive, except for the users' scores. Another epic fail scores from the users especially for the PC version.


The good news is that LAN, console and add-on support are back but now most players are now complaining of ported graphics (from video game consoles), game lagging and poor server issues like as if the MP version of COD: Black Ops is nearly unplayable. If I thought the COD game series is getting better, no it isn't. Maybe Sonic could be right one day, that future COD games might be becoming rubbish on features and bugs that are not fixed, except gameplay.


Still GTA4 > MW2 and Black Ops combined.

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Guest Stevie_K

Thanks for the tip :)

Others have told me to wait for the game to be patched, because apparently there's still issues with lag and something about computers not being able to handle the graphics even though they meet the spec requirements.



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MW and MW2 were okay, I guess. But they paled in comparison to Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST. The story was better for the latter, and the multiplayer? Much more addictive, tactical and dynamic. COD multiplayer is often a game of who hits first; in Halo, it's a real test of your ability to think calmly, recover, and counterattack.


The same goes for COD:BO vs Halo: Reach. Reach simply is too fun, with all the features, goodies, and interesting gameplay. Nothing beats assassinations in Reach. Plus, the graphics are pretty much at par or even better than BO's, in my opinion.


Or maybe I'm just a Halo nut. >:D

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Halo can go to hell for all I care. Been lame since Halo 2 came out, and by that I mean Halo 2 sucks.


Anyway. I finally picked up Black Ops last week and I'm really enjoying it. Too bad my video card is choking pretty badly on it. Not to worry though. I'm picking up a GTX460 and that should get me back on track.

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Eh? I liked MW, but BO isn't really my cup of tea. Medal of Honor though. Now that thought has put a grin on my face.


Halo 2 was probably the worst in the series, but 3 was great, and I must say Reach is the best. The single player and multiplayer components really shine and stand out. A great story, amazing engine (graphics, AI, scripting, etc.), the replay possibilities (you've got Mythic difficulty, Forge, and all the little nifty goodies), not to mention Firefight. And of course, I just love assassinations. Nothing beats stabbing a guy in the crotch when he/she's not looking. >:D

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Ah, to each his own. Hehe. I got nothing against COD. I love Halo over COD, but that sure as hell doesn't give me the rights to bash it (and I never will). Everyone prefers something over the other, and preferences always differ.


Just saying, sometimes fanboys (notably PS3/COD and Xbox 360/Halo fanboys) bash each other despite the pointlessness of the whole thing.

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I like going into heavily Halo populated forums and saying it sucks, just to rile them up. Funny to always be called a Call of Duty fanboy. xD

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Hahaha! Nah, you don't seem to be a COD fanboy. You prefer it, but you're not a fanatic. I'd say fanboys are fanatics, ones that would call you an infidel the first mention of another game. Me, I appreciate each and every game as much as possible, but I can't possibly say that I love 'em all. And I think that applies for everyone.


Meh, I don't get involved in that stuff. I'd discuss a game on technical aspects, but one you get into gameplay preferences, I back off. It's subjective; it's a useless debate (except for informing others).

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