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Please Help, Invisible Unit

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Hi everyone, I am experiencing a small problem with adding new units to Yuri's Revenge.


What I am trying to achieve is, I have made a new unit called Sea Bandit, it is basically similar to the Destroyer ship except the plane on its back is an anti-air drone that attacks other aircraft and projectiles from other units such as the Dreadnought. I have gone as far as creating a new Cameo and added the strings to prevent "MISSING". Everything works fine as far as the cameo however, as I mentioned before it is supposed to look like the Destroyer but it comes out Invisible. Why is this happening? I have looked all over google for an explanation but nothing to specifically correct my problem. Any help?


To recap:


- Cameo is new and works but I can't understand how to attach the Destroyer Voxel to my Sea Bandit Cameo. When I edit Artmd.ini, I added the new entry and copied the Destroyers entry thinking it would be built and come out looking like the destroyer but on the sidebar it would have the Sea Bandit icon, all I get is the cameo on the sidebar but an invisible unit, remember Its a new unit not a replacement of the Destroyer.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, its probably something simple I am overlooking here.

Edited by Korrupt86

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You'll need to copy the voxels of the Destroyer (maybe the best one is without the Osprey) and rename it. The files are: ra2.mix\local.mix\destwo.hva and ra2.mix\local.mix\destwo.vxl. Assuming that you named the Sea Bandit [sEAB] in the INI coding, you should rename both files to seab.hva and seab.vxl. Then place them to your modded files.

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You'll need to copy the voxels of the Destroyer (maybe the best one is without the Osprey) and rename it. The files are: ra2.mix\local.mix\destwo.hva and ra2.mix\local.mix\destwo.vxl. Assuming that you named the Sea Bandit [sEAB] in the INI coding, you should rename both files to seab.hva and seab.vxl. Then place them to your modded files.


hey thanks for that info, the idea of my new destroyer is an anti-air drone instead of the normal plane that comes out, i pretty much want a replica of the destroyer (Will work on voxel alterations later), and its plane the same but instead of anti-ground i want to make it anti-air, for some reason nothing is working for me haha, i used to do this about 5 years ago and forgot most of it.

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The Osprey is an aircraft so it cannot attack other aircraft without the aid of Ares (or NPatch, which I do not recommend).

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