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Command & Conquer - Free to Play Official FAQ

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Big news in the C&C community today. Generals 2 is apparently no more. It has been transformed into a new free to play RTS game simply called Command & Conquer. Many fans will have many questions, so it's lucky there is an official set of frequently asked questions found on the Official C&C Site.




Why is this free?

As we talked with more strategy fans, we found major interest in a free-to-play game, as long as it maintained authenticity to the franchise and exceeded expectations for a modern AAA RTS. So we decided to take Generals 2 in an exciting new direction as EA.s first HD, free online game . Command & Conquer. The Generals 2 universe is the first of many free offerings that we will deliver with Command & Conquer. You can sign up for a chance to get beta access at www.CommandandConquer.com/free.


Will it still use Frostbite?

Yes, Command & Conquer is powered by Frostbite 2 . the powerful engine you may know from Battlefield 3. You will be able to experience the cutting edge visuals, sound and destruction of a full AAA frontline franchise for free.


Is this a browser game? Is this a social or Facebook game?

No, Command & Conquer is a full standalone client . a high quality game powered by Frostbite 2.


Can I really play it for free?

Yes, you can download and play for free once it.s available. Sign up for the beta at www.CommandandConquer.com/free.


What happens to Generals 2?

The Generals 2 universe will be the first of many free offerings that we will deliver with Command & Conquer. The content that we have already created will be part of this new free-to-play experience.


Will there be a traditional single player campaign?

Not at launch. We are currently focused on building a fun, high quality RTS experience that we want to get in your hands on as soon as possible. From there, we will continuously evaluate additional content based on a variety of player feedback methods.


I pre-ordered Generals 2 . What am I supposed to do?

If your retailer has not contacted you yet, please contact them for a full refund. We thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment to this franchise.


Are there any limits on how often I can play?

No . You will be able to play all day long as much as you want.


Where can I download it now?

The game is still in development. Sign up to be among the first to enter the closed beta at www.CommandandConquer.com/free.


When does the beta start?

We have not set a date yet for a consumer beta, but sign up now to be among the first to enter the beta at www.CommandandConquer.com/free.


What is the difference between this new Command & Conquer and the Tiberium Alliances game?

Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliances is a free, browser based Strategy-MMO game that introduces a new way for players to experience the Tiberium universe. This new Command & Conquer is a more traditional, full client RTS experience, powered by Frostbite 2 with stunning graphics and full destruction. Players will be immersed in high-octane strategy as they compete for resources, build up bases and lead massive armies into battle.


Will the service be available on consoles?

We're fully focused on delivering a high quality experience on PC at launch.


So hopefully that puts your fears or just curiosity to rest.

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Will there be a traditional single player campaign?

Not at launch. We are currently focused on building a fun, high quality RTS experience that we want to get in your hands on as soon as possible. From there, we will continuously evaluate additional content based on a variety of player feedback methods.


From there, we will continuously evaluate additional content based on a variety of player feedback methods
additional content

I'm not paying a damn penny for a campaign, thank you very much.

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Guest Rabbit

What makes me most upset is this little number here:


Will there be a traditional single player campaign?

Not at launch. We are currently focused on building a fun, high quality RTS experience that we want to get in your hands on as soon as possible. From there, we will continuously evaluate additional content based on a variety of player feedback methods.


They obviously haven't been listening to the fans and their feedback yet. When the hell are they going to start doing this ****? AFTER the game has already released? That is not the time, that is never the time to ask for feedback on a game in development.

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Why it's free? Because its a better business model and gives more money in the end.

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Why it's free? Because its a better business model and gives more money in the end.

As a corollary to those, it will also draw more fans, which I'm happy about. We can use some fresh meat in the C&C community.

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I'm going to reserve my overall judgement for when they tell us what the pay parts are. If it's just things like skins, or army wide skins awesome. If they release a new "general" faction every month or so for like 20$ each, I can deal with that. But if it's like "pay 20$ and get access to the Aurora Alpha Bomber for 5 days!" then **** that noise.


Actually, if they released a single player campaign for each faction for free, then for factions that you need to buy those factions could be released with a single player campaign of their own, which I would totally be OK with and willing to embrace. Basically a new campaign every month, I'd be set.

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Betrayal, betrayal.... THIS GAME BETRAYED ME!


C'mon! Make a donation to buyout licence of C&C and make our own community game by Kickstarter project :)

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That FAQ is rather bare. I'd really like to know some more details about this project, namely how their resources (developers, time constraints) have changed and how far Gen2 was actually in development. In how far can they expect this to be seen as an AAA RTS when it will basically never be a finished product?


What I find odd is how they tie the possibility of SP to player feedback - building up a pure MP framework at the start, what do they seriously expect? By the time they could focus on an SP, I doubt there'd be many people interested in SP left.

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HAHAHAHHA oh its funny. :D


Seriously though Generals always was a multiplayer game first, singleplayer last, they're just gone ahead and reinforced this. I notice the words HD being thrown around, so I hope that this 'free' game will be pretty. The best comparison would be Battlefield for free compared with BF3.


