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C3N Stream 02 Starts Soon!

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The next stream of C3N will start tonight at 20:00 GMT. For those of you who don't know, C3N is a livestream channel on Twitch.tv that covers Command & Conquer news, mods and live matches with the stress on older games.

STREAM 02 - February 2nd, 2013 @ 20:00 GMT


Here is the approximate schedule:

  • 20:00 GMT - Radio Free Tiberium - musical introduction
  • 20:05 GMT - Briefing - word from the host
  • 20:08 GMT - Community Today - latest news from the community
  • 20:13 GMT - Kane's Disciples - top scales
  • 20:18 GMT - Engineering Exam - mod review
  • 20:23 GMT - Timeshift - old video from the community archives
  • 20:32 GMT - Today's Execution: Tiberian Sun Firestorm [CnCNet] - live multiplayer match

You will be able to watch it live on Twitch.tv by clicking here. You can still apply for the live multiplayer match in Tiberian Sun Firestorm - click here to see the supported games.

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Tiberian Sun removed from the supported games list until further notice. What a fiasco.


EDIT: Will upload stream 02 to Youtube tomorrow, but I'll cut Today's Execution. I'll also reupload stream 01 so that it's complete (Twitch screwed something up with dividing the videos)

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I've been watching the earlier matches I missed... it wasn't that bad. I'd suggest cutting the prolonged technical issue parts, leaving the viewable gameplay.

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I was to blame for the speaker thing, the cable was too deep behind the PC desk. But the desyncs are caused most likely by Tore's beta version of his new TS installer which will succeed the one currently on CnC-Comm. djohe and I didn't have any issues since we don't have that installer (ISOs FTW!)

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A couple quick thoughts.


The improvement:

:thumbsup: The sounds, makes it much easier to get into the game now.


Needs improvement:

:thumbsdown: Your news segment... you're just reading off this forum's news topics...

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Desyncs? There were no desyncs. Just random connection issues at the start, the only issue that was caused by the TS installer beta was the Internal Errors caused by playing Firestorm maps (since some FS files were inadvertently missing in the multiplayer only install).This issue has been resolved now.


By the way ddwrapper is in no way an equivalent of cnc-ddraw they are very different. While cnc-ddraw is a reimplementation of Direct Draw ddwrapper simply sits in between the game and Direct Draw applying some compatibility fixes.

Edited by Tore

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Needs improvement:

:thumbsdown: Your news segment... you're just reading off this forum's news topics...

Good to know. I usually just pick the threads 10-15 mins before the stream starts :scared:

Desyncs? There were no desyncs. Just random connection issues at the start, the only issue that was caused by the TS installer beta was the Internal Errors caused by playing Firestorm maps (since some FS files were inadvertently missing in the multiplayer only install).This issue has been resolved now.

Wait, how did we manage to have two somewhat longer matches in the beginning? We didn't use a single vanilla TS map.

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Needs improvement:

:thumbsdown: Your news segment... you're just reading off this forum's news topics...


What's wrong with that? I don't see an issue here.

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Good to know. I usually just pick the threads 10-15 mins before the stream starts :scared:

Wait, how did we manage to have two somewhat longer matches in the beginning? We didn't use a single vanilla TS map.


I used a full install with my new installer, but when the others installed switched to the beta installer to stop the lag (the used the old stable released installer before) they installed multiplayer only which turned out to be bugged.


The lag in the first games were not caused by connection issues but by the game itself and the new installer has measures to prevent such lag. A lot of computers have issues with building cheap units, large battles etc due to how the game is built hence why the graphics patch was made and hence why the new beta installer includes ddwrapper configured with "NoVideoMemory = 1".


By the way the test game we had before you quit worked fine, but I guess you misunderstood the point of a test game. It's just to test connections.

Edited by Tore

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What's wrong with that? I don't see an issue here.

We all can read the forums on our own, it seems redundant for him to do it for us. At the very least, I expected him to show Alex06's actual guide rather than just read off the news regarding it. The live stream can visit the news sources themselves and show more than the mere summaries the forum news has.

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