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Ares v0.2 Released

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Ares v0.2 has been released and its available for download now. Ares is the next generation of binary-based Command & Conquer modding. It fixes and enhances the Yuri's Revenge game engine in a variety of ways, allowing modders to expand the game with never before seen custom units. Ares 0.2 is the successor to Ares 0.1p1, which was released in June 2010. It fixes many original game bugs, improves performance and adds several new features for modders.




Visit the official Ares site for the download and more information.

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Released? More like, the team abandoned everything and just released their latest, unstable build. No one tests the stable builds and they just keep asking for more features and taking the latest build and using it all the time. The team receives very little feedback.


To me, the idea that they've decided to just give up and release their latest buggy version is not good news at all.

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Yep, I don't think the new version of Ares released for download. Anyway, such a nice time to see Ares 0.2 came out.

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Released? More like, the team abandoned everything and just released their latest, unstable build. No one tests the stable builds and they just keep asking for more features and taking the latest build and using it all the time. The team receives very little feedback.


To me, the idea that they've decided to just give up and release their latest buggy version is not good news at all.


This is not true at all. Just because DCoder left doesn't mean Ares has been abandoned. AlexB carries the project and he does a very good job at it.

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AlexB carries the project and he does a very good job at it.


He's involved in the RA2/YR project as well? I thought he was busy patching and improving RA1 with Arda.

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Yes, of course it is. :rolleyes:

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This is not true at all. Just because DCoder left doesn't mean Ares has been abandoned. AlexB carries the project and he does a very good job at it.

That is not what I've been hearing. But I'm glad it wasn't quite the case and that I was wrong, then. :)

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Well, it is so I don't see the need for your usual snarky attitude.

I mean, it's great regarding features and all, but it sure loves to crash a lot.

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Have you tested it to be so sure that it crashes a lot?


It depends mostly on how you use it. If you misuse it, it will have a tendency to crash a lot.

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