I'm not opposed to the idea, if its like their other Free to play titles the micro transactions will be for little things, hopefully. If it goes free to play, pay to win though... Different story.

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Seriously though Generals always was a multiplayer game first, singleplayer last

That, in my opinion, was General's greatest weakness.

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I always proffered Generals for its multiplayer, so the no single player doesn't phase me too much. Now if this was RA or Tiberian I would be shocked to hear no SP.


As for the free to play model it all depends on how they go about it. Like, the game can come out with 2-3 base factions, and about 6-7 factions available for purchase (be it generals like sub factions or entirely different ones). The factions available for purchase can be bought with currency acquired through playing matches (and even the out of game level system if there is one) or real cash. They could also come out with new purchasable factions every month or so to keep revenue flowing in. What would make these new factions even more enticing to buy would be a single player campaign released along side their purchase (or split into you can pay to play only the SP version of this faction or the MP only version of this faction at half price for each). The only thing that would require real money to get would be faction wide skin packs, or individual unit skin packs.


In this way the game's balance won't be effected (only really effected after a new faction comes out, but that can be patched in a week or two) meaning Pay to Win won't apply.


Basically if they do it primarily like League of Legends does it, the game would have a great chance of being awesome.

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I have an odd feeling Bioware/Victory is doing what Trion/Petroglyph did to End of Nations. First of all, this C&C a free game, just like End of Nations, but you have to download the large files to get it. Second of all, you have to pay to get the good stuff. Third of all, only the MP portion has been developed, just like End of Nations.


All in all, that's that competition, not new C&C versus Starcraft II and Company of Heroes 2. The guys from Trion/Petroglyph are not going to believe this. This is a bold move by EA ever since Westwood did to C&C Sole Survivor.

Edited by zocom7

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I love how people are whining because the next C&C isn't going to magically meet their impossible demands. Nice show guys. Way to prove to the world that gamers aren't spoiled rotten brats. You don't even have to pay for it so you're out precisely nothing.

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I was mostly silent when they were butchering Tiberian Twilight, but I find that the adage, "it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease", actually does apply to games. The only problem is that game developers seem to be so oblivious when it comes to giving the fans what they want, we must yell as loud as possible while beating them over the head with a giant sequoia until they take notice.


And we all know full well this game is not going to be free.


Sitting quietly waiting for them to make a game you wouldn't want to pay money for is only going to produce a game you wouldn't want to pay money for.


Indifference isn't going to kill this franchise, but it will permit EA to do it, and they have already been working hard at it for some time now.


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I think you're missing the point. There's nothing wrong with the way things are going since C&C has been stale for a while. The stark change in Tiberian Twilight was definite proof that the formula is starting to get a bit... dull. It was nice in Red Alert 3 and that was the last time the formula was used to a great degree. Anyway, with the change for free to play, more people can actually enjoy themselves without being forced into purchasing a game. Now, this doesn't mean I don't have reservations about the move to F2P, but there's nothing intrinsically wrong with it either. The biggest, and most legitimate, concern is how they structure the game where it concerns those who do not wish to buy anything and only want to experience the game itself. There should be no disadvantage to this and the concern over "paying to win" is valid but if this is not a factor to the game, there's a lot of bluster for nothing really.


In any case, if this is such a crime against Command & Conquer, do what everyone else does: don't ****ing play it.

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The stark change in Tiberian Twilight was definite proof that the formula is starting to get a bit... dull.

How come? Then why do Blizzard and Relic still force it if it's dull?


In any case, if this is such a crime against Command & Conquer, do what everyone else does: don't ****ing play it.

That's not enough. The game needs to bathe in the sauce of its own disrepute in order to fail like C&C 4 did or worse.

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How come? Then why do Blizzard and Relic still force it if it's dull?

The mechanics for Relic, Blizzard and Westwood/EA are all different. I never said this was being forced, but you have to admit that the way C&C plays is growing a little stale. Hell, one could argue that for the other studios but the saving grace for everything is the games themselves. I've never said the "C&C formula is bad," but that it's a little stagnant... or dull. It needs some spicing up, but that's really it. Hopefully this new iteration will bring something new to the table.


That's not enough. The game needs to bathe in the sauce of its own disrepute in order to fail like C&C 4 did or worse.

It won't.

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It won't.

How do you know? I'd love to be proven wrong (not speculated wrong, of course)

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I love how people are whining because the next C&C isn't going to magically meet their impossible demands. Nice show guys. Way to prove to the world that gamers aren't spoiled rotten brats. You don't even have to pay for it so you're out precisely nothing.

Impossible demands? I'd be fine with another RA3-esque title. But EA insists on changing the game.

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I seriously don't get why you guys are so against this. We have no idea how the structure of the F2P will be. One of my favorite games is F2P and it's done in a great way, so I don't see why C&C can't do it well also...

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We have no idea how the structure of the F2P will be.

We don't know, but we do have an idea. 1. EA. 2. Tiberium Alliances.


Those alone are reason enough to see dark clouds on the horizon.

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If it was anyone else, you'd be all gung ho about giving it a chance but mention EA and everyone's going to be pissed off. Check out that bias. Not that I don't partially agree in some regards, but it deserves a chance at least.

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