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Tiberium Alliances Team Spotlight: Community Manager Skyther

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A new weekly feature has started on the Official Tiberium Alliances Forums. They are new spotlights accompanied by an interview so you can get to know key members of the Tiberium Alliances team EA Phenomic. The first spotlight is on Tiberium Alliances Community Manager, Skyther.




1. Tell us a bit about yourself, who you are, where you’re from etc.

"Hey guys, my name is Patrick, Age 34 from Germany"


2. What exactly do you do for Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances?

"I'm the Community Manager. So, I stay in touch with the community, listen to their needs, give help whenever needed and communicate every single aspect of this great game. I consider myself as some kind of butler… invisible if not needed, but always at hand, when there is an issue. I think, it is really important to have a dialog between players and developers, and this is, where I come into play."


3. What is the one special moment you will tell your grandchildren about?

"Hard question. What first comes into my mind is, when I had a wonderful evening with David Prowse (Darth Vader in EP. 4-6) with lots of beers."


4. Which aspect of C&C: TA do you enjoy the most?

"I love the fact, that you need to think strategically. At first glimpse, it seems to be just another simple game, but when you really get into it, you see it's way more complicated as you might have thought. "It's easy to learn and hard to master" at it's best."


5. And the unit you prefer to crush your enemies with is…?

"I love the mammoth tank. I think, he's so iconic and really really cool and whenever you think about CnC, you think about the mammoth."


6. When you find time to play other games besides C&C: TA you spend hours with…?

"Star Wars: The old Republic. I simply love it. Great game."


7. We all love playing games but do you have any other hobbies? Maybe even some weird ones?

"I'm a member of the 501st Legion. Look them up and you can see my weirdest hobby . I'm a proud geek/nerd."


8. Tell us, what music/bands do you like to listen to while crushing Forgotten bases?

"Metallica, forever and always! But I also like bands like Volbeat, Skindred, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Rammstein a.s.o. I simply love smashing guitars, hammering basses and a kick-ass beat. Simple as so."


9. And now hand on heart: what’s your most nerdy apparel?

"Definetely my CloneTrooper-Tribal-Tattoo on my right fore-arm. And my armors, sure thing."


10. And the last question: If you were a game character, you would be…?

"In fact, I actually AM a game character. I'm a Republic Commando”


Click here for the original thread.

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As for question 5, I like the unit too, but that unit is almost impossible to get to research and buy in TA. :mellow:


Now I know why we have two C&C German CMs, Cire and Skyther.

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