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Game Soundtracks for Free

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NHL 99 - Best intro for any sports game ever!!


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NHL 99 - Best intro for any sports game ever!!

YOU SAID IT!!! :thumbsup:

Plokite - I've never played any of those games? What sort of music is it (I guess I mean the sport games mainly)?

For NHL, he often experimented with metal-ish sounds. Check NHL 98 and 99 first, as I don't know much about the others.

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Nice findings, thanks! I never really played NFS games (except for a couple of demo versions - I'm not much into racing stuff anyway) but what music I've heard from those is really good :)

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Can someone please mirror the Duke Nukem 3D sound track MP3 pack download from: http://sc55.duke4.net/duke3d.php


There's something wrong with the server which causes my browser to only download parts of the file, not the whole 230MB.

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Can someone please mirror the Duke Nukem 3D sound track MP3 pack download from: http://sc55.duke4.net/duke3d.php

Here you go, from xDuke site:



One thing though, it's probably not the latest version, but it's still high quality.


And here are some Age of Empires MP3s from Microsoft FTP:


Edited by MrFlibble

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Hee. I got the soundtrack that came with the AOE Collector's Edition.

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Hee. I got the soundtrack that came with the AOE Collector's Edition.

You mean the compilation where the tracks are plain WAVs on a DVD? Or was there an earlier multi-CD release with a separate audio CD for the soundtrack?


Anyway, here's the MP3 soundtrack of Stargunner:


Edited by MrFlibble

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Does anyone have a soundtrack compilation for End of Nations (now that game has been delayed)?

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Seeing how Klepacki still doesn't have it on his website, you can just dream on.

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You mean the compilation where the tracks are plain WAVs on a DVD? Or was there an earlier multi-CD release with a separate audio CD for the soundtrack?

The WAVs. Had to google a track listing to get them all named correctly -_-

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The WAVs. Had to google a track listing to get them all named correctly -_-

Heh, I also had to look up the track names somewhere (thankfully some AoE wiki or other - or maybe even Wikipedia - had the entire Collector's Edition track listing) :)

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BioShock OST (official link): http://downloads.2kgames.com/bioshock/BioShock_Score.zip


Bulletstorm OST (alt link -- blame EA for getting rid of it from its official link): http://www.fileplanet.com/219615/210000/fileinfo/Bulletstorm-Soundtrack

Edited by zocom7

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Love that Bulletstorm OST. Never played the game, but that's some great music :)



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Don't know if this qualifies as free OST, but this is the Half-Life: Opposing Force soundtrack pack that's commonly used among customers that have the Steam version (which plays only the vanilla Half-Life music for some reason). It's been spread on Steam's forums since 2008 at least, and Valve didn't take the link down, so I guess this link is good.



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That second link fails, MrFlibble...

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Not again. I have no idea what I do wrong in this particular forum that links don't get parsed properly like that.


Anyway, it's fixed now.

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